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Artists with the Guqin 1 | 畫家與古琴 |
Many famous scholars played the qin. Some, such as Wang Wei, though best known as poets, were also painters. The skills of these artists are generally not known -- in fact some perhaps rarely or never played. However, given the connection between qin and art, it is interesting to further examine those artists who seem to have had a particular connection to the qin.
This issue has not been a focus of my work, so at present names will be added here as I encounter them, rather than as a result of specific searches for such artists. Of course, suggestions will be appreciated. The focus is finding evidence of artists who played the qin.
Relevant artists include:
仇英 Qiu Ying (style name 伯虎 Bohu; 1494 - 1552)
There are quite a few references here to Qiu Ying, but I have not yet found direct evidence that he actually played qin himself.
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
Artists with guqin
This page added 2007. Not yet properly developed: suggestions welcomed. Some sites of interest include these digital archives (see also the surrounding pages).
Tang Yin playing qin
The inscription is actually the second of a set of two poems by Tang Yin, as follows:
灌木寒聲集 叢篁靜色深 (elsewhere ...叢篠靜色深)
冰霜歲聿暮 方昭君子心
射干蔽豫章 慨惜自古今
嶰谷失黃鍾 大雅變正音
為子酌大斗 為我調鳴琴
仰偃草木間 世道隨浮沉
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