Huitong Yin: Grand Gathering Prelude
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69. Grand Gathering Prelude
- zhi mode:2 standard tuning 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 played as 1 2 4 5 6 1 2
Huitong Yin 1

"Yin" means "prelude" while "huitong" literally just means "gathering together".4 However, the earliest classical references specify that "huitong" should refer to a meeting of nobles and/or important officials. Hence it is perhaps natural that this melody should be associated with the qin melody Yu Hui Tushan: Emperor Yu's Meeting at Mount Tu.

For some reason that is not explained, the earliest surviving version of Yu Hui Tushan (1425) not only has no prelude, it has a statement saying, "Hui Tong Yin was not selected". This seems to suggest both that a melody of this name was already in existence in 1425 and that it was or had been used as a prelude for Yu Hui Tushan; of course, there is no way to know how similar that melody was to the present (1525) Hui Tong Yin, which is the earliest surviving qin melody of this title. In 1525 it serves as a prelude to a melody called Guan Guang: A Grand Tour. Guan Guang is, in fact, another title for Yu Hui Tushan.

Huitong Yin can be found in at least seven handbooks, with the first four of these placed just before Yu Hui Tushan.5 There is quite a bit of variety within these versions, though the fifth version (1614) seems largely to revert back to the style of 1525.6

A melody called Prelude to Meeting Honored Guests (Huibin Yin), used as a prelude to Yu Hui Tushan in 1596, may have a similar theme but there is no musical connection.7

Yu Hui Tushan later seems to be paired with a melody called From Myriad Countries they Come to the Palace (Wan Guo Lai Chao), but once again there seems to be no melodic connection between the two.8

Original Afterword
None in 1525 (it is a prelude, so the commentary is presumably combined with the commentary for the next melody, Guan Guang, i.e., Yu Hui Tushan). Of the seven surviving versions of Huitong Yin, the only commentary is in 1552, repeated in 1557.9

Youshan (Li Ren), examining the tablature, said, "As for Huitong Yin, it is as if myriad officials gathered together with their jade pendants jingling like a chorus, and numerous foreigners came for the grand gathering, racing in with their chariots and horses. This (melody) perfectly describes its grandeur! It was created by Mao Minzhong."

Although the basic commentary in 1557 is the same, instead of "Youshan says" it begins,"Old Man Xingzhuang (Xiao Luan) says", then it omits the credit given to Mao Minzhong (who was also credited with Yu Hui Tushan).

Music (3 sections)
Reconstruction incomplete.

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Grand Gathering Prelude (會同引 Huitong Yin)
14636.27 會同 gives two quotes for huitong:

  1. From the Book of Songs #179: Xiao Ya, Strong Chariots. The fourth of its eight quatrains is:

    會同 Huitong is explained as "諸侯盟會的專稱 specifically refers to a meeting of all the lords/high officials". "Hui tong" in "赤芾金舄,會同有繹" is thus a "grand meeting" in "Those wearing red knee-covers and gold-adorned slippers had a grand meeting where they resolved matters". The poem is about hunting, so this would have been the topic of the meeting.

  2. From 論語 Lun Yu Book XI 先進 Xian Jin, Section #26 includes the comment:

    In Waley "如會同" is translated, "at the audiences of the princes with the sovereign". The whole sentence is translated (see Waley), "At the services of the ancestral temple, and at the audiences of the princes with the sovereign, dressed in the dark square-made robe and the black linen cap, I should like to act as a small assistant."

In the Shi Jing reference the meeting is about hunting; in the second it is about 禮樂 rites and music.

2. Zhi mode (徵調 zhi diao)
See Shenpin Zhi Yi as well as Modality in Early Ming Qin Tablature.

4. Meaning of "會同 Huitong"
In addition to meaning "grand gathering"" or perhaps simply any sort of gathering, "Huitong" also appears as a place name, such as with the 會同村 Huitong Village in 珠海 the Zhuhai district of 廣東 Guangdong province. There the name came from the fact that the village was formed several centuries ago largely by three different clans.

5. Tracing Grand Gathering Prelude (會同引 Huitong Yin)
Zha's Guide 20/186/-- lists six melodies under Huitong Prelude (會同引 Huìtóng Yǐn), omitting 1551; three are called Huitong Intonation (會同吟 Huìtóng Yín). See details in the appendix below.

6. 會同引 Huitong Yin from 1614
This version was reconstructed and recorded as part of a I>dapu conference for music of the Yushan school or of Xilutang Qintong.

7. 會賓吟 Huibin Yin: Prelude of Meeting Honored Guests
Huibin Yin ( survives only in Wenhuitang Qinpu (1596).

8. 會賓吟 Huibin Yin: Prelude of Meeting Honored Guests
Huibin Yin ( survives only in Wenhuitang Qinpu (1596).

9. From Myriad Countries they Come to the Palace (萬國來朝 Wan Guo Lai Chao
Brief comment with 1876. Zha Guide 38/264/-- lists it in five handbooks:

  1. 1702
  2. 1849
  3. 1876
  4. 1876 #2
  5. 1899

Not studied.

8. Commentary for Huitong Yin
The original text for the only surviving commentaries are as follows:

1552: 友山考譜曰:會同吟者,如所謂千官起居環珮合,萬國會同車馬奔。蓋極言其盛也。敏仲所作。

1557: 杏莊老人曰:會同吟者,如所謂千官起居環珮合,萬國會同車馬奔。蓋極言其盛也。

Note the phrase deleted from 1557 version.

Appendix: Chart Tracing 會同引、會同吟 Huitong Yin
Based on Zha Fuxi's Guide
20/186/-- (comment):

    (year; QQJC Vol/page)
Further information
(QQJC = 琴曲集成 Qinqu Jicheng; QF = 琴府 Qin Fu)
      (1425; see I/151)
ToC says: "Grand Gathering Prelude not selected" ("會同引不取 Huitong Yin bu qu")
(No such statement in >1505; see I/216)
  1. 西麓堂琴統
      (1525; III/149)
3; 會同引; harmonics only in closing coda
No commentary; precedes Yu Hui Tu Shan (called Guan Guang)
  2. 太音傳習
      (1552; IV/112)
3; 會同吟; related to 1525 but quite diff (e.g., Section 2 is in harmonics)
Commentary; precedes Yu Hui Tu Shan
  3. 步虛僊琴譜
      (1556; III/291)
3; 會同吟; more like 1552, though many differences
No commentary; precedes Yu Hui Tu Shan (called "塗山 Tu Shan")
  4. 太音補遺
      (1557; III/357)
3; 會同吟; same music and commentary as 1552;
Precedes Yu Hui Tu Shan
  5. 松絃館琴譜
      (1614; VIII/142)
3; 會同引; most similar to 1525; further comment above;
No commentary; last piece in zhi mode; Yu Hui Tu Shan was the first piece in that section
  6. 徽言秘旨
      (1647; X/144)
3; 會同引; second piece in zhi mode, after Yu Hui Tu Shan and before Guan Ju
No commentary; very similar to 1614
  7. 徽言秘旨訂
      (1692; fac/_)
3; presumed identical to 1647

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