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Art Illustrating Guqin Melodies Lanting poems: translation; original 中文 spring theme | 首頁 |
Lanting Scrolls
Video (with Liu Shang) of whole scroll; also see the qin melodies Xiuxi Yin and Lin He Xiuxi |
見 流觴、 修禊吟、 臨河修禊 |
Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface (expand) |
Upon examination one can see that the long scroll was put together from nine ink imprints of a stone engraving (or stone engravings) dated 1417. There is a Lanting park on the south side of Shaoxing,4 east of Hangzhou, that lays claim to being the setting for the Xiuxi (spring purification ceremony) that took place in 353 CE.5 It was apparently organized by Wang Xizhi himself and included 42 attending scholars. 26 of the attendees are recorded as having written a total of 41 poems during the event; the full scroll includes all of the poets and 37 of the 41 poems.6
Sheet 1 (enlarge)
![]() |
The whole scroll, to be read right to left, is as follows:
Sheets 2 to 8 The original stone(s) should most likely have had all 42 scholars. They are shown drinking and writing poems, which are put in boxes. Various servants are also depicted. |
Compared to the Qianlong edition sheets 3 and 4 are reversed In the present rubbing one of the scholars (王彬之 Wang Binzhi and his two poems; see #26 below) is missing and another (王蘊之 Wang Yunzhi and his poem; see #33) is mostly cut off.
Sheet 2
![]() |
01. 魏滂 Wei Pang (1 poem) 02. 王羲之 Wang Xizhi (2 of his 6 poems) 03. 郗曇 Chi Tan (1 poem) |
Sheet 3 (enlarge) ![]() |
04. 謝安 Xie An (2) 05. 曹茂之 Cao Maozhi (1) 06. 任凝 Ren Ning (0; not 任儗 Ren Ni) 07. 孫綽 Sun Chuo (2) 08. 庾蘊 Yu Yun (1) 09. 王獻之 Wang Xianzhi (0) 10. 羊模 Yang Mo (0) |
Sheet 4 (enlarge) ![]() |
11. 桓偉 Huan Wei (1) 12. 謝藤 Xie Teng (0) 13. 謝瑰 Xie Gui (0) 14. 王凝之 Wang Ningzhi (2; wife: Xie Daoyun) 15. 庾友 Yu You (1) 16. 王渙之 Wang Huanzhi (1) 17. 丘旄 Qiu Mao (0; not 丘髦) 18. 孫統 Sun Tong (2) |
Sheet 5 (enlarge) ![]() |
19. 王肅之 Wang Suzhi (2) 20. 虞說 Yu Yue (1) 21. 後綿 Hou Mian (0) 22. 呂系 Lü Xi (0) 23. 鎦密 Liu Mi (0; 劉密) 24. 孔熾 Kong Chi (0) 25. 王玄之 Wang Xuanzhi (1; not 王元之 Wang Yuanzhi) 26. 王彬之 Wang Binzhi (2; cut from the dark corner upper left)9 |
Sheet 6 (enlarge) ![]() |
27. 謝繹 Xie Yi (1) 28. 王徽之 Wang Huizhi (2) 29. 勞夷 Lao Yi (0) 30. 徐豐之 Xu Fengzhi (2) 31. 華耆 Hua Qi (0) 32. 曹華 Cao Hua (1) 33. 王蘊之 Wang Yunzhi (1; upper left area: most of it is missing10) |
Sheet 7 (enlarge) ![]() |
34. 卞迪 Bian Di (0) 35. 謝萬 Xie Wan (2) 36. 華茂 Hua Mao (1) 37. 呂本 Lü Ben (0) 38. 曹諲 Cao Yin (0; not 曹禮 Cao Li) 39. 虞谷 Yu Gu (0) 40. 孫嗣 Sun Si (1) |
Sheet 8 (enlarge) ![]() |
41. 袁嶠之 Yuan Jiaozhi (2) 42. 王豐之 Wang Fengzhi (1) |
Sheet 9 (enlarge) ![]() |
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
1. Lanting Scrolls (蘭亭卷 Lan Ting Juan) (Wiki) | Lanting painting by Wen Zhengming (with preface) |
Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface (蘭亭序 Lanting Xu) was set to music for qin in 1664, but this apparently was never well-known and it is not clear that it was ever intended to be sung. The earliest commentary on the preface itself centered on appreciation of the Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, said still to be the finest example of running style or semi-cursive script (行書 xingshu). The original copy was lost at least by the Tang dynasty, but still extant are close copies that were made starting around that time.
The tradition of paintings purporting to depict the Lanting Xiuxi has not been traced earlier than the Southern Song dynasty. I don't know the date of the earliest known scroll or how it was made. The one at right, by 文徵明 Wen Zhengming (1470–1559), is in the 北京故宫博物院 National Palace Museum, Beijing.
There is also a fine example by 錢榖 Qian Gu dating from around 1560 at the Metopolitan Museum in New York (online segment).
Lanting Scroll (蘭亭卷 Lan Ting Juan)
(text and further comment in this Appendix)
In the latter part of the 18th century the Qianlong Emperor had a version of this scroll made by taking a Song dynasty rubbing and adding parts that were missing. That version, which as of 2015 was available as a download from www.wdl.org, seems to be in better condition than the present one, which is said to be based on a Ming edition, as stated above. This one, presumably, was the one in need of repair.
The version shown here was purchased in 2000 in a curio shop at Lanting, on the southern edge of Shaoxing. It consists of 9 sheets pasted together into one long scroll. The full dimensions of the rubbing itself are 23' 4" x 1' (280" x 12" or 7.11 x 0.305m; the scroll onto which the rubbing is attached is, of course, somewhat larger). The poems are in sheets 2 through 8. This is said to have originated as a scroll that combined a copy of Wang Xizhi's own calligraphy with an illustration of the event by the famous Song dynasty artist 李公麟 Li Gonglin (1049−1106). However, the source of the illustrations on the present rubbing is not clear: perhaps Li Gonglin's work supplemented with a version by 益宣王朱翊鈏 Ming prince Xuan of Yi, Zhu Yiyin (1536-1603)? It may also be that the stones were at the 圓明園 Yuanming Yuan outside Beijing (Wiki), but were destroyed in 1860 by British and French troops during the Second Opium War.
3. Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface (王羲之蘭亭序 Wang Xizhi Lan Ting Xu | Another rubbing (copied from here; expand) |
The image in this footnote was copied from a University of Kansas website, which calls it the 定武蘭亭序 "Dingwu Lanting xu" (by 鄧文原 Deng Wenyuana) and has commentary that includes the following:
Unlike with the Lanting poems, Wang Xizhi's own preface to the poems has been set for qin. This was done by Zhuang Zhenfeng in a melody called Lin He Xiuxi (A Riverside Xiuxi); it has been passed down only in the qin handbook Taiyin Xisheng (1664). This melody divides Wang Xizhi's text into five sections, as follows (see translation):
Further details of this preface are easily found online, some together with a translations, such as on Wikipedia sites here (associated commentary along with a Tang dynasty copy of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy) and here (a closeup of the calligraphy).
4. Orchid Pavilion (蘭亭 Lan Ting) | 紹興蘭亭 Shaoxing Lanting in 2001 |
The events here have also inspired Lanting parks elsewhere, including in Japan and Taiwan.
There are countless online images for the Shaoxing Orchid Pavilion area, including those on the Wikipedia page. The name Lan Ting (Orchid Pavilion, perhaps actually referring to the the nearby stream) is said to be due to King Gou Jian of Yue
(Wiki) having raised orchids here in the 5th c. BCE.
Purification Ceremony (修禊 Xiuxi)
There seem to be/have been a variety of names for this. The
preface below says "脩祓禊 xiu fu xi"; see also 祓禊 fuxi. Elsewhere it may be called 上巳節 shangsi jie (festival of shangsi), a name apparently based on the traditional calendar date called "上巳 shangsi" (details), or more specifically called 三月三 sanyuesan (third of the third month). However, according to what Wang Xizhi himself wrote the present Xiuxi apparently took place during "暮春 muchun": the third 10 day period of the third lunar month. For more on this purification ceremony also see the commentary on
xiuxi with the
melody Xiuxi Yin.
Contents of the Rubbing
The present scroll is missing one poet and two poems from
sheet 5 plus part of one poet and his poem from
sheet 6. With the inclusion of these (as in the
Qianlong edition) the scroll would have 37 poems in all. This accords with the math given on sheet 1 ([11x2] + 15), but elsewhere Wang Xizhi himself is credited with having contributed six poems, not two. This brings the total up to 41 poems.
7. Preface to the rubbing | Preface (expand) |
Concerning 右 you, the first character of this preface, Wang Xizhi was sometimes referred to as General of the Right Army (右軍 Yòujūn), but at that time "右 you" was also used by itself as a general sort of qualifier of rank.
The drinking "penalty"
Although on this scroll it says 飲酒三觥 drink three gong of wine, elsewhere it apparently says "three 斗 dou" (see Swartz, where this is said to be "approximately 6.5 quarts"). Wang Xizhi's own preface says "引以為流觴曲水,列坐其次" translated as "The guests are seated side by side to play the drinking game where a wine cup is floated down the stream and the first person sitting in front of the cup when it stops must drink." This seems to be an interpolation as the original says nothing about "game" or "first person sitting in front of the cup when it stops must drink". In sum, none of the original documents makes it clear when the drinking penalty must be applied.
On the other hand, the competitive nature of this event leads Swartz (p.288) to compare the event to
qing tan events popular at that time.
9. 王彬之 Wang Binzhi and his two poems | Qianlong edition version |
Translation in Swartz, p. 298.
10. 王蘊之 Wang Yunzhi and his poem | Qianlong edition version |
Translation in Swartz, p. 298.
Afterword by Sun Chuo (孫綽後序)
This short essay, sometimes referred to simply as a "preface", is by Sun Chuo (314-371), the 7th scholar depicted on the scroll. Its contents here are as follows:
Some versions of this have quite different readings of the preface/afterword. Perhaps the most common one is as follows:
This latter version is closer to the one partially translated in
Swartz (download).
The scroll has (or had) images for all 42 named attendees and poems for 26, as follows:
This makes 37 poems (11x2 + 15x1), or 41 with the removal of one poem by Wang Xizhi but the addition of the five attributed to him but not included in the scroll (comment). By structure the 41 poems are all multiples of either 4+4 or 5+5, as follows:
Four additional poems, all credited to Wang Xizhi, are included in other editions. Three of these are (4+4) x 5, one is (4+4) x 6.
仰視碧天 際俯瞰淥
The previous poem is not included in many anthologies; instead there are the following five poems (note the similarities between the previous one and the next one):
悠悠大象運 輪轉無停際
猗撫二三子 莫匪高所托
鑑明去塵垢 止則鄙吝生
合散固其常 修短定無始
相與欣佳 節率爾同
流風拂枉 渚停雲蔭
烟熅柔風扇 熙怡和氣淳
地主觀山 水仰尋幽
嘉會欣時游 豁爾暢心神
鮮葩映林薄 游鱗戲清渠
先師有冥藏 安用羈世羅
清響擬絲竹 班荊對綺疏
司冥卷陰 旗句芒舒
四眺華林茂 俯仰睛川渙
The scroll ends with further images and an afterword (後序 Hou Xu) by
孫綽 Sun Chuo
After this there is the following inscription:
Go the top, to
Liu Shang or
Xiuxi Yin,
or to Scenes Illustrating Guqin Melodies.
Complete text of of the
Lanting scroll
For 11 it has two (#s 2, 4, 7, 14, 18, 19, 26, 28, 30, 35, 41)
For 15 it has one (#s 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 20, 25, 27, 32, 33, 36, 40, 42)
For 16 it has none (#s 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 31, 34, 37, 38, 39)
(4+4) x 2: 6 (each comes after one that is (4+4)x4 by the same person)
(4+4) x 5: 0 or 1 (see Wang Xizhi)
(4+4) x 4: 9
(4+4) x 2: 7
(5+5) x 6: 1 (one of the extra poems by Wang Xizhi)
(5+5) x 5: 3 or 4 (all are extras by Wang Xizhi)
(5+5) x 4: 3
(5+5) x 2: 15
To match these word counts to existing qin melodies see (and perhaps adapt to) the melodies listed under Poetry with lines of regular length.
Sheet 1
飲酒三觥(compare 流觴)
Sheet 2
明后欣時豐 駕言映清瀾
亹亹德音暢 蕭蕭遺世難
望巖愧脫屣 臨川謝揭竿
欣此暮春 和氣載柔
詠彼舞雩 異世同流
迺攜齊契 散懷一丘
水濱寥閴 無涯觀寓
目理自陳 大矣造化
工萬殊莫 不均群籟
雖參差適 我無非親
仰望碧天際 俯磐綠水濱
寥朗無厓觀 寓目理自陳
大矣造化功 萬殊莫不均
群籟雖參差 適我無非新
陶化非吾匠 去來非吾制
宗統竟安在 即順理自泰
有心未能悟 適足纒利害
未若任所遇 逍遙良辰會
造眞探玄根 涉世若過客
前識非所期 虛室是為宅
遠想千載外 何必謝曩昔
相與無相與 形骸自脫落
體之固未易 三殤解天刑
方寸無停主 矜伐將自平
雖無絲與竹 玄泉有清聲
雖無嘯與歌 咏言有餘馨
所樂在一朝 寄之高千齡
造新不暫停 一徃不再起
於今為神奇 信宿同塵滓
誰能無此慨 散之在推理
言立同不朽 河清非所俟
端坐興遠想 薄言遊近郊
Sheet 3
契茲言執 寄傲林丘
森森連領 茫茫原疇
迥霄垂霧 凝泉散流 (「又五言」?)
褰裳薄雲 羅景物微
風翼輕航 醇醪陶丹
府兀若遊 羲唐萬殊
混一理安 復覺彭殤
尚想方外賓 迢迢有餘閒
懷彼伐木 宿此良儔
修竹蔭沼 旋瀨縈丘
穿池激湍 連濫觴舟 (「右一」?)
九臯鶯語 吟修竹游
鱗戲瀾濤 攜筆落雲
藻微言剖 纖毫時珍
豈不甘忘 味在聞韶 (「右二」?)
朝榮雖云樂 夕斃理自因
Sheet 4 (comment)
宣尼遨沂津 蕭然心神王
數子各言志 曾生發清唱
今我欣斯遊 慍情亦暫暢
冥心真寄 千載同歸
駕言興時遊 逍遙映通津
理感則一 冥然斯會
超跡修獨往 真契齊古今
罔悟元同 競異標旨
平勃運謀 黃綺隱几
凡我仰希 期山期水
人蹤回沼 激中逵疏
竹間修桐 因流轉輕
觴冷風飃 落松時禽
吟長澗萬 籟吹連峰
Sheet 5 (comment)
今我斯遊 神怡心靜
吟詠曲水瀨 淥波轉素鱗
寄暢須臾歡 尚想味古人
消散肆情志 酣暢豁滯憂
淥水揚波 載浮載沈
臨川欣投釣 得意豈在魚
Sheet 6
千載同一朝 沐浴陶清塵
秀薄粲穎 疏松籠崖
遊羽扇霄 鱗躍清池
歸目寄歡 心冥二奇 (「右四言」)
未若保沖真 齊契箕山阿 (「右五言」)
尚想嘉客 希風永歎
零觴飛曲津 歡然朱顏舒
狂吟任所適 浪㳅無何鄉
仰詠挹餘芳 怡情味重淵
Sheet 7
青蘿翳岫 修竹冠岑
谷流清響 條鼓鳴音
元崿吐潤 霏霧成陰
陽旌靈液 被九區光
風扇鮮榮 碧林輝翠
萼紅葩擢 新莖翔禽
撫翰游騰 鱗躍清泠
汎汎輕觴 載欣載懷
誰云真風絕 千載挹餘芳
Sheet 8
佳賓即臻 相與遊盤
微音迭詠 馥焉若蘭
苟齊一致 遐想揭竿
激水流芳醪 豁爾累心散
遐想逸民軌 遺音良可玩
古人詠舞雩 今也同斯歎
感興魚鳥 安居幽跱
Sheet 9