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Wenhuitang Qinpu
Table of Contents 1

Folio 1

新刻文會堂琴譜序     Preface to the New Edition of Wenhuitang Qinpu (VI/123)
新刻文會堂琴譜目錄 Table of Contents (VI/124)
# 1 - 6: Various Essays (VI/132 - 145)

Folio 2

# 7 - 12: Various Essays (VI/146 - 169)
-Begin with #7: Qin shapes

Folio 3

#13: Names of Melodies (VI/170)

#14: Explanation of Hand Gesture symbols (VI/172)
-p.175 has 操縵引 Cao Man Yin and longhand 初和, 大和 and 小和 as in
1552 (compare below)
-p.175 also has a 調絃 Tiao Xian with instructions on tuning unisons

#15: Illustrations for hand gestures (VI/180)

#16: 聖賢名錄 A record of sages (connected to qin; 129 from Fu Xi through Gong Jigu [compare other such lists]; VI/189)

Folio 4

#17: Qin Melodies (listed below; VI/191 - 287)

  1. 調絃入弄 Tiao Xian Ru Nong (VI/191)
    Part 1 of
    Caoman Yin; compare above

  2. 泛音入弄 Fanyin Ru Nong (VI/191)
    Part 2 of
    Caoman Yin

  3. 五徽入弄 Wu Hui Ru Nong (VI/191)
    Part 3 of
    Caoman Yin

  4. 宮意     Gong Yi (VI/192)

  5. 梅花三弄     Meihua Sannong (VI/192)

  6. 圯橋進履 Yi Qiao Jin Lü (VI/194)

  7. 尋芳吟 Xun Fang Yin (Seeking Fragrance Intonation; VI/195)
    Only here; prelude for Yang Chun

  8. 陽春 Yang Chun (VI/196)
    Related to
    1525 version

  9. 水龍吟 Shui Long Yin (VI/198)
    Only two sections and different mode, but still related to

  10. 清夜聞鐘 Qing Ye Wen Zhong (VI/199)
    "Also called 泣麟悲鳳 Qi Lin Bei Feng"

  11. 開指魯商意 Kaizhi Lushang Yi (Prelude Explaining Shang Mode of Lu; VI/200)
    Lyrics: 秋風秋風生,鴻鴈來也.... Zha says first here, but see
    Gu Qiu Feng; see also Kai Zhi.

  12. 商意 Shang Yi (VI/200)

  13. 顏回 Yan Hui (VI/200)
    Lyrics; "also called 思賢操 Si Xian Cao"

  14. 鳳求凰 Feng Qiu Huang (VI/203)
    Lyrics: 有美人兮....

  15. 湘妃怨 Xiang Fei Yuan (VI/204)
    Lyrics: 落花落葉....

  16. 客窗夜話 Ke Chuang Yehua (VI/205)

  17. 歸去來辭 Gui Qu Lai Ci (VI/208)

  18. 前赤壁賦 Qian Chibi Fu (VI/210)

  19. 瀛州 Ying Zhou (VI/212)

  20. 懷古吟 Huai Gu Yin (VI/215)
    (Details under
    1525 Huai Gu Yin)

  21. 懷水仙 Huai Shuixian (VI/216)

  22. 漁樵問答 Yu Qiao Wenda (VI/217)

  23. 春江 Chun Jiang (VI/218)

  24. 雙鶴聽泉 Shuang He Ting Quan (Paired Cranes Listen to a Spring; VI/219)
    "Prelude for (Yuan He) Shuang Qing (Zhuan)"; Zha: first of 12, but also in

  25. 雙清 Shuang Qing (VI/219)
    Starts like 1511
    Shuang Qing Zhuan

  26. 白雪 Bai Xue (VI/221)

  27. 桃源吟 Tao Yuan Yin (Peach Spring Intonation; VI/223)
    First of 10 (Zha Guide 28/221/--); prelude for Fenglei Yin.
    This melody has four sections and is in shang mode. Only the version dated
    1705 has a preface; its says merely that the theme is "falling flowers and flowing streams". Tao Yuan Yin is different from the earlier Ziyi Yin, distantly related to Tianfeng Huan Pei (?), and unrelated to Taoyuan Chun Xiao

  28. 風雷引 Feng Lei Yin (VI/224)
    See in

  29. 古交行 Gu Jiao Xing (VI/225)

  30. 雪窗夜話 Xue Chuang Yehua (VI/227)

  31. 漪蘭 Yi Lan (VI/229)

    Folio 5

  32. 角意 Jiao Yi (VI/232)

  33. 蒼梧引 Cangwu Yin (Cangwu Intonation; VI/232)
    According to Zha Guide 28/221/-- it is the first of five, but the later four are unrelated, being versions of
    Cangwu Yuan; here it is used as a prelude for Liezi (see next entry), but it seems in fact to be the earliest surviving form of a popular melody later called Liangxiao Yin. The melodies are very similar except that Cangwu Yin does not have Liangxiao Yin closing harmonics.

  34. 列子 Liezi (VI/232)
    Liezi (Yu Feng)

  35. 扣角歌 Kou Jiao Ge (VI/233)

  36. 莊周夢蝶 Zhuangzhou Meng Die (VI/235)

  37. 徵意 Zhi Yi (VI/236)

  38. 關雎 Guan Ju (VI/237)

  39. 耕莘吟 Geng Xin Yin (VI/238)

  40. 耕歌 Geng Ge (VI/239)

  41. 山居吟 Shan Ju Yin (VI/242)

  42. 樵歌 Qiao Ge (VI/243)

  43. 會賓吟 Hui Bin Yin (Prelude of Meeting Honored Guests; VI/245)
    Only here (Zha Guide ). In zhi mode, it has three sections, and is identified as a prelude to the melody which follows it, Yu Hui Tushan. However, it does not seem to be related to
    Huitong Yin.

  44. 禹會塗山 Yu Hui Tushan (VI/246)
    See in

  45. 石上流泉 Shishang Liu Quan (VI/247)

  46. 羽意 Yu Yi (VI/248)

  47. 鶴舞洞天 He Wu Dongtian (VI/250)

  48. 雉朝飛 Zhi Zhao Fei (VI/250)

  49. 漢宮秋 Han Gong Qiu (VI/253)

  50. 佩蘭 Pei Lan (VI/255)

  51. 烏夜啼 Wu Ye Ti (VI/257)

    Folio 6

  52. 商角意 Shangjiao Yi (VI/259)

  53. 牧歌 Mu Ge (VI/259)

  54. 蕤賓意 Ruibin Yi (VI/262)

  55. 陽關 Yang Guan (VI/263)

  56. 昭君怨 Zhaojun Yuan (VI/264)

  57. 漁歌 Yu Ge (VI/265)
    "Also called 欸乃歌 Ai Nai Ge"

  58. 瀟湘水雲 Xiao Xiang Shui Yun (VI/268)

  59. 黃鐘意 Huangzhong Yi (VI/270)

  60. 胡笳十八拍 Hujia Shiba Pai (VI/270)

  61. 淒涼意 Qiliang Yi (VI/273)

  62. 屈原 Qu Yuan (VI/274)
    Zha Guide (28/--/--) says only here, but in fact it is a version of
    Qu Yuan Wen Du

  63. 楚歌 Chu Ge (VI/175)

  64. 離騷 Li Sao (VI/277)

  65. 清商意 Qingshang Yi (VI/280)
    Zha Guide (28/--/--) says first of three, but it is related to
    Shenpin Guxian Yi

  66. 飛鳴吟 Fei Ming Yin (VI/280)

  67. 秋鴻 Qiu Hong (VI/281)

  68. 復古意 Fugu Yi (VI/286)
    1546, but a phrase missing near end

  69. 南風暢 Nan Feng Chang (VI/286)

    #18: 全菴附贅 Added notes by Quan'an: (VI/287)
      - Illustration and comment on a 百衲 baina qin
      - Names of qin made by Mr. Hu
      - 嶧陽居士 Biography of Mr. Yiyang (hid his surname and lived at Yiyang)

    Afterword by 張綸 Zhang Lun (VI/289)

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)


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