Qinshu Daquan Folio 20 B
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Qin Poems, II B
Qinshu Daquan Folio 20 B (V/452-469) 1

雜詠 Miscellaneous Intonings
一百五十二首 152 in number (153 by my count)

  1. 餞商郭二子西上詩 Poem of Entertaining Two Sons, Shang and Guo, Going up East (V/452)
    by 息夫牧 Xifu Mu (Xifu the Shepherd? 10855.6 double surname; Fumu 5962.xxx)


  2. 移席琴室 Moving a Qin Room (V/452)
    by 王融 Wang Rong (468 - 494, see ICTCL p.680)


  3. 送李縣尉臨溪 Seeing off County Official Li to Linxi (V/452)
    by 常建
    Chang Jian (8th c.)
    Also called 送李十一尉臨溪; Linxi: in Zhejiang or Sichuan


  4. 宓子賤琴臺 The Qin Terrace of Fu Zijian (Preface, and three poems; V/452-3)
    by 岑參 Cen Shen (715 - 770); the preface begins, "甲子歲適宓公子賤琴堂...."


  5. (又 Second poem)


  6. (又 Third poem)


  7. 琴臺 Qin Terrace (V/453)
    by 杜甫
    Du Fu (has references to Zhuo Wenjun and Feng Qiu Huang)

    茂陵多臥病,尚愛卓文君。   (茂陵多病後?)

  8. 嘉禾寺得素琴 Jiahe Temple Acquires an Unadorned Qin (V/453)
    by 李君虞 Li Junyu (Bio/xxx; 3395.xxx)

  9. 張令尹敗琴理而絃之音調清越 District Magistrate Zhang has a Ruined Qin, but the Sound of the Strings is Clear (V/453)
    by 劉長卿
    Liu Zhangqing (c.710 - after 787)

  10. 琴酒 Qin and Wine (V/453)
    by by 白居易
    Bai Juyi (772 - 846)


  11. 對琴酒 Facing Qin and Wine (V/453)
    by 白居易
    Bai Juyi (see also #10 above)


  12. 對琴酒 Facing Qin and Wine (V/453)
    by 白居易
    Bai Juyi (see also #10 and #11 above)


  13. 司戶主簿琴席 Qin Mat of the (official rank) (V/453)
    by 韋應物 Wei Yingwu (737 - c.792; ICTCL p.887; See also
    Folio 19A, #9 and #15, and Folio 19B, #46)

  14. 謝王郎中贈琴鶴 Thanks for Secretary Wang's Gift of Qin and Crane (V/453)
    by 顧況
    Gu Kuang (c.725 - c.814)

  15. 彈琴谷 Playing Qin in a Valley (V/453)
    by 顧況
    Gu Kuang (also #12 above)

  16. 嶽上逢琴 Meeting a Qin below a Cliff (V/453)
    by 王正白 Wang Zhengbai (Bio/xxx; 16611.84xxx)

  17. 素絲 Plain Silk (Strings) (text; V/453-4)
    by 陸龜蒙 Lu Guimeng (d. ca. 881; see also #18 - #20 below)

  18. 二遺 Two Legacies (text; V/454)
    by 陸龜蒙 Lu Guimeng (see also #17, 19, 20)

  19. 與紫溪翁 For the Old Man of Zixi (text; V/454)
    by 陸龜蒙 Lu Guimeng (see also #17, 18, 20)

  20. 送琴客還健康 Seeing off a Qin Guest to Jiankang (text; V/454)
    by 陸龜蒙 Lu Guimeng (see also #17 to #19)

  21. 匣中琴 Qin in a Box (V/454)
    by 于武陵 Yu Wuling (10th c.; Bio/26)

  22. 詠琴石 Intoning Qin on a Rock (V/454)
    Liu Zongyuan (773 - 819)

  23. 賦屏風得攜琴客 Qin (V/454)
    by 皇甫冉
    Huangfu Ran (715 - 768)
    In Complete Tang Poems called 屏風上各賦-物得攜琴客

    不見向空林,應當就磐石。 (CTP: 不是向空林)
    如何祗沒心,見爾携琴客。 (CTP: 如何祗渉役心)

  24. 風中琴 Qin in the Breeze (V/454)
    by 盧仝
    Lu Tong (ca.796 - 835); see translation. His most famous poem is Song of Tea but the poem here does not mention tea. Compare wind qin.

  25. 初晴抱琴登馬山 As Fair Weather Begins, Taking a Qin and Climbing Mashan (V/454)
    by 獨孤及
    Dugu Ji (725 - 777)

  26. 謝惠蜀琴 Thanks for the Gift of a Qin from Shu (V/454-5)
    by 權載之 Quan Zaizhi, style name of 權德輿 Quan Deyu (759 - 818; also see
    Folio 19B, #43 and #64)

  27. 歎琴客無琴 Regretting that a Qin Guest has no Qin (V/455)
    by 施肩吾 Shi Jianwu (9th c.; Bio/1767)

  28. 謝惠琴 Thanks for the Gift of a Qin (V/455)
    by 趙清獻公 Zhao Qing the Devotee (see also
    Folio 19B, #60 and #145)

  29. 聽琴圖 Sketch of Hearing a Qin (V/455)
    by 楊載 Yang Zai (1271 - 1323, Bio/848; see next and
    Folio 19A, #39)

  30. 子期聽琴圖 Sketch of Ziqi Listening to Qin (V/455)
    by by 楊載 Yang Zai (see previous)

  31. 送琴客還池州 Seeing off a Qin Guest Returning to Chizhou (four poems, V/455)
    by 劉靜脩 Liu Jingxiu (靜修?), style name of 劉因 Liu Yin (1249 - 1293; Bio/617; ICTCL pp.110, 498)

  32. (又 Second poem)

  33. (又 Third poem)

  34. (又 Fourth poem)

  35. 謝友人攜琴見訪不遇 Thanking a Friend who Brought a Qin to Visit, but Did Not Meet (V/455)
    by 女郎曹道沖 Lady Cao Daochong (Bio/xxx; 39843.xxx )


  36. 巘溜如今 Qin (V/455)
    by 孫僅 Sun Jin (7135.402, Song dynasty; younger brother of
    Sun He)
    for Sun Jin as a qin player see Folio 20A, #28

  37. 抱琴遊東山 Carrying a Qin and Wandering to Dongshan (V/455-6)
    by 姚係 Yao Xi (6384.xxx; 727.xxx)
    (? "Yao" looks like 女+水+匚+土, but compare
    #92 Yao below.

  38. 舜琴歌南風 Shun's Qin Song Nan Feng (V/456)
    by 丁湜 Ding Shi (Bio/xxx; 3.xxx; 18243.xxx)

  39. 浮玉道士琴 Floating Jade Daoist Master Qin (V/456)
    by 宋平齋 Song Pingzhai (Bio/xxx; 9371.584xxx [洪])
    浮玉 (王? 丘?) 道士 (17924.xxx)

  40. 贈段琴 Presenting a Piece about Qin (V/456)
    by 宋,沈說 of the Song dynasty (Bio/1152 Shen Yue [not 沈約])

  41. 和琴 Accompanying a Qin (V/456)
    by 趙希蓬 Zhao Xipeng (Bio/xxx; 9025.xxx)

  42. 喜李尚書寄新琴 Enjoying the New Qin Sent by Minister Li (V/456)
    by 司空旦 Sikong Dan (minister? Bio/xxx, 3306.81; 3306.164 is 司馬旦 Sima Dan [Song official])

  43. 琴薦 Qin Mats (V/456)
    by 宋白 Song Bai (936 - 1012; Bio/1179; Franke, p.988; see also Folio 19B, #11 and Folio 20A, #32)

  44. 琴酒 Qin and Wine (V/456)
    by 范仲淹
    Fan Zhongyan (989 - 1052)

  45. 蘇舜欽學琴 Su Shunqin Studies the Qin (V/456)
    by 范仲淹 Fan Zhongyan

  46. 謝張生抱琴 Thanking Student Zhang for Carrying the Qin (V/456)
    Seems by default to be attributed to Fan Zhongyan (previous) but actually by 蘇舜欽
    Su Shunqin

  47. 風琴聯句 Linked-verse on a Wind-Qin (V/456-7)
    by 梅堯臣
    Mei Yaochen together with 謝絳 Xie Jiang(994-1039), 字希深 style name Xishen; "wind-qin is a metaphor for nature's music

  48. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    by 貫休
    Guan Xiu (832 - 912)

  49. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    by 潘閬 Pan Lang (d.1009; Bio/2521)

  50. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    by 潘閬 Pan Lang (see #44 above)

  51. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    a 雪林瀨石吟 Water Flowing over Rocks Intonation by Li Gong
    (14818.1822 李 Li Gong: Song dynasty, nickname Xuelin; laishi 19060.xxx)

  52. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    by 樓鑰
    Lou Yue (1137 - 1213)

  53. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    by 韋齋先生 Mr. Weizhai (nickname of 朱松 Zhu Song, 1097 - 1143, father of 朱熹
    Zhu Xi, q.v.)

  54. 風琴 Wind-Qin (V/457)
    by 張方平 Zhang Fangping (1007 - 1091; Bio/1265; see
    Folio 20A, #49)

  55. 遊元紫芝琴臺 Going to the Qin Terrace of Yuan Zizhi (V/457)
    by 梅堯臣
    Mei Yaochen (1002 - 1060)

  56. 晦夫惠接䍦琴枕作此詩謝之 Huifu Bestows on me (?) a Cap and Qin Pillows; I Wrote this Poem to Thank Him (V/457)
    Huifu: style name of 歐陽闢 Ouyang Bi; for 琴枕 qin pillow see also qin mat
    by 東坡 Dongpo (蘇軾 Su Shi; see original text)

  57. 又 (Same title as #51 above, V/457-8)
    by 東坡 Dongpo (蘇軾
    Su Shi; see original text)

  58. 雪下琴 Qin under Snow (V/458)
    by 東坡 Dongpo (蘇軾
    Su Shi; see original text)

  59. 琴臺 Qin Terrace (V/458)
    by 張伯玉 Zhang Boyu (11th c.; 10026.438; Bio/1278)

  60. 無琴詠 Intonation on Having no Qin (V/458)
    by 魯友 Lu You (47030.xxx; Friend of Lu [state, stupidity]; Bio/xxx)

  61. 悼琴 Qin Affliction (V/458)
    by 魯友 Lu You (see #60 above)

  62. 寄題潭州寧鄉令沆琴堂 Sent on the Theme of Tanzhou .... Qin Hall (V/458)
    by 陶弼 Tao Bi (1015 - 1078; Bio/2052)

  63. 題吳道士琴堂 Theme of Daoist Wu's Qin Hall (V/458)
    by 張景修 Zhang Jingxiu (11th c; Bio/1297)

  64. 齋居聞琴作 A Retired Life Hearing a Qin Made (V/458)
    by 朱文公 Zhou Wengong, honorary name of 朱熹
    Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200)
    49558.14 齋居感興詩,二十首 20 poems by Zhu Xi

  65. 趙君澤攜琴載酒見訪分韻琴字 Mr. Zhao Zexi Carries Qin and Wine on a Visit to Discuss Distinguishing Rhyme for the Character "Qin" (V/458)
    Zhu Xi; Zhao Zexi (Bio/xxx; 18858.xxx also yi)

  66. 寄山中舊知 Old Acquaintances Lodging in the Mountains (V/458)
    Zhu Xi

  67. 讀李賓老詩 Reading an Old Poem of Li Bin (V/458)
    Zhu Xi; Li Bin (Bio/920)

  68. 謝伯幾惠琴 Thanking Boji for Caring for my Qin (V/458)
    by 趙子昂 Zhao Zi'ang, style name of
    Zhao Mengfu
    Boji was a nickname of 鮮于樞 Xianyu Shu (1246 - 1302; Bio/2474), a good friend of Zhao Zi'ang

  69. 徐勉之鳳凰引 Phoenix Preface of Xu Mianzhi (V/458-9)
    by 元訴笑隱 the Yuan dynasty monk 大訢 Da Xin ("Great Joy", style name Xiaoyin, 1284 - 1344; Bio/30;
    訴 must be a misprint); Xu Mianzhi (14th c.; Bio/1956)

  70. 以琴絃寄周子敬 Sending Qin Strings to Zhou Zijing (V/459)
    See text; by 清容居士 Qingrong Jushi, style name of 袁桷 Yuan Jue
    Zhou Zijing (Bio/xxx; 7072.295xxx)

    汪水雲訪子縲洩(?)彈而作十絕以送之 Wang Shuiyun (V/459)
    Ten Quatrains (71 - 80 below)
    浮休道人 Daoist Fuxiu, style name of 允若 Yun Ruo (1280 - 1359; Bio/336), a monk from Shaoxing; also called 李若 Li Ruo
    水雲子 Shuiyunzi was a nickname of
    Wang Yuanliang

  71. 文王思舜 Wen Wang Si Shun (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); title is an alternate for
    Si Shun,

  72. 夫子去 Confucius Goes (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); 5961.8 only has Fuzi (Confucius)

  73. 蘇武歸漢 Su Wu Returns to Han (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); 33250.107 has only Su Wu, but see also
    Han Jie Cao

    蘇卿持節使窮荒, Su Wu grasping his credentials was sent to the impoverished wilderness;
    十九年間兩鬢霜。 During his 19 years there the hair on his temples turned white.
    到了丹心磨不盡, There his loyalty was ground down but not exhausted,
    歸來重見漢君王。 Returning he could again see the Han emperor.

  74. 李陵思漢 Li Ling Si Han (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); poem (structure 7x4) ends 五言詩法是吾師, suggesting Yun Ruo considers Li Ling his teacher in pentasyllabic poetry

  75. 昭君出塞 Zhaojun Chu Sai (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); title is an alternate for
    Longshuo Cao

  76. 蔡琰胡笳 Cai Yan Hujia (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80);
    Da Hujia concerns Cai Yan

  77. 青牛度關 Qingniu Goes out the Gate (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); presumably concerns 43517.40 Qingniu the Daoist

  78. 商山四皓 The Four Hoaryheads of Shangshan (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); 3830.9 has nothing about music

  79. 黃糧一夢 Huangliang Yi Meng (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); 48904.1250 轂 grain; Grain in a Dream?

  80. 中散廣陵 Zhongsan Guangling (V/459)
    by Yun Ruo (for #71 - 80); Zhongsan is Xi Kang

  81. 病鶴聽琴 A Sick Crane Listens to Qin (V/459)
    by 李元應 Li Yuanying (10th c.; see also
    Folio 19B, #23)

  82. 攜琴 Carrying a Qin (V/459)
    by 周衡之 Zhou Hengzhi, style name of 周權 Zhou Quan
    (Yuan dynasty; Bio/1516; see also
    Folio 19B, #26)

  83. 抱琴 Embracing a Qin (V/459)
    by 黃溍卿 Huang Jinqing, style name of 黃溍 Huang Jin
    (1277 - 1357; see also
    Folio 19A, #40)

  84. 撫琴 Strumming a Qin (V/460)
    by 黃溍卿 Huang Jinqing (see #83 above)

  85. 新秋夜作秀才彈琴 On a New Autumn Moon Becoming Xiucai and Playing Qin (V/460)
    by 韓明善 Han Mingshan, style name of 韓性 Han Xing (1266 - 1341; Bio/2279; see also
    #145 below)
    (新 Xin can also be a surname: Xin Qiuye becomes Xiucai and Plays Qin)

  86. 琴山 Qin Mountain (V/460)
    by 苟宗道 Gou Zongdao (13th c.; Bio/1422)

  87. 青霞琴寄孫中叔 Blue Haze Qin Given Sun Zhongshu (V/460)
    by 鄭毅夫 Zheng Yifu, style name of 鄭獬 Zheng Xie (1022 - 1072; Bio/1573)

  88. 蔣蓮店有書柳子厚寄吳武陵詩三讀敬哦五言 Jiang Liandian... Liu Zihou... (V/460)
    By 楊誠齋 Yang Chengzhai, honorific title of 楊萬里 Yang Wanli (1127 - 1206). See more related poems.


  89. 士昭兄琴室 Qin Room of the Brother of Shizhao (V/460)
    by 薛艮齋 Xue Genzhai, style name of 薛季宣
    Xue Jixuan (1134 - 1173)
    Shizhao 5760.xxx

  90. 寄心卬大師喜撫琴 ... Great Master Xinyang Enjoys Playing Qin
    曾聞風入松 formerly called (?) Listening to
    Feng Ru Song, (V/460)
    by 張子野 Zhang Ziye, style name of 張先 Zhang Xian (992 - 1039)
    Xinyang 10531.xxx; should it be 心印 xinyin, a Buddhist term?

  91. 贈琴照 Presented to Qin Shining (?; V/460)
    by 晁說之 Chao Yuezhi (1059 - 1129; Bio/1901)

  92. 嵇康撫琴 Xi Kang Plays the Qin (V/460)
    by 姚雪坡 Yao Xuepo, style name of 姚勉 Yao Mian (1216 - 1262; Bio/1799)

  93. 送琴隱吳君 Seeing Qin Recluse Squire Wu (V/460-1)
    by Yao Mian (see #92 above)

  94. 寄瀘守張克明晦之求琴 ... Seeks a Qin (V/461)
    by 太師馮山 Great Teacher Feng Shan (11th c.; Bio/460)

  95. 閩子常攜琴入村 Minzi Often Takes a Qin and goes into a Village (V/461)
    by 晁無咎 Chao Wujiu (Bio/xxx; 19580.240xxx)
    Title: first character is 門 with something unclear inside, but
    #116 below suggests 閩;
    閩子 Minzi (at poem front called 閩夫子; 42230.xxx; sage of Fujian? Zhu Xi?)

  96. 跋子期聽琴圖 Attached to a Sketch of Ziqi Listens to the Qin (V/461)
    by 胡紫山 Hu Zishan, nickname of 胡祇遹 Hu Zhiyu (1227 - 1293; see ICTCL p.333 and Bio/1700)
    Hu Zhiyu, from 磁州武安 Wu An in Hebei, was a high official in the Yuan dynasty

  97. (又 Same) (V/461)
    by Hu Zhiyu (see #96 above)

  98. (又 Same) (V/461)
    by Hu Zhiyu (see #96 above)

  99. 河東山西道按察副使奉議趙公退食閑暇學鼓琴又....作聽琴序敢以鄙詩繼其後
    ... write a Listening to the Qin Preface, then venture to use a rustic poem to continue it afterwards (V/461)
    by Hu Zhiyu (see #96 above)

  100. 閔子聽夫子琴音 Minzi Listens to the Qin Sound of Confucius (V/461)
    by Hu Zhiyu (see #96 above)

  101. 相如撫琴 Xiangru Plays the Qin (V/461)
    by same (?)

  102. 徐建瑞攜琴來訪 Xu Jianrui Holding his Qin Comes to Visit (V/461-2)
    by 陳景仁 Chen Jingren (Bio/xxx; 14304.22xxx; see
    Folio 19B, #138)
    Xu Jianrui (Bio/xxx)

  103. 觀琴 Observing a Qin (V/462)
    by by 陳景仁 Chen Jingren (see #102 above)

  104. 先容後竟大遇 First Allow then Finish a Great Meeting (?, V/462)
    by 陳杰
    Chen Jie (top right of 名 has dot, like 朮, but no such character)

  105. 仁壽縣治新開小軒以琴中趣名之用趣字韻賦之
    ....Use the significance (qu) of the qin to name it and use qu as the rhyme (V/462)
    by 郭印 Guo Yin (12th c.; Bio/2005; see also #106 to #108 below)

  106. 次韻蒲大受琴中趣 Rhyme Sequence with "Pu" on the Interest of a Well Received Qin (V/462)
    by Guo Yin (see #105 - #108)

  107. (又 Same as #106; V/462)
    by Guo Yin (see #105 - #108)

  108. 韓天啟領示琴中趣詩次韻以謝 Han Tianqi... Rhyme Sequence to Thank him (V/462)
    by Guo Yin (see #105 - #108)

  109. 董子先遠寄林仲山太博韻琴詩卷因次韻為贈兼(?)簡太博兄
    ....? (V/462-3)
    by 蔡九峰 Cai Jiufeng, style name of 蔡沈 Cai Shen (1167 - 1230; Bio/2441)

  110. 劉伯華喜琴秋杪來訪適有感於余懷因書數語寄意以贈之
    Liu Bohua enjoys Qin..... (V/463)
    by Cai Shen (see #109 above)

  111. 余避冠富池翁明遠亦挈累攜琴此來邂逅欣然求余謬作師__數語以贈之
    ... (V/463)
    by Cai Shen (see #109 above)

  112. 送李琴士據(?)梧 Send Catalpa Wood to Qin Master Li (6 word lines; V/463)
    by 李可齋 Li Kezhai, style name of 李曾伯 Li Cengbo (13th c; Bio/1012)

  113. (又 Same as above) (V/463)
    by Li Cengbo (see #112 above)

  114. 贈山中琴友 To a Qin Friend in the Mountains (V/463)
    by 僧文(王+向 21450) Monk Wen Xiang (1111.xxx; 13766.xxx; see also
    Folio 19B, #12 and #146)

  115. 淵明美琴像 Image of the Beautiful Qin of (Tao) Yuanming (V/463)
    by Monk Wen Xiang (see #114 above)

  116. 次韻無咎閩子常攜琴入村 A Rhyme Sequence from Wujiu's "Minzi Often Takes his Qin and Enters a Village" (V/463)
    by 黃山谷 Huang Shan'gu, nickname of
    Huang Tingjian
    for original poem see #95 above

  117. 琴窩 Qin Nest (V/463)
    by 胡銓
    Hu Quan (1102 - 1180, see also #118/9 below)

  118. 琴窩 Qin Nest (V/463)
    by 胡銓
    Hu Quan (also #117 and 119)

  119. 壬申上元招慶符觀燈弄琴用其韻效吳體
    ... Play Qin and Use a Rhyme to Imitate Wu's Style (V/463)
    by 胡銓
    Hu Quan (also #117/8 above)

  120. 贈劉希孟 Presented to Liu Ximeng (V/464)
    by 馮海粟 Feng Haisu,nickname of 馮子振 Feng Zizhen (Yuan dynasty; Bio/467)

  121. 文君聽琴圖 Sketch of Wenjun Listening to a Qin (V/464)
    by 朱翌 Zhu Yi (1097 - 1167; see also Folio 19B, #152)

  122. (友 same as #121; V/464)
    by 朱翌 Zhu Yi (see #121 above)

  123. 贈琴士汪水雲 Presented to Qin Master Wang Shuiyun (V/464)
    by 張嵩老 Zhang Songlao (Bio/xxx; 8510.xxx)
    Wang Shuiyun was a nickname of
    Wang Yuanliang

  124. 又 (Same title as #123 above) (V/464)
    by 僧行端 the Monk Xingduan (1254 - 1341; Bio/603)

  125. 又 (Same title as #123 above) (V/464)
    by 僧覺性 the Monk Juexing (Song dynasty; Bio/1784)

  126. 又 (Same title as #123 above) (V/464)
    by 僧善悟 the Monk Shanwu (Bio/xxx; 喜悟 3980.xxx)

  127. 又 (Same title as #123 above) (V/464-5)
    by 僧永秀 the Monk Yongxiu (Bio/xxx)

  128. 水雲汪先生丙子變後以太學生侍太皇過北留十年太皇浮瑤池....言歸西湖索予鄙語因侍韻攄謝
    Wang Shuiyun in 1276.... (V/465)
    by 僧克振 the Monk Kezhen (Bio/xxx)

  129. 水雲汪先生訪予於江城獨冷(令?)之所話。貞元間事不覺語而默予亦不能聲耳四海。會同一曲因賦五十六字以紀雲萍
    Wang Shuiyun visited me in Jiangcheng.... (V/465)
    by 趙焱 Zhao Yan (Bio/xxx; 19587.xxx)

  130. 水雲示教浮休集杜胡笳曲援十八拍鼓之予愴然為賦傳云聽琴瑟思志義之臣信然遂書數語以歸水雲
    Shuiyun... (V/465)
    by 夏天民 Xia Tianmin (Bio/xxx; 5961.264 [named after Xu Tianmin?])

  131. 以琴送郡守 Use Qin to see off a Prefect Magistrate (V/465)
    by 梅埜 Mei Ye (Bio/xxx; 5336.xxx [= 野])

  132. 又 Same as #131 (V/465)
    by 梅埜 Mei Ye (see #131)

  133. 送琴師毛敏仲北征 Seeing off Qin Teacher Mao Minzhong Going North (V/465)
    by Wang Yuanliang (see comment)

  134. 又 (V/465)
    Wang Yuanliang

  135. 又 (V/465)
    Wang Yuanliang

  136. 送琴與__子靜承旨 Seeing off Qin with Counsellor (?) __ Zijing (V/465)
    by 陳秋巖 Chen Qiuyan (13th/14th c.; Bio/1385; see also
    Folio 19B, #134)
    ___ is 門 with something unclear inside (子靜 7072.706xxx)

  137. 後買琴歌為鄧旭甫作 Qin (V/466)
    by 危太樸 Wei Taipu, style name of 危素 Wei Su (1303 - 1372; 2901.68, Bio/605; see also
    Folio 19A, #55)

  138. 琴工靳復亨以卷乞詩 Poem about Qin Worker Ge Fuheng Using a Juan Qi (?) (V/466)
    by 滕仲體 Teng Zhongti (Bio/xxx; 437.437xxx; see also
    Folio 20A, #68)

  139. 子期聽琴圖 Sketch of Ziqi Listening to Qin (V/466)
    by 蕭動齋 Xiao Dongzhai (Bio/xxx; 2441.xxx)

  140. 贈琴師徐秋山 Presented to Qin Teacher Xu Qiushan (V/466)
    by 王道士 Daoist Wang (?)

  141. 山館會琴圖 Sketch of Qin at a Mountain Dwelling Meeting (V/466)
    by 李顯卿 Li Xianqing (Bio/xxx; 44703.113xxx)

  142. 智仲可月夜鳴琴圖 Sketch of Zhi Zhongke on a Moonlit Night with a Resounding Qin of (V/466)
    by 李顯卿 Li Xianqing (see #141 above)
    Zhi Zhongke (Bio/xxx, but see Bio/2307 智受益, 字仲譧)

  143. 送何志友抱琴遠遊 Seeing off He Zhiyou Carrying his Qin and Wandering Afar (V/466)
    by 傅與礪 Fu Yuli, style name of 傅若金 Fu Ruojin (1303 - 1342; Bio/2329);
    He Zhiyou (Bio/xxx; 10573.10xxx)

  144. 送金華王琴士 Seeing off Qin Gentleman Jinhua Wang (V/466)
    by 傅與礪 Fu Yuli (see #143 above); Wang Jinhua (Bio/xxx);
    41049.743 Jinhua: place name, palace name, person's name, etc.

  145. 題伯牙撫琴卷 Subject: The scroll "Bo Ya Plays Qin" (V/466)
    by 韓明善 Han Mingshan, style name of 韓性 Han Xing (1266 - 1341; see also #85 above); translated in Bell Yong, Audience of One, p.510.

    流水高山原寄意, 何須更要別人知。

  146. 琴旨 Qin Decree (V/466-7)
    by 舒嶽祥 Shu Yuexiang (b.1236; Bio/2338; see also
    Folio 19A, #56); Bell

  147. 朱仲山買李生琴 Zhu Zhongshan Buys Mr. Li's Qin (V/467)
    by 吾子行 Wu Zixing, style name of 吾衍 Wu Yan (1268 - 1311; Bio/1020)

  148. 贈彈琴衡山蕭道士 Presented to Daoist Xiao, Playing Qin at Hengshan (V/467)
    by 戴表元
    Dai Biaoyuan (1244 - 1310; see also Folio 19B, #158)

  149. 對琴謠 Ballad to the Qin (V/467)
    by 貫酸齊 Guan Suanqi, style name of 貫雲石 Guan Yunshi (1286 - 1324, Bio/1618;
    ICTCL p.510: Uighur, great master of 散曲 sanqu lyrics)

  150. 山亭會琴圖 Sketch of Qin at a Mountain Pavilion Meeting (V/467)
    by 余廷心 Yu Tingxin, style name of 余闕 (1303 - 1358; Bio/1104))

  151. 贈山中道士喜琴 Presented to a Daoist in the Mountains who Enjoys Qin (V/467)
    by 余闕 Yu Que (see #150 above)

  152. 贈錢塘琴士 Presented to a Qin Gentleman of Hangzhou (V/467)
    middle 字 unclear: by 貢忝父 Gong Tianfu (Bio/xxx) or 貢泰父 Gong Taifu (Bio/xxx)?
    (see also Bio/796 貢泰甫 Gong Taifu, style name of 貢師泰 Gong Shitai, 1298 - 1362)

  153. 詠司馬相如琴歌 Intoning a Sima Xiangru Qin Song (V/467)
    by 張祐 Zhang You (should be 張祜 Zhang Hu, Tang)

There are two closing essays:
  1. 評古琴詩 Analysis of Old Qin poems (V/467)
  2. 評古今琴詩 Analysis of Qin Poems Old and New (V/468)

Then the section (last section before the music) ends with:

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Qin Poems, II B
The division of Section 20 into two parts is not in the original; part B begins with the third entry on the bottom half of V/452. Further information in the Preface. (V/...) refers to page numbers in Vol. V of Qinqu Jicheng.

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