Cui Zundu
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Cui Zundu
- Qin Shi #140
崔遵度 1
琴史 #140 2

Cui Zundu (954 - 1020), from Jiangling in southeast Henan, held various official positions in the southern Song capital, Kaifeng, including one as advisor on virtue (and/or music tutor) to the heir apparent. He was later sent as emissary to the 契丹遼 Khitan Liao in north China and became a qin friend of Fan Zhongyan. Fan later studied with Cui's student Tang Yi.

Cui Zundu's Qin Commentary (Qin Jian) seems to have been quite well-known.4 He published other works, but I have found nothing else concerning the qin. Xu Jian's discussion of Qin Jian in QSCB, Folio 6C3, gives a few quotes from Qin Jian itself, but also quotes some other sources, one of which is a letter from Fan Zhongyan to Tang Yi included in Qinshu Daquan, Folio 16.

The apparently complete surviving text of Qin Jian is quoted extensively in at least the following four sources:

  1. The present Qin Shi entry has four lines introducing Cui Zundu himself, then 40 lines quoting what apparently is the entire surviving text of Qin Jian.
  2. Qinshu Cunmu, Folio III, #4, Qin Jian says it has two folios, gives somewhat more commentary, then quotes the same text as above.
  3. Qinshu Daquan, Folio 1, #11, has the same quoted text.
  4. Qinyuan Yaolu has this text, adding at the end a Xu Qin Jian (Continuation of Qin Jian). Unless this continuation is what is elsewhere called Folio 2, it seems that today only a part of the original work survives.

The original biography in Qin Shi begins as follows.5

Advisor on Virtue Cui, style name Zundu, ....


Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Cui Zundu 崔遵度 references
8405.251 崔遵度 Cui Zundu (954 - 1020), style name 堅白 Jianbai, was from 江陵 Jiangling (southeast Henan). The Qin Shi entry begins by calling him 崔論德 Cui Lunde (Lunde: 36511.86 discuss strong and weak points of virtue). It later says that he was at one time a 諭德 yude (Hucker: Adviser in establishment of the heir apparent; QSCB, Chapter 06c3.htm, says he was once 太子諭德 Taizi Yude [advisor on virtue to the heir apparent), or perhaps a 諭德卒官 yude zuguan (11/15 only yude [官名]; zuguan: 1/xxx).

Hsu Wen-Ying, The Ku-Ch'in, p.191., says he wrote 西崑 Xi Kun poetry.

2. 44 lines

4. Qin Commentary (琴箋 Qin Jian)
Qin Jian is included in at least four sources. One of them, Qinshu Cunmu, refers to it as Qin Jian, Two Folios (琴箋二卷). Qinyuan Yaolu, 73/2, after giving the basic Qin Jian text, includes a continuation beginning on 75/2.

The text of Qin Jian as printed in Qin Shi is as follows (mostly copied from






As can be seen here, the beginning of the same text in Qinyuan Yaolu (73/2-75/2) is somewhat different:


Qinyuan Yaolu then has a Continuation of Qin Commentary (虛琴箋 Xu Qin Jian), which begins as follows:


5. Qin Shi biography of Cui Zundu
The original text of this biography begins as follows (punctuation tentative):


It then gives the text of Qin Jian, as copied above, after which it ends with,

《琴箋》之作也,庶乎近之。苟其闕也,請俟君子名流皆服之。 As yet I have found no evidence suggesting this should be considered as the so-called second folio.


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