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- Qin Shi #24 |
曾子 1
琴史 #24 2 Ming impression of Zengzi3 |
He has been connected to several qin melodies:
Zengzi had his own Three Pleasures, but the melody of that name is generally associated with Rong Qiqi.
A story from Kongzi Jiayu about Zengzi and the qin is related in Qinshu Daquan Folio 16 #13.6
The original essay on Zengzi in Qin Shi begins as follows.7
Translation incomplete (see footnote).
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
曾子 Zengzi (Wiki; see also Wiki
Disciples of Confucius)
14627.5 曾子 Zengzi = .156 曾參 Zeng Shen, style name 子輿 Ziyu
also Zengzi: name of a book, in 18 篇 pian.
From 三才圖會 Sancai Tuhui.
Zeng Dian (曾點 or 曾蒧) (Wiki)
Also called 曾晳 Zeng Xi or 子皙 Zi Xi, he was by reputation a good musician. Sometimes he is said to have been a qin player, but a passage in Lun Yu (XI/26) has him playing the se. Several disciples are responding to a question from Confucius about what they would do if they found someone who appreciated their abilities. When it comes to Dian the passage is as follows (translation from D. C. Lau):
Confucius is sometimes depicted playing the qin as he teachers; to have a student playing an instrument in this context is thus quite distinctive.
Liangshan Lament (梁山操 Liangshan Cao)
It is listed in the Qin Cao entry, where it is
Hejian Zage #14, but no details are given. However, Qinxue Congshu Book I gives introductions to all the Qin Cao melodies. The one for Liangshan Cao
(QQJC XXX/27-8) is as follows:
To this the editor added in smaller doubled column print: 案北堂書,鈔天部,藝文類,聚天部,文選,擬今曰:梁宴會詩注太平御覽天部引皆作乃作梁山之操。
The main text says that Liangshan Lament was created by Zengzi. He served his parents by ploughing the fields below Mount Tai no matter what the weather. One month when we was unable to return for 10 days he wrote this as a very sad song.
Zengzi in Kongzi Jiayu
The text in Qinshu Daquan Folio 16 #13 is as follows:
Not yet translated.
Original Qin Shi entry
The text in Qin Shi (entry #24) is as follows:
曾子嘗耘瓜,誤斷其根。曾皙怒,擊之幾死。有頃乃蘇。欣然而起,進於曾皙曰:「向也,參得罪於大人,大人用力教參,得無疾乎!」退而就房,援琴而歌,欲令曾皙聞之,知其體康也。然孔子聞之而怒,曰,「舜之事瞽瞍,小捶則待,大杖則走,故瞽瞍不犯不父之罪。今參委身以待暴怒,殆而不避,既死則陷父於不義矣。」曾子造孔子而謝過。 (Similar to the Kongzi Jiayu account given above of Zengzi and his father, including Confucius' reaction.)
曾子嘗夢貍,不見其首,以為不祥,援琴而鼓之。作「殘形操」。有立於戶外而聽之者。曲終而入曰:「善哉,鼓琴乎!身已成矣,而惜未見其首也。」蓋夢狸而無首,此為怪祥。 (This relates a version of the story connected to Can Xing Cao.)
君子居正以俟命,福至不喜,禍至不怵,故鼓琴以寫其意。而曾子卒無禍,後之君子可以監矣。又有「歸耕」之曲。曰,往而不返者年也。不可得而再事者親也。見於「琴操」。 (Concerns Gui Geng, mentioned above.)
Myriad generations later, when discussing "filiality" one must say that Ziyu (Zengzi) was beautiful with it.
Translation incomplete.
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