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Guide to Existing Guqin Pieces in Tablature
Zha Fuxi's Index/melody guide
Cunjian Guqin Qupu Jilan 1

This book was largely the result of guqin work carried out in 1956 under the direction of Zha Fuxi. During this project Zha collected or made copies of 109 (of about 125) handbooks containing, counting from his index, 659 melody titles (further breakdown). He did not include several additional handbooks that he had found, considering them to be of insufficient value, apparently because they seemed to be handcopies containing previously published material. He also mentions several handbooks of which he had heard but which he was not able to examine, so he could not include them in the indexing. The original indices were apparently arranged first as separate volumes: in several places pagination begins again at a page 1. This is reflected in the existing editions, which combine these indices and have the new combined-volume page numbers added in brackets, making pagination somewhat complex, as will be seen below. The many references on this site in the form " # / # / # " go to Section #5 below (see its footnote).

The overall table of contents2 is as follows,

  1. Preface   (pp. 3 - 7) 3

  2. Explanation of the materials and methods   (pp. 9 - 11) 4

  3. A list of 109 qin handbooks ("qinpu"; compare the Annotated List) he had located, with basic data  (pp. 13 - 22) 5

  4. A list of a further 35 qinpu not indexed in this guide  (pp. 24 - 26) 6
    short preface p. 23 says most are either not yet seen, suspect, or obscure handcopies

  5. The 659 known surviving qin "melodies", with page references to #7, #9 and #10 below   (pp. 27 - 39) 7
    This site quotes as " # / # / # ", perhaps prefaced by "Guide", "Zha's index", etc."

  6. A list connecting alternative melody titles with the titles used above   (pp. 41 - 45) 8

  7. A list with each melody, its reputed creator (or period), and the qinpu that include it   (pp. 1 - 44) 9
    (All 659, chronological by handbook; pp. 1 - 30 is up through 1614)

  8. A table of contents for each of the 109 then-known qinpu   (pp. 3 - 204 [overall: 45 - 246]) 10
    Each handbook is given a brief introduction

  9. All prefaces, afterwords and section titles for the melodies listed in #5 above   (pp. 3 - 282 [overall: 247 - 526]) 11
    (chronological by qinpu; pp. 3 - 236 is up through 1614)

  10. All lyrics for the melodies, as listed in #5 above   (pp. 3 - 576 [overall: 527 - 1100]) 12
    (chronological by qinpu; pp. 3 - 443 is up through 1614)

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Guide to Existing Guqin Pieces in Tablature (存見古琴曲譜輯覽 Cunjian Guqin Qupu Jilan)
Generally referred to here as Zha Fuxi's Index or Guide, it was originally published 1958 by 人民音樂出版社 People's Music Publishing Company, Beijing. In 2001 it was reprinted with a one page afterword. Both editions use standard characters.

2. Overall table of contents (目次 Mu Ci)
The ToC, on p. 1, is preceded by a one page "內容提要 comment on the contents".

3. Preface (1. 叙 Xu)
By 查阜西 Zha Fuxi, dated 10 June 1957

4. Explanation of the contents of and methods used for the materials in this volume (2. 本編材料內容和檢用方法說明)
This explanation of the materials and methods makes 11 points.

5. Chart of the tablature collections and tablatures that form the basis of (Sections 7 to 10) of this volume (3. 本編傳譜部份所據譜集、譜本一覽表)
This list of the 109 qin handbooks dating from the 6th c. to 1946 that Zha Fuxi was able to find during his research in the 1950s forms the basis of the list of 125 qin handbooks from the same period included in my Guqin Handbooks, an Annotated List (which also adds several volumes dated after 1946). In Zha's Guide there are 10 columns with: handbook name, number of folios, compiler/editor, nickname, traditional date, modern date, number of melodies, page # of its introduction in Section 8 below, location of original volume, and comments.

6. Chart of the tablature collections and tablatures not included in (Sections 7 to 10) of this volume (4. 本編未收和不收的譜集/譜本一覽表)
This section of Zha's Guide lists 35 handbooks that he did not index, generally because, although he knew the book existed, it was not available to him or he did not consider it important enough. He gives basic details in 7 columns: handbook name, number of folios, compiler/editor, nickname, reason it is not included, comments. The first eight are pre-Qing dynasty; at least three of those eight have since then been reprinted and/or otherwise become availalbe (see full list as well as More not indexed).

7. Index of each melody in the "summary outline of guqin melodies that have existing tablature" (5. 存見有譜古琴曲總表內各琴曲的索引)
Zha Fuxi indexed his 659 known surviving qin "melodies" in a chart with four columns: melody title, then page references to #7 (melody list), #9 (prefaces) and #10 (lyrics). This site quotes these as " # / # / # ", perhaps prefaced by "Guide", "Zha's index", etc." In my re-arrangement of this index there are five columns, the extra one having the romanized version of the title. My index is also somewhat revised based on my examination of the handbooks Zha Fuxi did not see as well as many of the actual melodies themselves. "Melodies" is a vague term here. Almost all melodies change from one handbook to another, so there are many variants. In addition, some of his 659 titles include melodies totally unrelated musically (see, for example, Yang Chun). On the other hand, although Zha usually groups togther variant titles of the same melody, sometimes he doesn't find the connection. For example, he has as separate entries Yin De, Chumu Yin, and Qiujiang Yebo. The second is an abbreviated version of the first; the third is a later development. Thus the actual number of melodies surviving in these publications is different from Zha's 659, but the exact number is not yet certain.

Of the 659 titles listed in Zha's Guide, the first 417 are shown to have been first published (or at least copied down) within the 44 handbooks dating from before the Qing dynasty. My own research has focused on the 36 handbooks published through 1614, which include the first 370 titles in this section of Zha's Guide.

8. Search list for different or alternative names of qin melodies (6. 別名/異名琴曲檢查表)
See comments in previous footnote. My revisd listing has links connecting the alternative melody titles with the standard titles.

9. Summary outline of guqin melodies that have existing tablature (7. 存見有譜古琴曲總表)
This listing has each melody, its reputed creator (or period), and the qinpu that included it. These are listed chronologically based on the first surviving occurence of the melody. The first 236 of the 282 pages in this section cover the first 30 of the 109 handbooks in the Guide (going through 1614). This includes 371 of the 659 titles. After 1614 very few new melody titles occur in more than one or two handbooks.

10. Summary of each existing guqin tablature collection and the qin melodies they include (8. 存見古琴譜集及其所收琴曲的提要)
Each of the 109 entries here is a table of contents for the respective then-known qinpu. As copied out here it usually usually includes for each melody such information as the mode (if indicated), the number of sections, whether the sections have titles, whether there are lyrics and whether the melody has a preface.

11. Guide to existing qin melodies with prefaces (9. 存見琴曲解題輯覽)
About 380 of the 659 melodies have entries in this section (i.e., have prefaces, afterwords and/or section titles). The first 236 of the 282 pages in this section cover the first 30 of the 109 handbooks in the Guide (going through 1614). About 260 of the 371 pre-1615 melody titles have entries. After 1614 about 120 of the 288 new melody titles have entries.

12. Guide to existing qin melodies with lyrics (10. 存見琴曲歌詞輯覽)
About 340 of the 659 melodies have entries in this section (i.e., have lyrics). The first 443 of the 578 pages in this section cover the first 30 of the 109 handbooks in the Guide (going through 1614). About 165 of the 371 pre-1615 melody titles have lyrics. After 1614 about 175 of the 288 new melody titles have lyrics.

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