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Qin Bibliography 首頁
Shorthand references in footnotes  
For further details see also the Qin Bibliography. The first part here can also serve as a list of the most essential reference works for researching guqin.
  1. 12345.123 or 12345; numbers in this form refer to entry numbers in the 中文大辭典 Zhongwen Dacidian (Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Chinese Language), originally compiled by the Japanese Sinologist 諸橋轍次 Murohashi Tetsuji. Most of it consists of quotes from classical Chinese sources. The Chinese edition, published in Taiwan, puts the short commentaries into Chinese (standard characters) and reprints the quotes.
  2. 9/013; numbers in this form refer to volume and page number in the 12 volume 漢語大詞典 Hanyu Dacidian (Great Chinese Word Dictionary). Entries are in standard characters but the definitions are in simplified characters.
  3. 4/34/234; numbers in this form refer to index/prefaces/lyrics detailed in Zha Fuxi's Guide to Existing Guqin Pieces in Tablature (存見古琴參考輯覽 Cunjian Guqin Qupu Jilan)
  4. III/264 and/or QQJC: these numbers and/or initials refer to the 30-volume 琴曲集成 Qin Qu Jicheng, a re-publication of most of the existing significant old qin handbooks (see the annotated list).
  5. QF: 琴府 Qin Fu; a re-publication by Tong Kin-Woon of old qin handbooks preserved in Taiwan, plus various essays and music transcriptions.
  6. CJGQCKJL Refers to Zha Fuxi's Cunjian Guqin Qupu Jilan, indexing most of these handbooks
  7. QS: 琴史,二卷 Qin Shi (Qin History), by 朱長文 Zhu Changwen (1041-1098)
  8. QSE: Qinshi, (History of the Qin, The), English translation of the above by Luca Pisano. Gossenberg, Ostasien Verlag, 2023.
  9. QSB: 琴史補,二卷 Qin Shi Bu, Supplement to the above, by 周慶雲 Zhou Qingyun, 1919.
  10. QSX: 琴史續 Qin Shi Xu, Continuation of the above by 周慶雲 Zhou Qingyun, 1919.
  11. QSCM: 琴書存目 Qinshu Cunmu, Catalogue of Qin Books, by 周慶雲 Zhou Qingyun, 1915.
  12. Xu Jian: 許健,琴史初編, Qinshi Chubian, Introductory History of the Qin, Beijing 1982.
  13. Lore: Gulik, R.H. van, The Lore of the Chinese Lute. Tokyo and Rutland, Tuttle, 1969 (2nd ed.; see 2008 reissue)
  14. Bio/123 or Bio.123 refer to page numbers in the 中國歷代人名大辭典 Zhongguo Lidai Renming Dacidian

  15. Giles: Herbert A. Giles, A Chinese Biographical Dictionary, 1898. (Forgotten Books reprint 2028)
  16. HAC: Historical Atlas: 中國歷史地圖集 The Historical Atlas of China. Hong Kong, Joint Publishing, 1991 (8 volumes).
  17. Hucker: Charles O. Hucker, A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1985.
  18. ICTCL (may be called "Indiana Companion" or "Nienhauser"): William H. Nienhauser, editor and compiler, The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, 2nd Revised edition, Indiana University Press, 1986 (my edition is from SMC Publishing, Taiwan).
  19. Kroll: Kroll, Paul W.: A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese; Leiden, Brill, 2015.
  20. LXS: 李修生(主編),古本戲曲劇目提要 (北京,文化藝術出版社,1997) Li Xiusheng (ed.), Guben Xiqu Jumu Tiyao (Outlines and Analyses of Old Opera Scripts).
  21. Mathews refers to Mathew' Chinese-English Dictionary, revised American Edition, 1943; for a scandalously long time out of print.
  22. SJ or Shiji: 史記 Shi Ji; 司馬遷 Sima Qian's Book of History; references are to its 120 chapters or one of the partial translations, especially
  23. Wieger, L. Wieger, Chinese Characters (particularly valuable for its listing of characters by phonetic element); Hsien-Hsien County, The Catholic Mission Press, 1927 (Paragon Press reprint, 1967)
  24. YFSJ: 樂府詩集 Yuefu Shiji. The edition used is 北京,中華書局,1979/1996, in four volumes. It was compiled in the Song dynasty by 郭茂倩 Guo Maoqian (Bio/2021: in 1084 he was 河南府發曹參軍 a military judge [?] in Henan).
  25. Yang Gang: 楊剛編,中國名勝詩詞大辭典 Yang Gang's, Poetry Dictionary of China's Scenic Places,
    Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou, 2001.

  26. CTP: Chinese Text Project
    Collected ancient texts, some with translation. (This is an ongoing project. Much was copied through OCR. Those sections, perhaps put online in hopes of inspiring someone to provide corrections, tend to be unreliable).
  27. Digital resources: these are difficult to list as they constantly change; my site has much text in Chinese, some done with OCR but then checked for accuracy so that readers can get AI translations with more accuracy.
  28. Tong or TKW: Tong Kin-Woon (唐健垣 Tang Jianyuan), who gave me invaluable help while I lived in Hong Kong.

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