Table of Contents for Luqi Xinsheng
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Luqi Xinsheng
Table of Contents 1

The Luqi Xinsheng contents are listed here together with the opening lyrics of each melody.

    Luqi Xinsheng tablature:

  1. 宮意 Gong Yi (VII/11 [repeated in Qin Shi, VIII/19])
    "惠風膏雨沐花天,紫陌靑門人閑繾綣。芳草任留戀。公子王孫,戲舞鞦韆。嬌姸,黃芽柳岸,過紅杏堤邊。正値春光明媚,淡雲輕煙。趂此芳辰,花插帽簷,紅相映掩,桃花人面,燕子歸來庭院。 春光賞不厭,莫惜杖頭錢。" (translation)

  2. 商意 Shang Yi (VII/12 [Qin Shi, VIII/19])

  3. 角意 Jiao Yi (VII/12 [Qin Shi, VIII/20])

  4. 徵意 Zhi Yi (VII/13 [Qin Shi, VIII/20])

  5. 羽意 Yu Yi (VII/13 [Qin Shi, VIII/20])

    Folio 2

  6. 思賢操 Si Xian Cao, 7 sections, shang mode (VII/14 [Qin Shi, VIII/20])
    Guide 15/155/310 思賢操 Si Xian Cao lists 23 titles, but also related are 13/140/243 (Ya Sheng Cao), 19/181/370 (Yi Yan Hui) and 29/226/431 (Fusheng Cao). Earliest is the Ya Sheng Cao of 1511.

  7. 客窗夜話 Ke Chuang Yehua, 11 sections, shang mode (VII/16 [Qin Shi, VIII/23])
    Guide 14/153/286; melody and lyrics related to 1511 and elsewhere

  8. 梅花三弄 Meihua Sannong, 13 sections, gong mode (only one in this mode) (VII/20 [Qin Shi, VIII/27])
    Guide 4/37/50; melody and lyrics are its own adaptation of those found elsewhere (from 1425 and 1511)

  9. 猿鶴雙清 Yuan He Shuang Qing, 12 sections, shang mode (VII/27 [Qin Shi, VIII/34])
    Guide 14/151/268; melody and lyrics related to 1511 (Shuang Qing Zhuan) and elsewhere

    Folio 3

  10. 胡笳十八拍 Hujia Shibapai, 18 sections, fugu mode (VII/33 [Qin Shi, VIII/46])
    Guide 8/77/119 includes it with Da Hujia, but the melody and lyrics here are unrelated to those of earlier Hu Jia melodies; melody is new, lyrics are those traditionally attributed to Cai Wenji herself. In Qin Shi the first page is missing and the piece is inserted after Ao Ai Ge. Then in 1618 these same lyrics are set to different music.

  11. 欸乃歌 Ao Ai Ge, 20 sections, ruibin mode (VII/40 [Qin Shi, VIII/39])
    Guide 21/190/376; lyrics and melody are related to those of at least five melodies called Yu Ge (11/117/200), including the earliest (>1505).

  12. 陌上桑 Moshang Sang, 7 sections, shang mode (Mulberry Lane; VII/47 [Qin Shi, VIII/55])
    Anonymous YFSJ lyrics (p. 410); Guide 28/222/428: only here, 1611 (identical) and 1618 (unrelated music and lyrics)

  13. 四思歌 Si Si Ge, 4 sections, shang mode (Song of Four Laments; VII/49 [Qin Shi, VIII/57])
    Guide 28/--/430: only here and 1611; the lyrics are the poem Si Chou Shi by Zhang Heng.
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Table of Contents
For the versions in Qin Shi go to QQJJ VIII and add 8 pages (e.g., VII/11 here is VIII/19 there, etc.)

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