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Taiyin Daquanji ToC Folio 3 Folio 4 parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7-21 / Folio 5 ToC | 網站目錄 |
Taiyin Daquanji
Folio 4, Miscellaneous Essays: Annotated List of Contents (1/80b-88b) 2 |
卷四,目錄 |
Folio 4 originally had no Table of Contents;
one is added here for convenience. |
Page 1 of Folio 4 in Taigu Yiyin; compare Taiyin Daquanji 3 |
The list is followed by an essay (straddline QQJC I/86-7) that begins, "琴太古樂也。正聲之所自出...." It is not clear whether it belongs together with the list it follows, or in fact what if any connection it has with the preceding several sections.
A somewhat revised version of these nine, as included in Gao Lian's Eight Discourses on Living, is translated by Pei-You Chang on her website.
This is followed by a long yinshi, then five more lines each with a rule, plus a closing statement:
Four characterizations of people who shouldn't play qin: several types of common people, people from military households, people in commerce and professional performaners.
End of Taiyin Daquanji, Folio 4
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
See the Comment on the different editions: the original of this chapter is in the Taiyin Daquanji reprinted in QQJC Vol. I, pp. 80 - 88 (70-78 in earlier edition). It is nearly identical to the same passage as reprinted in QFTGYY, pp. 74 - 84, with the latter adding punctuation. It should be noted that the meaning of a number of passages still eludes me.
Added explanations
These are mostly my own added comments concerning the structure of the original text.
Page 1 of Folio 4 in Taigu Yiyin
The text here seems to be much the same as that in Taiyin Daquanji, and is much easier to read.
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