Xue Yijian
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Xue Yijian
- Qin Shi #132
薛易簡 1
琴史 #132 2
Fame from playing this piece? 3        
Xue Yijian (ca. 725 - ca. 800) was one of the leading qin players and writers in the Tang dynasty. He apparently had an unusually large repertoire: according to the entry here by the time he was 12 he already could play 30 miscellaneous melodies in 黃鍾調 Yellow Bell Mode. The entry then lists the names of 21 pieces he could play by the age of 17.

Xilutang Qintong (1525), in its introduction to the melody Feng Xiang Qian Ren (as shown at right it has the alternate title 鳳雲遊 Feng Yun You, referred to below as 鳳遊雲 Feng You Yun), says that because when he was 17 Xie Yijian could play Feng Yun You so well, this led to him becoming a 翰林待詔 Hanlin Daizhao.4

It is not clear whether as a Hanlin Daizhao he had special responsibilities for qin. If so, this position might be compared to the position created in the Song dynasty called "Qin Daizhao" (Qin [Player] Awaiting Imperial Command).5

Xu Jian discusses Xue Yijian in his Outline History, Chapter 5. A. (p.56).

Qinshu Cunmu also mentions him in several places.

  1. Folio 2 #12 apparently quotes extensively from and about Xue Yijian's 琴訣 Qin Jue (Qin Rules) 6
    It is somewhat different from the Qin Shi text below; see also here
  2. Folio 2 #13 is his 琴譜一卷 Qin Handbook, One Folio, but there is no information about it.

The biography of Xue Yijian in Qin Shi begins,7

Xue Yijian used the qin as 翰林待詔 Hanlin Daizhao (?). During the Tianbao period (742 - 756)....

Further details in preparation.

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Xue Yijian 薛易簡
329.29xxx. As yet I have not been able to find out any personal information about him.

2. 35 lines

3. Music for Phoenix Soaring to Heaven (Feng Xiang Qian Ren, aka 鳯雲遊 Feng Yun You)
From QQJC III/271. Explanation below.

4. 鳳雲遊 Feng Yun You
The 1525 afterword for this melody does not mention the title 鳯翔千仞 Feng Xiang Qian Ren, instead saying only,

Feng Yun You was created by Emperor Yu. During the Tang dynasty Xue Yijian by the age of 17 excelled at playing this piece and this was a source of his fame. During the Tianbao era Yijian used the qin to become a Daizhao in the Hanlin Academy, and the Qin Jue that he wrote has been transmitted up to today. This piece should have its origins in the clouds.

I am not sure of the meaning of the last phrase.

5. For Qin Daizhao see QSCB, Chapter 6a1.

6. 琴訣 Qin Jue (either 七篇 qipian or 一卷 yijuan; not 琴絕 Qin Jue: Qin Marvels)
Qinshu Daquan (V/331) quotes Qin Shi. Qinshu Cunmu quotes some other passages before also quoting the Qin Shi entry (further). Presumably this is also supposed to be quotes from 琴訣 Qin Jue: most likely this is a work that survives only in quotes from different places. Note that the Qin Shi entry here mentions his 訣 jue several times but not the actual title 琴訣 Qin Jue.

ctext.org begins with the opening quote from Qin Jue, then has what seem to be two other passages:

Further regarding the entry 琴訣一卷 Qin Jue One Folio in Qin Shu Cunmu Folio 2 #12, after mentioning the Xue Yijian entry in Qin Shi, then his 琴訣 Qin Jue and 琴談 Qin Tan, it goes on to quote from what it says is the 彈法 playing techniques section of 琴苑要錄 Qin Yuan Yao Lu ("凡鼓琴時無問有人無人。常如對尊長掣琴在前...."), also mentioning 大病 large errors and 小病 small errors; however, I have not yet found this there.

Xue Yijiang is also quoted in Taiyin Daquanji, but the text is different ("鼓琴之時無問有人無人。須有畏懼如對長者...."). And there is some similar information in the section called 撫琴訣 Fu Qin Jue in Xilutang Qintong (III/59), but again it seems to be from a different source ("鼓琴時無問有人無人,常如對長者,掣琴在前身須端直....").

7. Qin Shi text
The original text in Qin Shi is as follows:






Not yet translated. 又須兩手相附,若雙鸞對舞

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