Poets connected to guqin
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Poets on this site without biographical entries elsewhere1

This began as a page to centralize information about poets who have relevant lyrics in such collections as Yuefu Shiji, Taigu Yiyin or Qinshu Daquan but who are not introduced in any of the qin biographies. There are now many additional entries for other poets for whom I have found relevant lyrics there and elsewhere.

  1. 鮑溶 Bao Rong (fl. ca. 820)
    Bao Rong (ICTCL, p.53) was a late Tang "master of the lyric and lofty"
    Lyrics for
    Qiu Si in Caishi Wu Nong (but it is not one of those set for qin)
    His Xiangfei Lienü Cao mentions qin
    The earliest reference for movable guzheng bridges at 42894.56 雁柱 yanzhu is Bao Rong's 風箏詩 which includes the line, "雁柱虛連勢,鸞歌且墜空。" (poem also mentions se, but not qin).

  2. 鮑照 Bao Zhao (ca. 414 - 466; Wikipedia)
    Bao Zhao is discussed here in QSCB, 4B. ICTCL, p.649, says: "the most important yuefu poet of the Six Dynasties (another name for the Northern and Southern Dynasties) and one of the most famous masters of yuefu in the whole of Chinese literary history." The YFSJ index includes 37 titles under his name (in 24 of the folios: 24, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 51, 55, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 76, 84 and 86). Poems specifically connected to qin or qin melodies include:

    - Lyrics for Bie Gu Cao
    - Five sets of lyrics for You Lan; in YFSJ and 1511, Yi Lan Cao)
    - Zhi Zhao Fei Cao

    Perhaps due to the You Lan poems he is sometimes connected to the ancient melody You Lan. I do not know of any other evidence to support such a claim.

  3. 岑參 Cen Shen (715 - 770)
    Cen Shen (ICTCL, p.798), also called Cen Can, was a scholar official who traveled with 高仙芝 Gao Xianzhi on his military campaigns to Central Asia. Though best known for his ballads describing the rugged and harsh conditions in Central Asia, he also wrote many on more standard topics. His poem Fisherman (Sunflower Splendor, p.44) captures nicely the mood of
    Yu Ge. Those that specifically mention qin include:
    - On an Autumn Evening Listening to Mountain Recluse Luo Play Sanxia Liu Quan
    - The Qin Terrace of Fu Zijian (Preface, and three poems)

  4. 常建 Chang Jian (fl. ca. 750)
    ICTCL p.225, says there is very little personal information about him other than that he passed the jinshi exams in 727 and after a few minor postings retired to the countryside. His poetry was quite distinctive, "noted for reclusive poetry and frontier poetry rather than poems on court themes. Fewer than sixty of his poems survive...but these show great variety and originality...." Of these at least four mention qin:

  5. 陳師道 Chen Shidao (1053 - 1101)
    Style name 陳無己 Chen Wuji. ICTCL p.233.
    www.cuhk.edu.hk has: "Chen Shidao came from present-day Jiangsu. He was known for both his prose and his poetry, studying under Huang Tingjian and modelling his poetry on that of Du Fu. Both Su Shi and Zhu Xi admired his writings. Much of his life was spent in poverty because he did not come up through the examination system and was only intermittently employed in official positions."
    Poems he wrote connected to qin include,

    • 西湖觀月聽琴 At West Lake Observing the Moon and Listening to Qin
      (Three poems; in Qinshu Daquan the third is incomplete)

    • 後山詩(觀兗文忠公家六一堂圖書?)
      A poem of 20 couplets ("qin" mentioned line 16):

  6. 陳羽 Chen Yu (fl. ca.800)
    Chen Yu (Bio/1330)
    Lyrics for
    Xiangfei Yuan

  7. 崔顥 Cui Hao (704? - 754)
    Cui Hao (Bio/2169), from 州汴 Bianzhou (
    Wiki; well-known contemporary of Wang Wei)
    He wrote lyrics for the qin songs Huo Jiangjun and Melody of Ms. Lu, but their melodies no longer exist.

    Another of his poems, Yellow Crane Pavilion (黃鶴樓 Huang He Lou), is translated under Intonation for Poetry (詩吟 Shi Yin) together with a linked recording.

  8. 崔塗 Cui Tu (9th/10th c.)
    Cui Tu (Bio/2163), style name 禮山 Lishan, was from 江南 Jiangnan; jinshi in 888 but official career details unknown.
    Two of his poems are included among 300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty.
    His poem
    You Lan collected in YFSJ was set in 1511 for Yi Lan Cao.

  9. 到漑 Dao Gai (477-548),
    Liang dynasty poet; most of his work is lost. This poem translated in HJAS 57, Ronald Egan,
    Music, Sadness and the Qin, p. 41.

    寄语调絃者,   I send these words to him who tunes the strings, (or, "plays the strings")
    客子心易惊。   This traveler's heart is easily startled.
    离泣已将坠,   Tears of parting are already about to fall,
    无劳别鹤声。   You need not play " The Solitary Crane".

  10. 段克己 Duan Keji (1196-1254),
    Duan Keji was a poet from Shanxi under the Jin and Yuan dynasties; his poems were published together with those of his younger brother 段成己 Duan Chengji (1199-1282). For details see the English abstract of 譚寶芝,段克己(1196-1251)及段成己(1199-1282)詞研究 (Tam Po-chi, A study of the Ci Poetry of Duan Keji [1196-1251] and Duan Chengji [1199-1282]). The complete collection, online in several places (e.g.,
    here as of 2014) has several poems that mention qin.
    At least two poems might connect the qin with calendar events:

    1. Mid-Autmun: 中秋之二:良宵方喜故人共,醉語那知鄰舍驚
      (Referenced under Liang Xiao Yin [from 9/263] but does not mention "qin").

    2. Shangsi: 上巳日再遊青陽峽用家弟誠之韻:素琴
      The whole poem is:


    Not translated.

  11. 范成大 Fan Chengda (1126-1191; Wiki)
    31472.83 A noted poet and travel commentator, style name 致能 Zhineng, nickname Stone Lake (石湖 Shi Hu or 石湖居士). He had a long career as a civil servant, then in retirement was a close friend of Jiang Kui, to whom he apparently contributed music as well as verse. References on this site include:

    His poems that mention qin include.

    • 聞琴 Hearing qin

    • 古風酬胡元之

    • 病中夜坐 Sitting one evening while ill

    • 送琴客許揚歸永嘉 Seeing off qin guest Xu Yang returning to Yongjia

  12. 傅玄 Fu Xuan (217 - 278)
    Fu Xuan was "the preeminent Confucian theorist of the Western Jin period," and "his poetry is notable for its influence on later major poets." (ICTCL, pp.391/2). QSCM includes his 琴敘
    Qin Xu, but it survives only through later quotes. He is also said to have written a 琴賦 Qin Fu
    His lyrics called 豔歌行 Yan Ge Xing concern the Luofu story (see Moshang Sang)

  13. 高適 Gao Shi (~704 - 765; Wiki)
    Major Tang dynasty poet. One set of two poems concerns the great qin player 董庭蘭 Dong Tinglan, and at least four more poems mention qin:

    • 別董大 Departing from the Great Dong (Dong the Elder?); two poems:

      千里黃雲白日曛,   For a thousand miles yellow clouds and white sunsets,
      北風吹雁雪紛紛。   Northern winds blow the geese and snow flakes.
      莫愁前路無知己,   But don't worry that on the departure road you will have no close friends,
      天下誰人不識君。   In all the world, who is there who does not recognize you?

      六翮飄颻私自憐,   A great bird soars, hiding its grief,
      一離京洛十餘年。   Since leaving the capital it has been more than 10 years.
      丈夫貧賤應未足,   We friends are poor and should be so insufficient,
      今日相逢無酒錢。   That now when we meet there is no money for wine.

    • 同群公秋登琴台

    • 宋中遇林慮楊十七山人,因而有別

    • 宴韋司戶山亭院

    • 同房侍御山園新亭與邢判官同遊

  14. 顧況 Gu Kuang (c.725 - c.814)
    Gu Kuang (ICTCL p.486) was a painter, poet and calligrapher from Suzhou whose sarcastic wit led him to his early retirement from public office; he then lived out his life at 茅山 Maoshan, a famous Daoist center; references here include:
    Cai Shi Wunong
    Wu Ye Ti
    Long Gong Cao (lyrics)
    Qin Ge (lyrics)
    QSDQ, 20A, #23 and #24
    QSDQ, 20B, #14 and #15

    In addition he is said to have written a 王氏廣陵散記 Madame Wang's Record of Guangling San, as follows:

    眾樂,琴之臣妾也;《廣陵散》曲之師長也。琅邪王淹兄女未笄,忽彈此曲,不從地出,不從天降,如有宗師存焉。曲有《日宮散》、《月宮散》、《歸雲引》、《華嶽引》,意者虛寂之中,有宰察之神,司其妙有,以授王女。於戲!天地鄙吝而絕,神明倜儻而授,中散沒而王女生(一作「傳」),其間寂寥五六百年。 先王作樂,殷薦上帝,有不得,而聞者。鼓鍾時動,敢告於太師。

  15. 顧野王 Gu Yewang (6th c. CE)
    44649.201 顧野王字希馮 Gu Yewang, style name Xifeng, from 吳 Wu, lived during the 梁 Liang (505-557) and 陳 Chen (557-588) dynasties.
    Lyrics for
    Yang Chun Qu

  16. 貫休 Guanxiu (832 - 912)
    Also Guan Xiu: name taken by "a celebrated Buddhist monk, painter, poet, and calligrapher" (
    Wikipedia; see also ICTCL p.509)
    Lyrics for Bai Xue
    Lyrics for Gu Jiao Xing (further details)
    QSDQ has at least two Guanxiu poems mentioning qin:

    • Folio 19B, #20,「聽琴」, i.e., 「聽僧彈琴」

    • Folio 20B, #48, 「風琴」

  17. 郭震 Guo Zhen (656-713)
    Guo Zhen (40338.343;
    Wiki focuses on his government career), was better known by his literary name 元振 Yuanzhen. He was (Giles:) a handsome man who married a daughter of 張嘉貞 Zhang Jiazheng (later Minister of State) by picking her out from behind a screen. Zhang went to Turfan on a mission from Empress Wu (Wu Zetian), then served also as a minister of state. He has four entries in YFSJ; none are in the qin section, but two connect to qin titles.
    Chun Jiang Qu (Folio 77, p. 1081, has his original lyrics, slightly changed in the qin melody)
    Wang Zhaojun  (Folio 29, p. 429 has his lyrics, but Zhaojun Yuan does not use them)

  18. 韓淲 Han Biao (1159 - 1224)
    Bio/2283; Han Biao was a prolific and once well-known poet of the Jiangxi school; see
    this reference as well as others in Zhang Chen, p. 50, etc.
    A poem he wrote connected to qin was included here, with another reference here. Other poems that mention qin include,

    • 聽琴

    • 清平樂 (Clear Peaceful Music)

    • 南庵聽琴 Listening to the Qin at Nan An.

  19. 韓偓 Han Xie (844-923)
    A nephew of
    Li Shangyin from what is today Xi'an, he was a senior government official and poet at the end of the Tang dynasty.
    His 《贈湖南李思齊處士》詩 poem Presented to recluse Li Sizhai of Hunan refers to the guqin as 七絲琴 qi si qin "seven silk qin", as follows:

    On the two-plank bow are dregs in a wine-cup, the seven-silk-qin's sides look like mustaches (?).

  20. 何遜 He Xun (c.466 - c.518)
    He Xun (489.335; Bio/1082). There is no Wiki entry but there are many other internet references. Like
    Lin Bu he had a particular fondness for plum blossoms. His poetry, though not widely known today, was highly regarded in his own day and by many later poets. Two examples of praise are from Du Fu and Li Qingzhao (thanks to David Badagnani for the references):

    • 杜甫 Du Fu (8)
      The plum blossoms by the east tower inspire poetry for me as they did for He Xun in Yangzhou"
    • 李清照 Li Qingzhao (1084-c. 1151 or 1155)
      "手種江梅漸好,又何必、臨水登樓 / 無人到,寂寥渾似,何遜在揚州
      Lonely as He Xun in Yangzhou, / With no one coming to visit, / Need I go roaming distant streams and towers / In quest of wild blossom / Now that the plum I planted / Is blooming luxuriantly?".

    Poems by He Xun that mention qin include the following:

    • 離夜聽琴 Leaving after an Evening of Listening to a Qin (QQJC V/426)

    • 傷徐主簿詩 


    • 詠春風詩

    • 擬古三首聯句其三

    He Xun is also mentioned in the poem An Xiang by Jiang Kui.

  21. 胡銓 Hu Quan (1102 - 1180)
    Hu Quan, nickname 胡澹菴 Hu Dan'an (ICTCL p.110)
    Qin-related poems are in QSCM,
    Folio 18, #27, Folio 19B, #150 and #151, and Folio 18, #117 to 119

  22. 賀鑄 He Zhu (1052 - 1125)
    He Zhu (37569.151; ICTCL), 字方回 style name Fanghui, 慶湖遺老 nickname Qinghu Yi Lao, also called 賀東山 He Dongshan.
    Stuart Sargent: The Poetry of He Zhu says he was a "Northern Song poet...best known for his lyrics (ci) but he also produced shi poetry of subtlety, wit, and feeling." (Search for "zither" for mention of qin in He Zhu's writing).
    Three of He Zhu's poems (ci?) are mentioned in connection to melodies on this site:
    1. 梅花引 Meihua Yin
    2. 太平引 Taiping Yin?)
    3. 將進酒 Jiang Jin Jiu [somewhat different])

  23. 皇甫冉 Huangfu Ran (715 - 768)
    Huangfu Ran, nickname 茂正 Maozheng (Bio/1744;
    One of his qin-related poems is in QSCM, Folio 20B
    The text of another (from Complete Tang Poems) is included under Qin and Tea
    Two more poems of his are also mentioned on this site for their themes; see under Chun Si and Liangxiao Yin.

  24. 賈島 Jia Dao (779 - 843)
    Jia Dao (ICTCL p.257), style name 浪仙 Langxian, nickname 碣石山人 Man of Jieshi Mountain. He was from 范陽 Fanyang, north of modern Beijing (
    Jieshi Mountain was not far away)
    送彈琴張道者 Seeing off a Clear Thinker Playing a Qin (V/445)
    聽樂山彈易水 Listening to Leshan Play Yi Shui

  25. 江洪 Jiang Hong (6th c.)
    Jiang Hong (Bio/xxx; 17496.179/2 梁,濟陽人 Liang dynasty, from Jiyang)
    Lyrics for
    Caishi Wu Nong, Qiu Feng

  26. 江奐 Jiang Huan (5th c.)
    Jiang Huan (17496.xxx; Bio/xxx; 齊江奐 49553xxx) was apparently a poet of 齊 Qi during the Southern Dynasties, but I have found out no more information about him.
    Yuefu Shiji has only the poem by him included here.
    Lyrics for Caishi Wu Nong, Lushui Qu

  27. 僧皎然 Jiaoran the Monk (730-799)
    Monk Jiaoran (23241.9/3 皎然) was the Buddhist name of the poet-monk 謝晝 Xie Zhou.
    See Nienhauser, Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, pp.270-2; also
    Lu Yu and Li Ye, below.
    Lyrics in Yuefu Shiji (Folio 60, #7) for Feng Ru Song Ge

  28. 郎士元 Lang Shiyuan (8th c)
    Lang Shiyuan (ICTCL, p.277)
    Lyrics for
    Xiang Fei

  29. 李賀 Li He (791 - 817; Wiki)
    14819.63; ICTCL, p.536; see also the entry in The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry, 2005)
    J. D. Frodsham (trans. and commentary), Goddesses, ghosts, and demons: the collected poems of Li He (790-816), 1983
    J. D. Frodsham, The poems of Li Ho (791-817), 1970.
    Stephen Owen, The Late Tang: Chinese Poetry of the Mid-Ninth Century (827-860)
    This website mentions Li He in connection with:
        Lyrics for
    Xiang Fei; translated in Frodsham (44: Royal Ladies of Xiang)
        Lyrics for Lushui Ci (applied to Section 4 of the qin melody Caishi Wu Nong; Frodsham (140: Song of Green Water)
        Lyrics for Huangzhong Diao (Frodsham 31: Ninth Moon, part of Li He's Thirteen Songs of the 12 months (Frodsham 23-35)
    Poems by Li He that mention qin include the following eight poems. Numbers, titles and translations of "qin" are all from Frodsham (see above), which translated them all.

    The translations by Frodsham include copious footnotes.

  30. 李嶠 Li Jiao (644-713),
    Li Jiao (ICTCL p.531) "was an influential officer and a renowned man of letters during (690-710. His) poetry is characterised by the "Court Style" which had flourished in the Six Dynasties - many of his verses were also written at court. He is also well-known for his yongwu shi 詠物詩, poems on objects, which deal with an encyclopedic spectrum of subjects, from the sun, various musical instruments, and household items to flora and fauna...." References to him on this website include ones under
    Liangxiao Yin, Gu Yuan and Yu Qiao Wenda (see the quote from Su Shi's Yu Qiao Xianhua). Three of his yongwu shi mention the qin:

    1. 詠琴 Yong Qin (Declamation on the Qin)

    2. 詠風 Yong Feng (Wind)

      月動臨秋扇,松清入夜琴。 (...Pines clear through the evening qin.)
    3. 詠市 Yong Feng (Towns) 闤闠開三市,旗亭起百尋。
      漸離初擊筑,司馬正彈琴。 (...Sima now plays the qin.)

  31. 李頎 Li Qi (8th c.)
    Li Qi (14819.1463; ICTCL p.530) has several lyrics referenced on this site, including:

    Listening to the Great Dong Play the Hujia Sound
    Xiang Consorts

    Another related poem is his Qin Song (琴歌 Qin Ge, one of the 300 Tang Poems. It has been put online and translated by Ying Sun as Deeply Moved by Music - here slightly modified):

    主人有酒歡今夕,   Tonight our host has prepared wine for a big feast.
    請奏鳴琴廣陵客。   He requests qin melodies from the Guangling guest.
    月照城頭烏半飛,   Startled by the moon, the crows on city walls scatter.
    霜淒萬樹風入衣;   The wind through frost-coated trees is piercingly bitter.
    銅鑪華燭燭增輝,   As the brass stove and candles warm up the crew,
    初彈淥水後楚妃。   First Lu Shui is played, then Princess Chu.
    一聲已動物皆靜,   The room turns quiet when he begins to play.
    四座無言星欲稀。   Not a word from the crowd until the stars fade away.
    清淮奉使千餘里,   The new order sends me a thousand miles to Qinghuai.
    敢告雲山從此始。   Suddenly I long for retirement to mountains in cloudy sky.

    Yet another is 題僧房雙桐 (not translated)


  32. 李清照 Li Qingzhao (1084 - ca.1151)
    (Moved to a
    separate entry).

  33. 李群玉 Li Qunyu (813-860)
    A talented Hunan poet, he passed the official examinations but instead of pursuing high rank he remained in his home town to enjoy music, calligraphy, poetry and so forth. His poems are quoted under
    Wu Ye Ti and 昇仙操 Sheng Xian Cao; see also 琴心 Qin Xin.

  34. 李商隱 Li Shangyin (813-858; Wiki)
    Li Shangyin, from Henan, was one of the most famous Tang poets. He wrote at least 15 poems that mention qin (q.v.). One particular quote from 李商隱雜纂殺風景 (not one of the above 15) says,

    This is said to be the source of the expressions "焚琴煮鶴" and "燒琴煮鶴", i.e., "burn a qin to cook a crane": have no appreciation of culture, waste wonderful things.

    He is also mentioned in connection with "The sound of reading", but I have not yet found the source of that quote.

  35. 李冶 Li Ye (d.784 CE; Wikipedia)
    Li Ye was a highly regarded courtesan-poet (some say Daoist nun) also called 李季蘭 Li Jilan (Bio/988). See Idema and Grant (pp. 176 - 182), and Chang and Saussy (pp. 56 - 59). In the latter, Stephen Owen writes that she

    "seems to have been well-known among the poetic groups of the Lower Yangzi region in the 760s and 770s (a poem by the poet-monk Jiaoran suggests that she made romantic as well as literary advances)....Of her eighteen extant poems, two are clearly spurious; however, twelve of the remaining sixteen were preserved in Tang anthologies, which is a good indication of her popularity." (Another friend was Lu Yu.)

    Idema and Grant translate nine of her poems, Owen translates four. Both books translate two poems that mention qin:
    - A Song on Listening to a Playing of Sanxia Liu Quan (the original is in both YFSJ [Folio 60, #6] and Qinshu Daquan [Folio 19B]).
    - Reproach from Mutual Love (the lyrics are later echoed in Xiangfei Yuan, see footnote there)

  36. 李之儀 Li Zhiyi (1038-1117)
    Nickname 姑溪居士; a poet and prose writer said to have attended the
    Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden. His Poems of Guxi (姑溪詞 Guxi ci) include at least two that mention qin:



    Li Zhiyi's poem in the form 卜算子 Bu Suanzi has been set by Wang Di to tablature dated 1687; Li's lyrics have a connection to the melody Xiang Fei Yuan (see a footnote there).

  37. 梁,簡文帝 Liang Emperor Jianwen (503 - 551; r. 550 - 551)
    Details under his birth name, 蕭綱 Xiao Gang

  38. 令狐楚 Linghu Chu (766 – 837; Wiki)
    Linghu Chu, coming from a distinguished family and having close imperial connections, was a senior civil and military official during the reign of several emperors. He is said to have been a brilliant writer but most of his writings are lost. The 全唐詩 Complete Tang Poems has 86 poems attributed to him (includes those in YFSJ).
    Three of the nine poems attributed to him in Yuefu Shiji are his lyrics for You Chun Ci in in Caishi Wunong.

  39. 柳辯 Liu Bian (Sui dynasty)
    "Bian" is actually written 柳, but 36236 says this is a form of 辯 created during the 北齊 Northern Qi period (just before Sui). 15002.161 says Liu Bian was a grandson of 柳惔 Liu Yan, and that his style name was 顧言 Guyan. YFSJ calls him 柳顧言 Liu Guyan
    Lyrics for
    Yang Chun Qu

  40. 劉籍 Liu Ji (10th c.?)
    Not a poet; for essays about qin see in
    Qinshu Cunmu. 2270.xxx; Bio/xxx

  41. 劉基 Liu Ji (1311 - 1375; Wiki; image and further details under Kechuang Yehua)
    Liu Ji (ICTCL, pp. 574-6; compare 劉籍 Liu Ji, above), style name 伯溫 Bowen, nickname 郁離子 Youlizi (Master of Refined Enlightenment), "born into a family noted for military...and scholarly achievements", was himself a noted essayist and poet who originally worked for the Yuan government, but also criticized them, eventually becoming one of the main advisors of Zhu Yuanzhang (1328 - 1399) during his campaign to overthrow the Yuan; Liu continued as an advisor and official after Zhu became the founding emperor of the Ming dynasty. Over time, and especially during the Qing dynasty, his importance was gradually magnified, with many forged writings such as the Shaobing Ge saying he had predicted numerous events that occurred during and after his lifetime. For a detailed account see Hok-Lam Chan. Legends of the Building of Old Beijing, pp. 138-155.

    ICTCL mentions an essay by Liu Ji about a Craftsman Zhichao (工之僑) making a qin with such a wonderful sound that he presented it to a high official. However, the official, saying it wasn't old, returned it. Zhichao then redid the lacquer adding false cracks, carved into it some characters with seal writing, then put it in a box and buried it for a while. After this people thought it was old and so valued it greatly. The original text is as follows:

    工之僑得良桐焉,斫而為琴,絃而鼓之,金聲而玉應。自以為天下之美也,獻之太常。使國工視之,曰:「弗古。」還之。 工之僑以歸,謀諸漆工,作斷紋焉;又謀諸篆工,作古窾焉。匣而埋諸土,期年出之,抱以適市。貴人過而見之,易之以百金,獻諸朝。樂官傳視,皆曰:「稀世之珍也。」 工之僑聞之,嘆曰:「悲哉世也!豈獨一琴哉?莫不然矣!而不早圖之,其與亡矣。」遂去,入於宕冥之山,不知其所終。

    Liu Ji seems later to have been connected to banana leaf qins. And several of his poems apparently mention qin (e.g. in phrases such as "援琴奏將歸" and "玉琴奏瑤席") but I am not sure of the details within the context of much attributed to him being unreliable.

    A poem by Liu Ji that mentions qin is:

    • 旅興二首·其一

    Some other longer poems that mention qin include:

    • 秋夜聽冷協律彈琴分韻得夜字
      Has the line "援琴奏將歸,日暮增慘淒。" (Use qin to play Jiang Gui.)
    • 玉琴奏瑤席,逸響發高榭。 Jade qin plays (at) Precious Mat/Precious Jade Entertainment. (?).
      Begins: 秋清眾籟寂,華月耿遙夜。

    Liu Ji has been connected with the qin melodies Kechuang Yehua, Daming Yitong and Chun Yu, but all the connections are tentative and/or peripheral.

    Joseph Lam, State Sacrifices, pp.6-7, quotes a description by Liu Ji of a state sacrifice.

  42. 劉兼 Liu Jian (8th c.)
    one webpage has over 70 poems attributed to him, saying he was from Chang An and became 宮榮刺史 Censor at Rongzhou, I can find no direct biographical entries (2270.628xxx; Bio/xxx) and online I have found conflicting information about whether he was Tang dynasty (earning his 進士 jinshi during 天寶 742-56), Five Dynasties, or early Song (). A footnote to Peaceful Evening Prelude (Liangxiao Yin) quotes his Crabapple Flower Poem (海棠花詩 Haitang Hua Shi) for its mention of a peaceful evening.

    The 70 online poems include seven that mention qin, as follows:

    1. 春宵

    2. 春晚閒望

    3. 登樓寓望

    4. 命妓不至

    5. 寄高書記

    6. 訪飲妓不遇,招酒徒不至

    7. 登郡樓書懷

  43. 劉孝威 Liu Xiaowei (496 - 549)
    Liu Xiaowei (Bio/677), from 彭城 Pengcheng, during 梁 Liang
    Si Gui Yin

  44. 柳永 Liu Yong (987 - 1053)
    Liu Yong 原名三變,字景莊。後改名永, originally Liu Sanbian, later changed his name to Liu Yong. He was from Chong'an (崇安) in Fujian, but apparently spent much of his life in the entertainment quarters of the Song dynasty capital, Kaifeng (now in
    Henan province), until passing his jinshi examination in 1035, after which he spent most of the rest of his life as an official in far flung places. His works, as collected into his Musical Stanzas (樂章 Yue Zhang? Or Le Zhang: Pleasure Stanzas?), generally reflect life in the entertainment quarters. Otherwise, although he was one of the earliest writers of ci poetry, little is known of his life. Nevertheless, according to Stephen Owen in his Anthology, p. 574,

    (Liu Yong) not only composed lyrics for the "long song" melodies, he also made extensive use of the vernacular and a range of romantic situations far greater than those found in "short songs." As a result, he was the most truly "popular" lyricist of his day, the darling of the demimonde, while despised by many of the more old-fashioned lyricists. It was Liu Yong who began the fashion of writing songs about male longing....

    On this site Liu Yong is mentioned in two places,

    However, to my knowledge, while there is mention of other music instruments in his poetry, there is none of qin. Perhaps this is related to his connections to popular culture.

    External references include poetrychina.net and www.gutenberg.org/ebooks (his 樂章).

  45. 劉禹錫 Liu Yuxi (772 - 842)
    Liu Yuxi (2270.583; ICTCL) , style name 夢得 Mengde, was from 徐州 Xuzhou (now in Jiangsu). After attaining his jinshi degree he became Censor in Chang'an, but because of "his participation in the Legalist-reform faction led by Wang Shuwen which sought to restrain the power of the eunuchs, local army commanders, and aristocratic families," he was sent into exile for 10 years in Hunan, then later again in Guangdong. He was important as an essayist as well as a poet. His poetry is said to have been influenced by his life among non-Han minorities. YFSJ has his lyrics for the qin songs
    Fei Yuan Cao and Qiu Feng Yin, but no melodies using these lyrics survive. On the other hand, there are various qin settings for his poem Loushi Ming. And his Bamboo Branch Lyrics (竹枝詞 Zhu Zhi Ci) could be paired to the Japanese setting of that title given here.

    The biography of Cui Caochang quotes one of his poems. And his poem Listening to a Qin is translated in HJAS 57, Ronald Egan, Music, Sadness and the Qin, p. 47, as follows:

    禪思何妨在玉琴,   Why can't meditation coexist with a precious qin?
    真僧不見聽時心。   A true monk does not show a listening heart.
    離聲怨調秋堂夕,   The autumn hall is quiet, the night half over.
    雲向蒼梧湘水深。   Clouds go to Cangwu, the Xiang River runs deep.

  46. 劉長卿 Liu Zhangqing (c.710-after 787)
    Liu Zhangqing (also: Liu Changqing; style name 文房 Wenfang, nickname 隨州 Suizhou). ICTCL, p.572: "the most representative poet of the period immediately following that of the major High Tang figures.... Over 500 of Liu's poems are extant."
    - lyrics for
    Xiang Fei
    - poems in QSDQ: Folio 19B, #65, Folio 20A, #12, and Folio 20B, #9
    - "彈琴 Playing the qin", one of the 300 Tang Poems; the text is as follows (mostly following a translation by Ying Sun).

    冷冷七絃上,   The melody flows out from a seven-string qin,
    靜聽松風寒。   Quietly hearing "Wind in the Pines" brings a chill.
    古調雖自愛,   Although such old tunes are what I most adore,
    今人多不彈。   Today people seldom play them any more.

    The first line of this last poem can also be written "泠泠七弦上"; see also this reference. As for line 2, Xu Hong mentions it as part of another poem by Liu. Although the most famous related qin melody is Wind through the Pines, at least one old list includes one called Quietly hearing the wind in the pines.

  47. 盧仝 Lu Tong (790 - 835)
    Lu Tong (Bio/381,
    Wiki and ICTCL p.954), self-nicknamed 玉川子 Yuchuanzi, was from 濟源 Jiyuan (in southern Shanxi). He was a poet best known for his love of travel and especially tea: he spent his life studying it, never becoming an official. Poems attributed to him that mention qin are copied below from the Complete Tang Poems as included in ctext.org. Thus they do not include perhaps his most famous melody, Song of Tea (Cha Ge): it was set to a qin melody in Lixing Yuanya (1618), but it does not mention qin. The ones that do include qin are as follows:

    全唐詩 #387) :

    1. 卓女怨

    2. 風中琴   (also copied in Qinshu Daquan, Folio 20 #24)

      Five tones, six pitches, and thirteen studs,
            Dragons moan, cranes sing out, and one can imagine Baoxi (Fu Xi).
      Whether playing about flowing waters, or playing about the moon;
            The water reflects the moon and the breezes stir up the laurel and pine branches.

    3. 新蟬

    4. 題褚遂良孫庭竹

    全唐詩 #388) :

    1. 小婦吟:

    2. 有所思:

    3. 感古四首 #2 & 26 of 30行
      02. 四載成地理,七政齊天文。階下蓂莢生,琴上南風熏。
      26. 正受凍餓時,索得人家貴傲婦。

    4. 雜興:

    全唐詩 #389) :

    1. 走筆追王內丘

    2. 聽蕭君姬人彈琴 (see under Cha Ge)

    So far only one is translated.

  48. 陸游 Lu You (1125 - 1210)
    Lu You (42620.261), style name 務觀, nickname 放翁 Fengweng, was "the most prolific lyric poet of the Southern Song dynasty. Many of his poems mention the qin: see separate entry.

  49. 盧照鄰 Lu Zhaolin (ca. 634 – ca. 684 or 686)
    Lu Zhaolin (
    Wiki) was said to have been one of the "初唐四傑 Four Paragons of the Early Tang".
    Lyrics for Mingyue Yin

  50. 秦觀 Qin Guan (1049-1100; (Wikipedia)
    Noted writer and poet; ICTCL/2. References on this site include the following:

    Nevertheless, none of these connects Qin Guan directly to qin.

  51. 邵雍 Shao Yong (1011 - 1077; Wiki)
    Bio/1398; courtesy name 堯夫 Yaofu; "one of the five masters of the Neo-Confucian Learning of the Way" (DeBary, Sources, Vol. 1, p. 678).

    Shao Yong was sometimes also connected to the melody Yu Qiao Wenda

  52. 沈佺期 Shen Quanqi (c.650-713; Wiki)
    Nienhauser, Companion, p.677, pairs him with 宋之問 Song Zhiwen (d. 712), who wrote a poem about Wangzi Qiao (see Yao Tian Sheng He). At one time he achieved high public office but then was exiled to what is today Vietnam, where he wrote some of the earliest known poems about the region. Eventually he returned to another high position at court.
    Lyrics for Pili Yin

  53. 沈約 Shen Yue (441 - 513)
    Shen Yue, style name 休文 Xiuwen, "is probably best known as the originator of the first deliberately applied rules of tonal euphony in the history of Chinese prosody, though many have disputed this self-made claim." (ICTCL, p.680). YFSJ has over 50 entries under his name, but only two are in the qin section,
    Xiang Fei and Zhen Nü Yin. See also Yang Chun Qu, a Qiu Hong poem, Yu Yan, Xiao Yan and qin schools.

  54. 石崇 Shi Chong (249 - 300)
    Shi Chong (24574.619) of 晉 Jin had a mixed reputation as a poet. For example, ICTCL, p.962, says he followed a narrative tradition "telling stories of the ancient days in a language which is fairly ornate but lacks originality." He was a wealthy man with a villa in 金谷 Jin Gu (41049.281, a valley on the northwest side of Luoyang) where prominent people would gather for elegant feasts involving music, art and poetry. He also had a second villa at 河陽 Heyang (north of the Yellow River, in what is today 孟州 Mengzhou, also in
    Henan province).

    In 300 a certain Sun Xiu accused Shi Chong of political intrigue and he was executed. Supposedly Sun Xiu had demanded Shi Chong's wife but Shi Chong refused; after his death the wife committed suicide at Jin Gu. As a result Jin Gu was used as an allusion to tenuous nature of wealth. See David Knechtges (trans.) Wen Xuan, III, p.202. Also ICTCL p. 962.

    Gu Yuan has an allusion to the story above.
    Si Gui Yin uses the YFSJ  Preface and lyrics attributed to him
    Chu Fei Tan (YFSJ, p.435)

  55. 檀約 Tan Yue (5th c.?)
    15975.xxx; Diao: 約 27858.xxx. Bio/2564-5xxx (has one Tan with a qin connection: 檀翥
    Tan Zhu). No further information (YFSJ has only this one poem); if 齊 means Qi dynasty then he lived during 479-501.
    Lyrics for Yang Chun Qu

  56. 湯惠休 Tang Huixiu (died after 466)
    Tang Huixiu (
    China Wiki) was in his day a well-known poet. When he was young he became a Buddhist monk, but apparently 孝武帝 Emperor Xiao Wu of the Liang dynasty brought him back into government service, where he eventually was promoted to senior positions.
    Lyrics for Qiu Feng, Chu Mingfei

  57. 王安石 Wang Anshi (1021-1086; Wiki)
    Wang Anshi (21295.361; ICTCL p.854; Giles; etc.) was a famous "reformer" strongly opposed by traditionalists (who suffered the consequences). His poems connected to the qin include,

    • A Hu Jia poem included in QSDQ, Folio 12 (QQJC, V/266; has the text). QSCB Chapter 6b1-2 reiterates what is said in Chapter 6a2 about Wu Liangfu setting these lyrics to qin, but there are no such surviving settings.
    • A poem connected to the Guqin Terrace in Wuhan.

  58. 王勃 Wang Bo (ca.690 - ca.756; Wiki)
    Most famous writing, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, has been used for several qin melodies, beginning in 1585. Poems by him that mention qin include:

    1. 《送盧主簿》

    2. 《羈游餞別》

    Plus at least four others.

  59. 王昌齡 Wang Changling (ca.690 - ca.756)
    ICTCL p.855
    He wrote a poem
    Listening to an Unadorned Qin.
    And is mentioned in connection with the melodies Dao Yi and Feng Ru Song.

  60. 王建 Wang Jian (766?–831; Wiki)
    Wang Jian was a noted poet. His 律呂圖說九卷 Lülü Tushuo concerns music theory. His most famous poem is probably 新嫁娘 The Bride, included in Tang Dynasty 300 Poems, but he is also noted for his 100 Palace Poems describing court life in the Tang dynasty (under Huang Chonggu he is mentioned as an official).

    Wang wrote a poem called Listening to the Qin (聽琴 Ting Qin), as follows:


    Wang Jian's poem 夢好梨花歌 Meng Hao Li Hua Ge does not mention qin but a line from it ("夢中喚作梨花雲") is quoted in the preface to the melody Li Yun Chun Si.

    There are also several other minor references to him on this site.

  61. 王僧孺 Wang Sengru (465 - 522)
    ICTCL p. 944
    Lyrics for
    Xiang Furen

  62. 韋莊 Wei Zhuang (ca. 836 - 910; Wiki)
    Also ICTCL p.885. Three of his poems that mention qin are

    1. Presented to Reclusive Scholar Li Playing Qin at Emei Mountain
    2. Playing Qin at the Four Hoaryheads Courier Station
    3. Qingping Yue: Wild flowers and fragrant grass (ci lyrics; translated)

    "Qin" is in the title of the following poem, though the actual words of the poem mention only pipa:

    悼楊氏妓琴絃        Lament over Courtesan Yang’s Qin Strings

    Her soul returns to the sky, her spirit to the mist, she was in this world for only 18 years.
    Yesterday offered a monk's belted robe, heartbroken and alone are her pipa strings.

    His poem 謁金門 Ye Jin Men is said to be the earliest example of the ci pattern of this name; it thus fits the setting published in 1664.
    Translated in Birch I, p.340, A Visit to Golden Gate (Google Boooks as well as in Robin Yates, Washing Silk, p.223, Paying Homage at the Golden Gate)


    Wei Zhuang is featured in a very interesting article and book on the oral transmission of Tang poetry).

  63. 文同 Wen Tong (1019-1079; Wiki)
    Bio/299; 13766.140; style name 與可 Yuke. A Northern Song poet as well as perhaps the most highly regarded painter of bamboo. He wrote several poems that mention qin. The following two are translated by Jonathan Chaves from his Cave of the Immortals:

    1. 琴室
      A Studio for Playing Zither


      How are you to express your mysterious feelings?
          You’ve got the sounds of this ancient wutong wood!
      Let me ask: when you get to a point where you’re playing really well,
          Who is there to come and listen to The Walk of the Crab?

      Regarding the "walk of the crab" (or "crabwalking": (蟹行 xiè xíng) see also the Guan Xiu poem above as well as these comments on a finger technique called 大蟹行 da xie xing.

    2. 聽天台處士彈琴
      Listening to a Recluse from Mt. Tiantai [Heavenly Terrace] Play the Qin-Zither


      This recluse has mastered the essentials of the zither:
          Who was his master? His master was Nature!
      And since he says, "Autumn Thoughts is fine!"
          We hear the roundness of his night-plucked tones.
      Our ears are carried beyond lascivious bawling,
          Hearts trembling before the fall of silence again.
      But sir, please stop before playing the Guangling piece:
          One should not loosely sound the sad note of shang.

      For learning the qin from nature see Shui Xian Qu. "Autumn Thoughts" (Qiu Si) is an ancient melody name (in, e.g., this list). As for "the Guangling piece", this must be Guangling San, a melody in the shang mode called "慢商調 man shang mode", literally "lowered shang (string) mode" because the second string ("shang string") is loosened so that it has the same pitch as the first string. Shang modes are indeed commonly associated with autumn and sadness (though see also the musical characteristics). Here Wen Tong does not know if he could bear so much sadness in the playing of such a great master.

    In addition, Su Dongpo once wrote an inscription on a qin belonging to Wen Tong.

  64. 翁卷 Weng Juan (d. after 1214)
    Bio/1968; late Song dynasty poet from 溫州 Wenzhou. At least eight of his poems mention qin: 鲍使君闲居、酬友人、寄從善上人、送陳嘉父為彭澤主簿、送吉水包長官、送姚主簿歸龍溪、送趙明叔明府、贈熊鍊師。 (These are online, e.g.,
    here). One of these is translated by Jonathan Chaves in West Cliff Poems: The Poetry of Weng Chüan, as follows:

    贈焦鍊師         Sent to Alchemist Chiao

    松邊自掩扉, Beside the pines you shut your gate,
    賣藥罷方歸。 Just returned from selling medicines.
    教客認仙草, You teach visitors to recognize immortal herbs,
    笑人求紫衣。 Laugh at those who seek the "purple robe."
    惜琴眠處放, You love your lute so much, you sleep with it;
    玩易語時稀。 You read the Book of Changes, but cite it rarely.
    風說沅砂賤, I hear you find Yüan-hsia a vulgar place:
    閒身去欲飛。 Fully at leisure, perhaps you'll fly away.

    "Purple robe" refers to public office. Lute, of course, is qin. Some editions call it 贈熊鍊師 Sent to Alchemist Hsiung.

  65. 吳均 Wu Jun (469 - 520)
    Wu Jun of 梁 Liang (Bio/1031), style name 叔庠 Shuxiang, was a well-known writer and poet from Zhejiang. He held official positions under the Qi and Liang dynasties, based in Nanjing. 玉臺新詠 (see Birrell,
    Jade Terrace), has 26 of his poems. Birrell's biographical note on Wu Jun says, "He did some editorial work on the Annals of the Qi Dynasty, but was dismissed for inaccuracies." Annals of Qi is 齊春秋 Qi Chunqiu. His Continuation of the Annals of Qi Xie (28646.85 續齊諧記 Xu Qi Xie Ji) is quoted in several references below. And he is also considered to have been one of the compilers of Xijing Zaji.

    Wu Jun wrote several books and poems mentioned on this site.

    1. Xu Qi Xie Ji; quoted for Wang Jingbo
    2. Bie Gu Cao (a poem on this theme)
    3. Cai Shi Wunong (sets a poem of his to lyrics)
    4. Tiantai Yin (also quotes Xu Qi Xie Ji)
    5. Zhi Zhao Fei

  66. 吳邁遠 Wu Maiyuan (5th c. CE)
    Wu Maiyuan (Bio/1056) lived under the Liu Song
    Lyrics for
    Chu Chao Qu,
    Yang Chun Ge

  67. 蕭愨 Xiao Que (6th c. CE)
    Xiao Que (32667.xxx; 11312.xxx; Bio/xxx; compare 32667.557 Bio/2105 蕭懿 Xiao Yi, d. 500 CE) has four entries in YFSJ, but I haven't found any biographical information yet. One of the poems is 飛龍吟
    Fei Long Yin. His poem Listening to a Qin is translated in Ronald Egan, Music, Sadness and the Qin (HJAS 57, p. 42).

  68. 謝眺 Xie Huilian (397 - 433)
    Bio/2382; ICTCL, p.427: minor poet from a wealthy clan that included his cousin Xie Lingyun
    next; Huilian's Rhapsody on Snow uses the persona of Sima Xiangru. References on this site include,
  69. 謝靈運 Xie Lingyun (385–433; Wiki)
    Xie Lingyun (Wade-Giles Hsieh Ling-yün), known as the first great Chinese nature poet or (more literally) "rivers and mountains poet", is still honored today for his poetry on the joys of nature. There are at least two collections translating his poems:

    • David Hinton, The Mountain Poems of Hsieh Ling-yün, New Directions, 2001.
    • J. D. Frodsham, The Murmuring Stream: The Life and Works of the Chinese Nature Poet Hsieh Ling-yun (385–433), Duke of K’ang-Lo. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1967.

    References to Xie Lingyun on this site include,

  70. 謝眺 Xie Tiao (464 - 499)
    ICTCL pp.430-2 says he "is best known for the originality of his landscape poems....Traditional criticism favorably characterizes his style as spontaneous and rhythmically fluid." He was an official of Southern Qi, based in Jiankang (within modern Nanjing) and he also served across the river in what is now Anhui, but in the end the harsh politics of the time led to his arrest and execution.
    Declamation on the Qin
    With Wang Zhongcheng Hearing a Qin
    On New Pavilion Islet Parting from Fan Yun of Lingling (mentions Xiao and Xiang rivers)
    The melody Evening Talk by a Guest's Window mentions him at the beginning of Section 4

  71. 辛德源 Xin Deyuan (6th c. CE)
    Xin Deyuan (39495.111), a minor poet of the Sui dynasty; 8 poems in YFSJ
    Lyrics for
    Pili Yin, Yi Lan Cao, Cheng Lian

  72. 辛棄疾 Xin Qiji (1140-1207)
    Xin Qiji (39485.80; ICTCL, p.432; Giles;
    Wiki), style name 幼安 You'an, nickname 稼軒(居士) Jiaxuan. A poet and military leader during Southern Song, he is mentioned as a patriotic poet here.
    Lyrics by him are set to Taiping Yin.
    His Lang Tao Sha ci lyrics could be used here
    His three 沁園春 Qìn Yuán Chūn (17531.11 ci from 劉改之 [劉過 1154 - 1206]; also 陳著) could be used here

  73. 徐孝嗣 Xu Xiaosi (453 - 499)
    Xu Xiaosi (Bio/1951)
    Lyrics for
    Bai Xue Ge

  74. 薛濤 Xue Tao (768-832; Wikipedia)
    Along with 李冶 Li Ye and Yu Xuanji, Xue Tao was one of the three most famous women poets of the Tang dynasty. A search of a site said to have 薛濤詩 全集 Xue Tao Complete Poems has none containing the word "琴 qin", but several of them do allude to it, such as the following,

    寄張元夫 Sent to Zhang Yuanfu
    In front of the stream I stand alone, behind the stream we walked;
            the herons are used to my vermilion clothing and are not startled.
    Once I would ask people the significance of my silent melancholy,
            Boya's strings are broken and also have no sound.

    Another, most likely, is the following (translation from 禹露 Lu Yu, Readings of Chinese Poet Xue Tao. M.A. thesis, U. Mass. Amherst, 2010 [also has commentary; see p.13ff]):

    風 Wind
    Passing through a field of fragrant orchids, the gentle breeze travels into the distance.
            Strumming the strings, it cries once.
    Under the light of the moon, the top of the woods rustle,
            And at night a path among the pines is desolate and sad.

  75. 閻朝隱 Yan Chaoyin (Yan Zhaoyin?; fl. ca. 690s–710s?)
    Yan Chaoyin (
    Chinese Wiki) was an official under the Tang. His use of the title "侍從途中口號應制 Attending on the Road, Orally Composed to Imperial Command" places him in the imperial entourage. In this he was a contemporary of Song Zhiwen.
    Lyrics for Mingyue Ge

  76. 楊萬里 Yang Wanli (1127 - 1206; Wikipedia)
    Very prolific; ICTCL p.915. A biography and poems are in Jonathan Chaves, Heaven my Blanket, Earth my Pillow (Weatherhill, 1975; from "天地即衾枕"). Yang was 南宋詩詞四大家 one of the four great poets of the Southern Song dynasty (with Lu You, Fan Chengda and You Mao [or: You Mou; 尤袤字延之,無錫人 1127-1194]).

    Poems Yang Wanli wrote connected to qin can be found here and here. Others include:

    • 羅仲憲送蔊菜謝以長句


    • 題劉高士看雲圖

  77. 閻朝隱 Yang Juyuan (born 755)
    Yang Juyuan (Bio/863)
    Lyrics for
    Biegu Cao

  78. Yang Weizhen 楊維楨 (1298 - 1370);
    Yang Weizhen, style name 廉夫 Lianfu, nickname 鐵崖 Tieya, later nickname 東維子 Dongweizi (Bio/881; 15489.703) "was to his contemporaries the foremost figure in classical poetry during the transition period between the Yuan and the Ming (ICTCL p.917). References here include:

    His biographical references above mention a 東維子集 Dong Weizi Ji and a 鐵崖先生古樂府 Tieya Xiansheng Gu Yuefu (ICTCL says they are "sensual, often wildly imaginative songs"). ICTCL mentions six folios of 鐵崖先生復古詩 Mr. Tieya's Return-to-antiquity Poems, with introductory notes by 章琬曰 Zhang Wan. Since all the Qin Cao here (QSDQ has 琴操序 Qin Cao Xu as the heading; perhaps this means "Qin Cao with Prefaces) have prefaces beginning "Zhang Wan says", and ICTCL adds that the collection includes "lute [sic] songs", they must come from that collection.

  79. 虞集 Yu Ji (1272-1348)
    Yu Ji (Bio/2404; 33531.130; ICTCL p.111, etc), style name 伯生 Bosheng, nickname 邵菴 (邵庵?), death name 虞文靖 Yu Wenjing, a "Southerner and a major poet of the era, is generally considered the best prose writer of the Yuan"; he became a member of the Hanlin Academy. Some sources say he composed the melody
    Chun Jiang Qu. QSDQ poems by him connected to the qin are in Folio 18, #50 and Folio 19A, #34 and #110. See also under Guanghan Qiu.

  80. 庾信 Yu Xin (513 - 581)
    Yu Xin (Bio/2187), 字子山 style name Zishan, also known as 庾開府 Yu Kaifu. ICTCL p.942 says, "His poetry marked a culmination of the richly innovative Six Dynasties and served as a harbinger for the flowering of verse under the Tang." References include: poems about
    hearing a string break, playing qin and Qiu Sai Yin, Wu Ye Ti lyrics, a comment about Cao Man, his qin named Qing Ying, and a quotation regarding qin se.

  81. 魚玄機 Yu Xuanji (844–868/9)
    Yu Xuanji, along with
    Xue Tao and Li Ye, was one of the three most famous women poets of the Tang dynasty; all were courtesans and/or nuns. Red Brush, pp. 190/1, records a contemporary account that says she would play the qin and recite poetry for friends and clients. It also records that she murdered her maid and was executed. At least two of her poems directly mention qin, as follows:

    遣懷 Qian Huai


    寄飛卿 Ji Fei Qing (Sent to Feiqing [Wen Tingyun])
    From the stone steps comes the confused buzzing of crickets,
            in the courtyard tree branches the misty dew clears up.
    Amidst nearby moonlight music resounds,
            from up in my room the distant mountains brighten.
    On my precious mat a cool breeze becomes apparent,
            and my jade qin tells of my increasing regret.
    Master Xi Kang has been lazy about sending me notes,
            but in the end that is what would comfort my autumnal thoughts.

    "Xi Kang" presumably refers to Wen Tingyun himself, someone with whom Yu Xuanji has sometimes been associated.

  82. 元好問 Yuan Haowen (1190 - 1257)
    1356.156 Yuan Haowen (
    Wikipedia), style name 裕之 Yuzhi, nickname 遺山 Yishan, was from 忻州 Xinzhou in northern Shanxi. ICTCL p. 953 says he was "one of the greatest Chinese of poets...an outstanding literary figure of the 金 Jin dynasty....When Kaifeng fell, Yuan wrote a famous letter to the Mongol official Yelü Chucai asking that 54 outstanding cultural figures of the Jin be spared...."). His 元遺山先生全集 Yuan Yishan Xiansheng Quanji, 40 folios (short name 遺山集 Yishan Ji) included poems and a Yuefu (music storehouse). It also apparently included Yuan's Preface to Miao Xiushi's Qin Bian (see below).

    Qin references on this site include:

    Yuan Haowen also wrote a famous poem called Tune of The Wild Geese’s Tomb (雁邱詞 Yan Qiu Ci; currently there is an online translation here (#7). In it he tells of a wild goose being shot by a hunter by the Fen River; for a while its mate soars above, then dashes itself on the rocks. Perhaps the title for Section 7 of the melody Knowing Autumn from a Single Leaf refers to this.

  83. 袁宏道 Yuan Hongdao (1568~1610; Wiki)
    Some of Yuan's work has been translated by Jonathan Chaves in Pilgrim of the Clouds, Poems and Essays from Ming China, Weatherhill, Inklings, 1978 and 1992. That volume does not include either of the following two poem, which both mention qin at the end:

    湖上別同方子公賦 其六
    何日陟其顛,洗耳聽仙琴。 (On whatever day I reach the peak, I will wash out my ears and hear the immortal qin.)



  84. 袁枚 Yuan Mei (1716 - 1798; Wikipedia)
    Poet and painter often paired with 紀昀 Jin Yun and noted for his advocacy of women artists including his two sisters (on this site see also Xian Xian).

    Poems of his mentioning qin include:

    齋心 Fasting the Heart


    Poetry is like playing the zither - reveal your heart with every note.
    .... See J. D. Schmidt, Harmony Garden: The Life, Literary Criticism, and Poetry of Yuan Mei (1716-1798), p.170.

    One of the few classical Chinese poems that mentions rats in a positve way is the following by Yuan Mei:

    Talking Art 品畫

    In painting it's catching the "spirit" and "essence".
        In poems that's "nature" and "feelings."
    An elegant dragon, with its life’s breath gone?
        Better a rat, with some scurry left in him.
    Translation by J.P. Seaton)

  85. 張祜 Zhang Hu (?-ca. 853)
    Zhang Hu (Bio/1227 has three 張祐 Zhang You and one Zhang Hu, a Tang writer "sometimes mistakenly written Zhang You")
    Zhi Zhao Fei Cao
    Si Gui Yin
    Zhaojun Yuan / Longshuo Cao
    Intoning a Sima Xiangru Qin Song (see Sima Xiangru Qin Ge)

  86. 張籍 Zhang Ji (778 - ca.829)
    Zhang Ji (Bio/); YFSJ has 53 entries. These include
    Bie Ge Cao, Chun Jiang Qu and Wu Ye Ti Yin
    See also Qiu Jiang Yebo.

  87. 張繼 Zhang Ji (ca. 712–715 - 779; Wiki)
    This Zhang Ji is apparently known for only one poem, the very popular Night Mooring near Maple Bridge, included amongs 300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty

  88. 張鎡 Zhang Zi (1153 - 1221)
    See his
    Qin Shi Xu bio. Seven poems he wrote mentioning qin are listed at www.shicimingju.com; these include,

    • 雜興

    • 曲廊

    • 寄題郭漢卿琴堂

    None yet translated.

  89. 張先 Zhang Xian, style name 張子野 Zhang Ziye (992 - 1039)
    Bio/1205. His poem Great Master Xinyang Enjoys Playing Qin is included

    Some of Zhang Xian's ci poems mentioned here include:

  90. 張祐 Zhang You
    References to Zhang You often actually mean Zhang Hu (
    previous, as in the commentary with a Tang Yin painting.

  91. 張說 Zhang Yue (663 - 730; Wiki)
    Zhang Yue, style name 道濟 Daoji or 說之, was also 燕文貞公 Duke Wenzhen of Yan. He was a senior government official as well as a respected literary figure. He is mentioned in the biography of Fan Gong. Zhang Yue's poetry with connections to qin includes,

    1. Playing a Qin Song to See off Yin Bu Que Yuan Kai
    2. 再使蜀道詩 (Again Passing the Road to Shu)

      眇眇葭萌道,蒼蒼褒斜穀。 (elsewhere begins 渺渺葭萌道,...)

  92. 張仲素 Zhang Zhongsu (d. 819/20)
    Zhang Zhongsu (10026.322; Bio/1272), style name 繪之 or 繢之 Huizhi, was a Hanlin scholar and accomplished poet; YFSJ has 11 entries, including
    Chun Jiang Qu (but note this confusion) 踏莎行

  93. 趙長卿 Zhao Changqing (ca.1200 CE)
    Bio/1651; Zhao was a member of the Song dynasty imperial family living in 南豐 Nanfeng (near Fuzhou?). The 全宋詞 Complete Song (Dynasty) Lyrics includes 339 ci poems attributed to him. According to his bio he once had a concubine named 文卿 Wenqing. He taught her to appreciate the works of Su Shi and she was able to sing his poetry. After three years Wenqing was claimed back by her mother and married a farmer. Despite this, Wenqing remained emotionally attached to Zhao, often sending him her own poetry and inquiring about his well-being. In response he would send her his compositions.

    Zhao's poem in the form Qing Ping Yue is translated in connection with my transcription and recording of the qin melody of that name.

    In addition, at least four of Zhao's ci poems actually mention qin. One of them, in the form Approaching Bliss (好事近 Hao Shi Jin), could be sung with the qin settings in this form. One is the third section of the melody Pear-White Clouds, Spring Thoughts (1664); the other is the third section of the related melody called Thatched Cottage Intontion published around the same time in Japan. Comparing the two, the melody for the first half of each is different while for the second half they are the same. Zhao Changqing's own poem in this form goes as follows:

    劍水靄歡聲,喜慶間生人傑。       Jiàn shuǐ ǎi huān shēng, xǐ qìng jiān shēng rén jié.
    一段蔥蔥佳氣,扇熏風時節。       Yī duàn cōng cōng jiā qì, shàn xūn fēng shí jié.

    今朝銀艾佐琴堂,爭把壽香祐。   Jīn zhāo yín ài zuǒ qín táng, zhēng bǎ shòu xiāng yòu.
    去去鳳皇池上,見龜巢連葉。       Qù qù fèng huáng chí shàng, jiàn guī cháo lián yè.

    By swordlike waters in the mist come joyous sounds, celebrating the birth of a talented soul.
    It is a period of verdant auspicious aura, fanning the happy breeze of celebration.

    This morning silver mugwort adorns the Zither Hall, striving for long life perfumed with blessings.
    May phoenixes keep going over this pond, and seeing turtles nest amongst the lotus leaves.

  94. 趙蕃 Zhao Fan (1143 - 1229)
    Bio/1643; see
    this summary as well as references in Zhang Chen, p. 50, etc. Poems he wrote connected to qin can be found here and here. Others include:

    • 卓文君 (Zhuo Wenjun)

    • 幽居即事八首之一

    • 郊居秋晚五首之一

    • 與成父夜坐

  95. 鄭允端 Zheng Yunduan (ca. 1327 - 56)
    Zheng Yunduan (Bio/xxx; 40513.xxx), style name 正淑 Zhengshu (16611.xxx), was from a prominent family in Suzhou.
    Women Writers, p. 131, introduces her. Pages 136-7 translate her poem Listening to the Qin (聽琴 Ting Qin). In it the narrator is entranced by listening to a song three times. This may suggest an aesthetic concerning short melodies or songs.

  96. 朱靜庵 Zhu Jing'an (fl. 1450)
    Zhu Jing'an, also known as 朱令文 Zhu Lingwen, was originally 朱仲嫻 Zhu Zhongxian (Bio/; ) was from 海寧 Haining, northeast of Hangzhou. Her poem 染甲 Ran Jia Coloring My Fingernails (
    Women Writers, p. 156) mentions se, not qin (because of the rhyme).

  97. 朱淑真 Zhu Shuzhen (1063? - 1106)
    Women Writers, pp. 100 - 106. A female poet contemporary to Li Qingzhao, she was of "arguably equal importance" (Edwin Van Bibber-Orr, Ph.D. dissertation 2013); the major collection of her poetry is called Heartbreak Collection (斷腸集 Duanchang Ji; one copy was in Tieqintongjianlou Shumu)
    Her poetry that mentions qin includes:

    • Playing Qin on a Summer Evening (夏夜彈琴 Xia Ye Tan Qin)

    • Broken String Qin (斷絃琴 Duan Xian Qin) 嫁做商人婦,便惹寂寞深。
    • 題余氏攀鱗軒《朱淑真傳》題為:《余氏攀鱗軒》。 瀟灑新軒傍琴岑,攀鱗勃勃此潛心。
    • 夏日作 東風迤邐轉南風,萬物全歸長養功。
    • 小閣秋日詠雨 疏雨洗高穹,瀟瀟滴井桐。
    • 早春喜晴即事 山明雪盡翠嵐深,天闊雲開斷翳陰。
    • 春日雜書十首?其七 月篩窗幌好風生,病眼傷風淚欲傾。
    • 春晝偶成 默默深閨掩晝關,簡編盈案小窗寒。
    • 寄大人二首其一 去家千裡外,飄泊若為心。
    • 寄大人二首其二 極目思鄉國,千里更萬津。
    No translations as yet.

  98. 朱孝廉 Zhu Xiaolian
    Zhu Xiaolian (Bio/xxx; YFSJ has only this one entry)
    Lyrics for
    Bai Xue Ge

  99. 莊南傑 Zhuang Nanjie (Tang dynasty)
    31795.xxx; 2798.xxx; Bio/610xxx; no further info (but there are 5 YFSJ poems)
    Lyrics for
    Yang Chun Qu

  100. 鄒紹先 Zou Shaoxian
    Lyrics for
    Xiang Furen

  101. 鄒祇謨 Zou Zhimo
    40445.51; Bio/1117: 鄒祇謨字許士號程村 Zou Zhimo, literary name Xushi, nickname Chengcun; from 江南武進 Wujin (today's 常州 Changzhou in Jiangsu) in Jiangnan; jinshi in 1658. He was "one of the most important and acknowledged masters of Ci-lyrics in the early Qing dynasty." (李有强
    Li Youqiang) Three of his poems are lyrics for melodies in Japanese handbooks:

    1. 離別難 Libie Nan (QQJC XII/201; two melodies)
    2. 華清引 Hua Qing Yin (QQJC XII/205)
    3. 月當廳 Yue Dang Ting (QQJC XII/209)

    Zou Zhimo's poems were originally published in 麗農詞 Li Nong Ci.

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. The plan is eventually to centralize onto one webpage all biographical entries for poets.

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