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Taiyin Daquanji ToC Folio 3 Folio 4: ToC 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7-21 / Folio 5 ToC | 網站目錄 |
Taiyin Daquanji
Folio 4, Part 3: Qin playing methods (彈琴法 Tan Qin Fa; QQJC I/81-2) Explanations provided by the translator are put either in brackets ( ) or in footnotes.2 |
卷四,丙﹕彈琴法 |
彈琴法 Tan Qin Fa begins at QQJC I/81 bottom, column 5 |
每欲操琴則齪絃。(欲如調否)齪絃之時,左(右)附於少商絃下第八、九徽間。既調以左手。 以中指柱琴於官絃第七(徽)激上,不調以左手於臨岳下。調齪以右手持軫,點泛。又齪,然後彈之。 此始操琴之象也。
Qi Song (Tang dynasty) said:
In his Rhapsody on the Qin Ji Kang mentioned “lōu, pī, lüè, luǒ; piāo, liáo, liè, liè” (or: “lōupī, lüèluǒ; piāoliáo, lièliè”) are characters that describe hand movements (see details). These names were chosen as suitable for use with qin, not to suggest greater embellishment or pretense. Thus, when the sound is more reserved, it can be more pure and harmonious, whereas when (the player is) tense the result will not align with one's natural flow.
When playing the qin, both left and right elbows should relax rather than be raised up. Additionally, one should avoid complex movement and a frivolous attitude.
Before playing, one must adjust the strings (whatever the melody). When tuning put the left (not right!) hand near the lower part of the shaoshang (second) string, around the eighth or ninth position marker. When tuning with the left hand, the middle finger should press the string at the guan (first) string’s seventh hui and pluck upward. If not using the left hand, one should tune near the yue position (closest to the top of the qin). Do the tuning by using the right hand to turn the tuning peg. Lightly try a harmonic, again adjust the tuning, then play.
When starting to play qin this is the proper way to do it.
純甲其聲傷乾,純肉其聲傷鈍。凡論音頭,聲合陰陽。剛柔相薦應。聲必哀切。喜琴者,自曉陰陽, 非由學得夫彈琴。兩手必須相跗,如雙鸞對舞,兩鳳同翔。取聲倫比,不欲隔越。用指之法,可具論㢤。
Zhao Weize said, "According to Master Zhao, The method whenever playing qin must be straightforward and tranquil. How much it requires exclusive comprehension, and not for the hand movements to be forceful. It only goes to say flesh and nail should be used together; it just needs the sound to be full and smooth."
If played entirely with nails, the sound will be too dry. As for the attack, the sound should have proper balance (yin yang). Hardness and softness must complement each other. The sound must also carry emotion and depth. Those who truly love the qin naturally understand yin and yang — it is not mere from practice that one learns to play qin. Both hands must work in harmony, like paired luan birds dancing together or twin phoenixes soaring side by side. The sound produced should be harmonious and coherent, it must not be disjointed. As for the techniques of using the fingers, they can be discussed further in detail."
QQJC I/82 top: Begin Part 4 3 |
QQJC I/82 bottom: End Part 6 + Part 7; begin Part 4 |
Part 4: Demeanour (儀式 Yi Shi; first seven lines)
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Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
太音大全集 Taiyin Daquanji Folio 4, Part 3 (QQJC 30 Volume edition I/81-82; QF/75-77)
See the Comment on the different editions.
Explanations by translator
See comments concerning the structure of the original text.
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