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Qin bios Xishan Qin Kuang | 首頁 |
Xu Hong
- Qin Shi Xu #144 |
徐谼 1
琴史續 #144 2 |
Xu Hong (Xu Qingshan, 1580 - 1650) was one of the founders of the Yushan School, also called the Shu (for Changshu) School and so there is detailed information about him in Qinshi Chubian Chapter 7 A2, which concerns that school. His original name was Xu Shangying but he is perhaps best known as Xu Qingshan, Qingshan being his style name. Perhaps there was an earlier handbook of his music, originally known as Qingshan Qinpu,3 but if so it did not survive and what we have for this instead is only the Dahuange Qinpu,4 published in 1673, after his death, by one of his students (Table of Contents). Because of this, the original dates of the different tablatures in this handbook are uncertain. In addition to 32 melodies it includes the famous essay Xishan Qin Kuang.5 The original text of this essay is in the appendix below.
Xishan Qin Kuang does not seem to be mentioned in Xu's Qinshi Xu biography; Xishan literally means "streams and rivers", the sort of place one might play the qin rather than any specific place. The essay describes 24 "touches" to use when playing the qin. Such descriptions were not new to the qin. For example, the 11th century essay Qin Jian by Cui Zundu has something like this. The Lengxian Qinsheng 16 Fa by Leng Qian (ca. 1310 - ca. 1371) does as well, but it may in fact date later than its official attribution.
There have been a number of modern commentaries on these articles.6 There does seem to be some disagreement about which article was more popular and/or influential. For example, Watt suggests the Xu Hong essay became more influential because of the importance of the Yu Shan School (which has been said to have emphasized individual notes over melody), but Van Gulik suggests that in the long run the essay by Leng Qian was more highly respected, perhaps in the belief that it was earier. In general there seems to be agreement that this or these essays led to important changes in qin playing style. For example, when Van Gulik seems to accept the belief that qin music emphasizes individual notes over melody he may be referring to the influence of these essays.
On the other hand, this emphasis on individual notes is different from my own understanding of the music, which is based on my reconstructions of hundreds of melodies as published in the Ming dynasty prior to the Yushan school: they seem to me very melodical, suggesting there need be no compromise between melody and individual tones.
The original essay about Xu Hong in Qin Shi Xu begins as follows:
Xu Hong 徐谼
15 lines; reference: 蓴湖漫錄 Chunhu Manlu.
Qingshan's Qin Handbook (青山琴譜 Qingshan Qinpu)
大還閣琴譜 Dahuange Qinpu (1673)
Qin Matters of Hills and Streams (溪山琴況 Xishan Qin Kuang)
The entry on Xishan Qinkuang in chinaknowledge.de gives a good account of that and similar works.
Analyses of (Xishan) Qin Kuang
Qin Kuang is also discussed in QSCB, VII.C.
As revised by Xia Pu? This explanation of 24 touches has at least one French and two English translations,
Possible origins for this type of work in earlier handbooks are discussed
here. As for more unified discussion of playing skills and aesthetics, note here that Xu Hong's work is mentioned only briefly in Qinshu Cunmu, which devoted much more space to the 16 Rules attributed to Leng Qian, but some people have argued that last line of the latter is proof that it could not have been written at the time of Leng Qian.
The complete original text of Xishan Qin Kuang, as included in Dahuange Qinpu (QQJC X/316-331) and Siku Quanshu Cunmu Congshu, is as follows:
So, to discuss harmony, it is best to take harmonic sounds as the primary reference and consider stopped sounds only afterward. Harmonic sounds do not require (the left hand) pressing down on the strings. The right-hand fingers initiate sound; (thus, by) alternating between acting as guest and host, firm and pliant blend together, (while) loud and soft become more distinctive. This is the ultimate harmony.
Stopped sounds, on the other hand, require the left hand to press while the right hand plucks. They align with the nine pitch standards (律) and the ten pitch pipes (呂), thus producing sounds in harmony with the harmonic nodes (徽).
However, if the pressing is uneven or the harmonics do not align precisely, the result may resemble harmony but is not true harmony. Therefore, harmonics must be used as the ultimate standard of correctness.
If the harmonic sounds themselves are not in tune, the strings must be adjusted by tightening or loosening the tuning pegs (軫) while listening carefully to the harmonics. By repeatedly comparing harmonics and stopped sounds against one another, true harmony in the strings is finally achieved."
I further hold that three conditions are required: the accord between string and finger, between finger and sound, and between sound and intention; only then is true harmony reached. The string has its own nature—it favors smoothness rather than opposition, substance rather than emptiness. If one’s touch is too casual or insufficiently firm, neither smoothness nor substance will be achieved. Thus, when the finger descends along the string, one must avoid releasing too early; when moving along it, the motion should leave no trace. When the movement is as seamless as the adhesion of glue and lacquer, the string and finger are truly in accord.
Sound follows a precise scale—sometimes in line with the markings, sometimes not—and fixed intervals determine its position. If these become muddled, how can harmony emerge? For within a piece there is measure, within a phrase a cue, within every character an affirmation; the principles of sound are exceedingly subtle. Only when one painstakingly distinguishes the refined intonations and adjusts the nuances—the light and heavy, the rapid and the slow—so that the melody flows gracefully and the emotion is fully conveyed, do the fingers and the sound unite in perfect harmony.
Sound flows from intention; intention precedes sound, and sound follows intention, uniting myriad subtleties. Therefore, if one wishes to express one’s inner meaning, one must first practice producing the correct sound; only by mastering the tone can one fully communicate one’s intent. For example, the right hand’s caressing should produce a tone that is firm without harshness, light without triviality, swift without urgency, and slow without slackness; the left hand’s pressing should be as refined and unobstructed as a lyrical recitation—its meandering curves, its rises and falls, its breaks and reconnections all respond to the essence of the sound and the profound subtleties of the intent. And when elements beyond the string resonate—as if reflecting majestic mountains or merging with flowing water—the sound and intent unite in an ineffable way. In essence, with a tranquil spirit and an enraptured heart, as if celebrating great harmony with resounding drums and fragrant libations, the union of heart and hand is self-evident; it is not a mere technique, but the true legacy of the art.
Xu Hong's 24 rules have been analyzed by Mei-yen Lee in her "Concept of Nature in the Musical Aesthetics of the Chinese Guqin"; Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics Vol. 46, No. 1, Spring 2023 [161-171], © 2023 Vishvanatha Kaviraja Institute, New Delhi, India. This articled is currently online at jcla.in/wp-content/uploads/. The article does not mention the 16 Rules attributed to Leng Qian Leng Qian. Van Gulik seemed to think Leng Qian's rules were the first, but later analysis has often said that Leng Qian's was actually written later. The fact that there does not seem to be such descriptions or even listings of touches in handbooks such as
Taiyin Daquanji/Taigu Yiyin might are against the validity of claims for Leng Qian being the earliest.
P>A proper comparison of the two lists might begin by analyzing the differences between the "touches" that the two lists have in common. The listing below give some idea of this: sometimes ones from each are clearly related; other times the connection seems more tangential. A sample comparison, for example, would be to point out that "輕 Qing", #1 in Leng Qian, is shorter but otherwise mostly word for word the same as #21 in Xu: clearly either Xu added considerably to Leng, or Leng excluded quite a lot from Xu.
Then there is a similar relationship between 清 Qinq for both lists.
In addition, however, there are similar relationships between, e.g., #2 鬆 song in Leng and #15 圓 yuan in Xu.
Comparison Chart of Xu Hong and
Leng Qian rule numbers
Xu Hong, original name Shangying, other nickname Qingshan, was from Taicang (near Suzhou). Because of the financial hardships of famous families he was able to study qin from Yan Tianchi, Shi Jian....
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
Xu Hong is discussed in QSCB, Chapter 7a2 (p. 127); his style name was 青山 Qingshan; original name Xu Shangying 徐上瀛. Bio/1939 says only that he was a qin expert from 江蘇太倉 Taicang (near 崑山 Kunshan) who wrote 溪山琴況 Xishan Qin Kuang (see QQJC X/310-325 and the appendix below).
Xu Jian, QSCB Chapter 7 A2 mentions a 青山琴譜序 Preface Qingshan Qinpu by 陸符 Lu Fu, as though Qingshan Qinpu was a handbook title. However, there seems to be no further evidence of this and Lu Fu's preface, simply called "Preface", is in Dahuange Qinpu (next footnote; in
QQJC X/310).
See QQJC X/316-331.
18426.=> 谿山 37064.6 : 谿與山 streams and hills. See QQJC X/310-325 and below.
Van Gulik, Lore, p.107, footnote 28, calls the essay "Ch'in-huang". He did not give references as to why he considered
Lengxian Qinsheng 16 Fa more highly respected.
Xu Hong, Qin Matters from Hills and Streams (徐谼 Xu Hong, 谿山琴況 Xishan Qin Kuang)
From studying the ancient ways, the supreme sage's heart resonated with the natural order, his virtues united the divine and the human, and harmonized both their own nature and that of all under heaven; from this was the qin created. Its foremost principle is harmony. (Here) the origin of harmony lies first in correctly tuning all the strings, following position of markers for getting accurate sound, managing (this sound) with the fingers, and reviewing (the results) through listening. This is what is called using harmony to inspire and using harmony to respond. Harmony is the confluence of many sounds and the gentle, balanced resonance of this interaction, is it not?"
古人之于詩則曰「風」、「雅」,于琴則曰「大雅」。自古音淪沒,即有繼空谷之響,未免郢人寡和,則且苦思求售,去故謀新,遂以絃上作琵琶聲,此以雅音而翻為俗調也。惟真雅者不然,修其清靜貞正,而藉琴以明心見性,遇不遇,聽之也,而在我足以自況。斯真大雅之歸也。然琴中雅俗之辨爭在纖微?喜工柔媚則俗,落指重濁則俗,性好炎鬧則俗,指拘局促則俗,取音粗 則俗,入絃倉卒則俗,指法不式則俗,氣質浮躁則俗,種種俗態未易枚舉,但能體認得「靜」、「遠」、「澹」、「逸」四字,有正始風,斯俗情悉去,臻于大雅矣。
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