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Summary and Contents / Previous / Next / QSCB : Song and Yuan Dynasties | 網站目錄 |
Rao Zongyi: An Historical Account of the Qin
from the close of the Song to the Jin and Yuan Dynasties 1 |
8. Outline of Yuan dynasty qin people 2 | 八,元代琴人述略 |
The latter part of this article still being edited.
A Rong was one of the qin players among Mongolian aristocrats. He was a Palace Secretary Assistant Administrator and Grand Academician in the Hall of Literature.
Chi Zhan (see under A Rong) was another:
Tie Zhu (authored a Qin Pu in 8 folios) was yet another:
As for painters who were skilled in qin. These included:
Contemporary scholars who wrote about the qin (included):
Wu Cheng,15 a Hanlin academician who wrote Qin Talk, 10 Rules {the Xuehai Leibian edition compiled this from various literary collections}.
Li Tianhe16 of Xin'gan and his son Songshou were both skilled in qin. They offered a book to (Wu) Cheng that discussed the separation and reunion of the three melodies and five strings. {Wu Caolu Ji}
Of literati who were skilled in qin, there were several:
Sa Tianxi (in qinshi Xu under Ni Zan
Xiao Xingyuan 23 of Poyang was another:
(Jie's poem) was a qigu long song,25 that included the following verses:26
I suspect that Xingyuan studied River-West Tablature (Jiang-xi pu).27
(Continue with 9. Zhe-tablature and the evolution of Xumen qin studies)
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
Prof. Rao's original article had no footnotes, so the footnotes below are all added by the translator. The text above uses the brackets { } for Prof. Rao's original bracketed phrases, while the brackets ( ) and [ ] indicate comments added by the translator. In addition, some of the paragraphs in the original article have been sub-divided, with a particular effort being made to highlight Rao's various quotes from historical sources.
Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties
(see also article reference)
The period covered in Rao Zongyi's essay includes (with dates, capital city [modern name]):
Initial translation by 金秋雨 Jin Qiuyu.
Su Shen 肅慎
29868.75 ancient name for a northern country, during the Liao period apparently merging with with the 女眞 Nüzhen (Juchen, Jurchen, etc.). This suggests they were related first to the Jin rulers and later the Manchus more than to the Mongols.
(See in Wikipedia.)
To the words 聽姜伯惠彈琴 Listening to Jiang Bohui Play a Qin Rao adds the words 擘阮 Bo Ruan (thumbing a ruan lute?). These are not in the version in QSCM and I don't know their origin or significance.
Continuation of Register of Ghosts (錄鬼簿續編 Lu Guibu Xubian)...
41475.21 錄鬼簿 Lu Guibu was a book in two folios by 鍾嗣成 Zhong Sicheng (1279-1360) recording biographies of writers of Yuan drama (元曲 Yuan qu).
ICTCL says the author honored the playwrights so their "ghosts would never die". It adds that it was expanded during the Ming (preface dated 1422), but does not mention "續編 Xubian"
Cloud Forest Collection (雲林集 Yunlin Ji)
Since Cloud Forest Gentleman (雲林士 Yunlin Shi) was a nickname of Ni Zan, this is presumably a collection of his poetry. 43170.165 list two books (also apparently poetry collections) with this title, but none by Ni Zan (the first is by 貢奎 Gong Kui [Yuan], the second by 危素 Wei Su [Ming]).
At Leisurely Daoist Hall Hear Yuan Nangong Play Qin
(蕭閒道館聽袁南宮彈琴 Xiaoxian Daoguan Ting Yuan Nangong Tan Qin)
Listening to Yuan Yuanwai play Qin
(聽袁員外彈琴 Ting Yuan Yuanwai Tan Qin, 1344)
Listen to Qian Wenze Play Qin
(聽錢文則彈琴 Ting Qian Wenze Tan Qin)
While Residing at the Home of Sa Panguan Hearing a Qin
(宿薩判官家聽琴 Su Sa Panguan Jia Ting Qin)
Presented to Chen Wei (Zeng Chen Weiyin 贈陳惟寅)
Discusses Ni Zan's father, 倪天 Ni Tian.
On the Last Day of the Second Month Hearing Liu Borung Play Qin
(二月晦日聽劉伯容彈琴 Eryue Huiri Ting Liu Borong Tan Qin)
Liu Borong is discussed under the biography of Ni Zan.
Yang Weizhen 楊維貞, Epitaph at Retired Scholar Ni's Grave (倪處士墓誌銘 Ni Chushi Mu Zhi Ming)
In 東維子集 Dongweizi Ji 26. Retired scholar: chushi: a talented scholar who does not seek political advancement.
Ultimate Aims of Clouds and Water (水雲遠意 Shui Yun Yuan Yi)
17458.473xxx. This probably refers to expressing the deep meaning of the famous qin melody Clouds and Water over the Xiao and Xiang Rivers
(Xiao Xiang Shui Yun).
Wu Cheng 吳澄 (1249 - 1333; Qin Talk, 10 Rules)
3453.724 Bio/1046; Yuan, from 樂仁 Leren, style name 幼清 伯清; also called 操廬先生 Caolu Xiansheng (his work Wu Caolu Ji is mentioned next.)
Li Tianhe 李天和 ; his son Li Songshou 李嵩壽)
From 新淦 Xin'gan (Jiangxi). Meaning of "論三操五絃之離合 separation and reunion of three melodies and five strings" is unclear. Source: 吳草廬集 Wu Caolu Ji (3453.437 by 吳澄 Wu Cheng - see previous).
Zhang Yu 張雨 (1283 - 1350)
Bio/1214 張雨 from Hangzhou; also named 天雨 Tianyu; style name 伯雨 Boyu; nicknames 句曲外史 Juqu Waishi and 貞居子 Zhenjuzi (or 貞居 Zhenju). His poems were collected in Mr. Zhenju's Poetry Collection (貞居先生詩集 Zhenju Xiansheng Shiji). Only one of the three poems in QSDQ,
19b is mentioned above.
Written Before the Poetry (詩前集 Shi Qian Ji)
Qin Praise (琴贊 Qin Zan
本無秋海二上人鵠灣月夜彈琴 Ben Wu Qiu Hai Er Shang Ren Hu Wan Yue Ye Tan Qin,
聽濱州仙人鼔琴 Ting Binzhou Xianren Gu Qin
倪雲林詩集 Ni Yunlin Shiji 2, 宿薩判官家聽琴 Su Sa Panguan Jia Ting Qin
Xiao Xingyuan 蕭性淵
32667.xxx; 10708.xxx; from 鄱陽 Poyang (lake?) in Jiangxi province. The poem here mentioning his qin is also extracted in his
Qinshi Xu biography. As for the qin called Frosty Bell (霜鍾 Shuangzhong), another poem conecting it to Xiao is included in QSDQ,
Chapter 19a, but
Zhou Mi (1232 - 1298) mentions it as one of two apparently Tang dynasty qins belonging to another contemporary, Zhang Shouyi; see also QSDQ
Folio 18.
Rao's final comment is "疑性淵所習即講習譜也".
Collection of Master Jie Wen'an (揭文安公集 Jie Wenan Gong Ji)
揭文安 Jie Wen'an was 揭徯斯 Jie Xisi (12679.37; Bio/2298, 1274 - 1344), 字曼碩 style name Manshi or Manshuo, named Wen'an after he died.
Qigu long song (七古長歌 qigu changge)
Long song using 七言古体诗, 7-characters per line, old form of meter.
A poem from the collection of 揭文安 Jie Wen'an (揭徯斯 Jie Jisi)
The complete original text of the poem is:
In Songzhou there was once a General Xiao,
everywhere renowned for studying books and learning swordsmanship.
He rode south on a “dragon horse” and crossed the river;
but had a single qin that he handed down to his descendants.
That solitary qin is said to have been carved by a man of the Tang dynasty
in earlier days it had provided him pleasure in military camps.
Even now there remain the sounds of slaughter and battle;
a beat from a mournful wind has shaken the vast, empty lands.
The general’s grandson is both talented and well-bred;
in literature he composes odes, in martial affairs he displays vigorous skill.
Beneath the Qin emperor’s city he has drunk atop his white horse,
and in the Qilian Mountains he has shot at white wolves.
In these times, people favor literary pursuits and not martial skill;
while holding his qin, he laments that his Confucian robes can mislead.
On the Zhao King's Terrace he watches the bloom of youth,
and at Penglang Cliff he dreams of the road back home.
During long days at the Historiographer's Institute he was quiet and relaxed,
properly attired with cap in place, he casually played his qin for me.
In the capital during the sixth month the sun is fiery hot;
but there is frost as the bell at midnight tolls in the empty mountains.
The southern wind naturally carries a Yu courtyard melopdy;
alas, even hearts of one ming do not share the same melody.
Discarding his qin, he fixes his gaze upon the blue sky,
for today, from the Celestial Gate a new imperial edict has come.
Rao quoted only the 9th and 10th lines.
Xiao Xingyuan and River-West Tablature
Rao Zongyi's comment after the poem that he "suspects that Xingyuan studied
River-West Tablature perhaps suggests that Rao thinks Jie intended Xiao actually to sing the lyrics himself. If so, that would make this song notable for the fact that its lyrics concern the person playing. Such songs cannot be found in the earliest surviving collection of qin songs, Taigu Yiyin (1511), but they may be found in the second, Chongxiu Zhenchuan Zhengzong Qinpu (1585). If this was actually sung, then presumably Xiao used either his own music or adapted an existing melody.
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