Preface for Taiyin Xupu
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Xingzhuang Taiyin Xupu
Great Sounds Continuation from Apricot Village 1

by Zha Fuxi 2
from Qinqu Jicheng, Vol. 3
Beijing, Zhonghua Shuju Chuban Faxing, 1982

[Xingzhuang Taiyin Xupu], in the collection of the Shanghai Library,3 is a Ming print in one folio. While traveling through Wu and Yue (the area from Jiangsu to Zhejiang) Xiao Luan4 acquired all the xiaoshao5 pieces the Cao and Bao families6 bestowed, [and] together with several qin pieces he himself wrote, made a continuation printing, as an extension of the three folios of [Taiyin] Buyi, resulting in this handbook's common appelation, "Folio Four." However, this book also has a preface by Wu Bing7 dated 1559, a text by Xingzhuang laoren (the old man of Apricot Village) himself,8 and an afterword by one9 of his followers, Lu Ye.10 In addition, the Beijing Library also has in its collection a [Taiyin] Buyi in 3 folios, but without the [Taiyin] Xupu, so that it can be seen that [Taiyin] Xupu is a separate volume. This book altogether has 38 pieces (none with lyrics).11 Among them (the first piece), Jinshan Yin, is [completely] missing and [the second], Xiaoshao Jiucheng, Fenghuang Laiyi, is missing [the first 15 notes]. Because this is an only existing copy, this volume allows the missing sections to remain as they are. However, one can inspect the same pieces in Qinpu Zhengchuan (1547-61, cf. Vol. III, p.517) and Zangchunwu Qinpu (1602; see Volume VI, p.365.) [the surviving part of Xiaoshao Jiucheng, Fenghuang Laiyi is the same?].

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. 杏莊太音續譜 Xingzhuang Taiyin Xupu and 杏莊老人 Xingzhuang laoren
14820.29 杏莊 has xingzhuang only as the nickname of a Qing dynasty person. Here it is the nickname of Xiao Luan, the qin master whose repertoire is covered in this handbook as well as in Xingzhuang Taiyin Buyi (image).

2. 查阜西 Zha Fuxi; edited by 吳釗 Wu Zhao. (Return)

3. 上海圖書館; still in the Shanghai library? (Return)

4. See also #19 Taiyin Buyi (and #18 Taiyin Chuanxi). (Return)

5. 27100.13, Xiaoshao Jiucheng, "a very famous early song title" (see in Toc). (Mathews says "ancient panpipe"). (Return)

6. 曹 Cao and 鮑 Bao; no further information; see the comment at the top of the ToC: Taiyin Xupu includes 10 melodies from the section of Qinpu Zhengchuan which seems to have melodies of 宋仕 the Song family. (Return)

7. 吳炳 Wu Bing ??? (Return)

8. QQJC III/410 (Return)

9. See the afterword, QQJC/3 p.450, "you yu li? 遊於???". (Return)

10. 陸燁 Lu Ye ??? (Return)

11. The 38 titles consist of 19 regular pieces, each preceded by an yin (intonation): see comments on the intro page.

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