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Taiyin Daquanji ToC Folio 4 ToC / Folio 5 ToC parts 1 / 2&3 / 4 / 5&6 / 7 / 8 / 9&10 / "Folio 6": ToC | 網站目錄 |
Taiyin Daquanji 1 | 太音大全集 |
Folio 5, Part 7: Tablature Shorthand | 卷五,七:陳拙、字譜 |
(In the original the following sections and quotations are unnumbered. Explanations provided by the translator are put either in brackets ( ) or in footnotes.2) |
字譜 Tablature notation (a glossary) (QQJC I/91) | (This web page begins with the left 10 columns of this image 3) |
However, most people reading the passage in Chinese would probably consider ""張敷" to be a proper name, so this is the "official" translation of this section called "字譜 Tablature glossary", which begins 10 columns from the left in the image at right, and the second column from the right in the image below:
制譜,始於雍門周 張敷因而別譜,不行於後代。趙耶利出譜兩帙,名參古今,尋者易知。先賢制作,意取周備,然其文極繁動越兩行,未成一句。後曹柔作減字法,尤為易曉也。
Mention has been made elsewhere to the development of longhand tablature. And at one place earlier in the text some credit was also given to 陳居士 Master Chen, generally thought to be Chen Kangshi, but perhaps it could instead be Chen Zhuo. Commentary within the symbols themselves mentions Cao Rou at least once but more often Master Chen or Chen Zhuo. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether and if so how this section connects with the next one (Part 8), which has actual tablature explanation attributed to 唐陳居士 Master Chen of the Tang dynasty. Some believe Master Chen to be Chen Zhuo but others say Chen Kangshi.
In any case, after the above introduction comes the following list of 75 (30 this page + 45 next) shorthand forms with their longhand forms, as follows ("__" means the shorthand form cannot be written by computer; n.b., the computer forms may not be precisely the same as the handwritten shorthand forms):
(This web page ends with the right 8 columns of this image) |
Continue on to the explanation of finger techniques attributed to Master Chen
or return to the Folio 5 ToC.
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
1. 太音大全集卷五 Taiyin Daquanji Folio 5, Part 5) | QQJC I/91, bottom: comments above begin at 2nd column from right: 字譜 |
Note also that these explanations are not at all complete. For example, ones that I have not yet found in this handbook include:
There are explanations for these in later handbooks but I am not sure if this means they are relatively later techniques.
Explanations by translator
Images: Taigu Yiyin
See comments concerning the structure of the original text.
Images from this Taigu Yiyin are easier to follow than the same material from Qinqu Jicheng, at right.
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