Jiqiu Jun
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Jiqiu Jun
- Qin Shi #64
稷丘君 1
琴史 #64 2
Master Jiqiu passing time3
Jiqiu Jun means "Master Jiqiu". His name is sometimes also romanized Ji Qiu Jun or "Master Ji Qiu". He is said to have lived during the reign of Han Emperor Wu Di, who ruled from 141 – 87.
4 The biographical entry here quotes the Biography of Exemplary Immortals (Lie Xian Zhuan), but it is not necessarily considered to be an historically reliable source.

The original Qin Shi essay begins as follows.5

Master Jiqiu was a recluse on 泰山 Mount Tai. During the reign of Han Wudi he was already old, but he was youthful in appearance. The emperor admired him and often sent gifts. When (the emperor) went east to visit Taishan, (Jiqiu) would put on a ceremonial hat and a yellow robe. then come out to greet him carrying a qin. (The original goes on to say that on this occasion Ji Qiu warned the emperor not to go on as he would surely hurt a toe. The emperoro proceeded anyway, with the result that he did indeed hurt his two a few miles down the road. As a result of this, after the emperor returned home he built a temple in honor of Jiqiu Jun. The fact that Jiqiu Jun was carrying his qin suggests that this was one of his favored ocupations.



Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Master Jiqiu (稷丘君 JJiqiu Jun
25780.7 quotes from 列仙傳 Liexian Zhuan).

2. Qin Shi #64 has 5 lines. The original text is as follows,

稷丘君者,泰山下隱者。當武帝時已老矣,而齒鬼發倪 黑。帝嘉之,屢有賜予。及東巡泰山,稷丘君乃冠章甫,衣 黃衣,抱琴來迎。拜武帝日:「陛下勿上也。上必傷足指。」及 數里,果然,帝還,為稷丘君立祠焉。其所以抱琴者,示其 常所從事也。

The translation above is tentative.

3. Illustration
From 李攀龍選,汪雲鵬書,列仙全傳 Lie Xian Quan Zhuan.

4. Han Wudi: Emperor Wu of Han (Wiki)
Liu Che (156 – 87 BCE) ruled as Han Wudi for 54 years: 141 – 87. References connecting him to the qin only concern stories, as with the following melodies:

"Autumn wind lyrics" attributed to him are used with several melodies beginning with this Qiu Feng Ci (compare Gu Qiu Feng)

See also Jiqiu Jun, as above.

So far the most direct reference to Han Wudi and the guqin is the almost certainly apocryphal or mis-interpreted one given here associating him with 鸞膠 "phoenix glue" by quoting mention of it in 48485.98, where it gives 漢武帝外傳 Han Wudi Waizhuan as its earliest reference.

5. Jiqiu Jun in the 列仙傳 Liexian Zhuan
The entry in the Liexian Zhuan is as follows:


打開字典 稷丘君:稷丘洞徹,修道靈山。煉形濯質,變白還年。漢武行幸,攜琴來延。戒以升陟,逆睹未然。

Copied from CText.


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