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Taiyin Daquanji ToC Folio 4 ToC / Folio 5 ToC parts 1&2 / 2&3 / 4 / 5&6 / 7 / 8 / 9&10 / "Folio 6": ToC | 網站目錄 |
Taiyin Daquanji 1 | 太音大全集 |
Folio 5, Part 4: Right hand finger techniques (Left hand: Part 5) | 卷五,四﹕右手指法 |
(In the original the following sections and quotations are unnumbered.2) |
右手指法 Right Hand Finger Techniques (QQJC I/89) | (This Taigu Yiyin layout is easier to follow than that of QQJC I/90 3) |
(This one and the rest not yet translated.)
(Next page:)
(None of these yet translated.)
Continue with left hand techniques or go to the Folio 5 ToC.
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
1. 太音大全集卷五 Taiyin Daquanji Folio 5, Part 4 (QQJC 1981 edition I/79-80, 2010 edition I/89-90; QF/88) (Left hand: 5) | QQJC I/90, top; the first technique on this page is #25 above, 挑 tiao. |
Images above were copied from the editon of Taigu Yiyin in the National Central Library, Taiwan (same as QF/87-92). The first 24 techniques there are the same as those in Taiyin Daquanji (QQJC I (30 Volume edition I/89-90). As can be seen here and on the previous page, the layout and clarity are quite different (note that Taiyin Daquanji the entries are read top to bottom then right to left). Translations here are generally based on the content of that Taiyin Daquanji. Finger techniques go from QQJC I/89-98. The two images at right are from the top and bottom of page 90.
Explanations by translator
See comments concerning the structure of the original text.
Images: Taigu Yiyin
Images from this Taigu Yiyin are easier to follow than the same material from Qinqu Jicheng, at right.
QQJC I/90, bottom: the first technique on the page below is #60 摘歷 |
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