Master Chen's tablature explanations
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Taiyin Daquanji 1 太音大全集
Folio 5, Part 8: Tablature explanations by Master Chen (Chen Kangshi? 2) 卷五,八:唐陳居士聽聲數,應指法,并注譜絕
(In the original the following sections and quotations are unnumbered..3) QQJC I/91b - 93a

陳居士 Master Chen's tablature explanations (QQJC I/91 bottom) (This web page begins with the 9th column from the right of this image 4)  

This section begins with the statement

Chen Jushi (Chen the scholar? hermit? lay Buddhist?) listened to many sounds along with their corresponding fingering techniques (or "and responded by devising"); the tablature method he then described was subsequently "jue" (this could mean either "lost" or "cut off all the competition").

It then continues with fingering explanations. First comes the name of the technique, This is followed by the shorthand tablature version, inside the red circles at right but represented below by underlines if they cannot be written by computer: "___" (or if possible separate elements might be substituted). After this is the explanation of the technique, usually represented below by "....", as very few have been copied or translated here. There may be a link to a translation or other related details elsewhere.

  1. 單蠲 dan juan ___
  2. 全扶 quan fu ___
  3. 曡蠲 die juan ___
  4. 半扶 ban fu ___
  5. 圓婁 yuan lou 婁 inside 囗
  6. 背蠲 bei juan (This is at the beginning of QQJC I/92 top)
  7. 小璅 xiao suo 小巛
  8. 短璅 duan suo 矢巛
  9. 大璅 da suo 大巛
  10. 長璅 chang suo
  11. 換指璅 huanzhi suo
  12. 背璅 bei suo 北巛
  13. 打圓 da yuan 丁 inside 囗 (圓 written with 貟)
  14. 小間勾 xiao jian gou
  15. 大間勾 da jian gou
  16. 雙打 shuang da
  17. 覆打 fu da
  18. lun
  19. 疊指 die zhi
  20. tan
  21. 雙彈 shuang tan
  22. li 厂(歷)
  23. 雙歷 shuang li(歷)
  24. du
  25. fu
  26. cu 足(蹵)
    Explanation seems garbled; compare
    You Lan, where it seems to a left hand slide.
  27. gun
  28. 圓璅 yuan suo 圓巛(圓 written with 貟)
    .... (Why not grouped with
    小璅 xiao suo etc?)
  29. san
    Later grouped under left hand, but means don't use left hand
  30. 撥剌 bo la (compare 潑刺 po ci
  31. yin
  32. zhu
  33. chuo
  34. ying
  35. zhuang
  36. 搯起 tao qi
  37. 對按 dui an
  38. yan
  39. 虛罨起 xu yan qi
  40. 虛點起 xu dian qi
  41. 念起 nian qi
  42. 推出 tui chu 隹山
  43. nao
  44. yin
  45. 不動 bu dong
  46. jiu
  47. 復上下 fu shang xia
  48. fan 丿
  49. 泛止 fan zhi
  50. an
  51. 少息 shao xi
  52. 從頭 cong tou 从豆
  53. 從勾 cong gou 从勹
  54. 從圏 cong juan 从口
Continue to Parts 9 and 10
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Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. 太音大全集卷五 Taiyin Daquanji Folio 5, Part 8 QQJC I/91, bottom: comments above begin at 8th column from left      
See comments with right hand technique explanations.

Note also that these explanations are not at all complete. For example, ones that I have not yet found in this handbook include:

There are explanations for these in later handbooks but I am not sure if this means they are relatively later techniques.

2. Master Chen's tablature explanations
"Master Chen" is said to be a reference to 陳康士 Chen Kangshi which, it is said, would date him to the 9th century CE. The Chinese name/title here actually calls him 陳居士 Chen Jushi, Jushi having many possible meanings include scholar, hermit, honorable person, commoner, lay person, lay Buddhist and so forth. The introduction goes on to say his fingering explanations are all lost, so it remains unclear who he really was.

3. Explanations by translator
See comments concerning the structure of the original text.
QQJC I/92, top: comments correspond to #6 to #23 above     

4. Images: Taigu Yiyin
Images from this Taigu Yiyin are easier to follow than the same material from Qinqu Jicheng, at right.
QQJC I/92, bottom: comments correspond to #24 to #37 above     
QQJC I/93, top: comments correspond to #38 to #54 above     

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