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Zhenchuan Zhengzong Qinpu / Qinpu Hebi
Authentically Transmitted Orthodox Qin Handbook / Qin Handbook Matched Well 1 |
1609 |
Yang Lun: See source page below |
The commonly available version of this handbook is the one in Volume VII of Qinqu Jicheng (QQJC; 1981). Called Zhenchuan Zhengzong Qinpu, by Yang Lun, it includes all but two short melodic preludes but does not arrange the melodies consecutively as in Qinpu Hebi. All these editions consist of two parts, one called 楊掄太古遺音 Yang Lun Taigu Yiyin, the other 伯牙心法 Boya Xinfa. The modern facsimile edition called Qinpu Hebi was published in 2006 by Zhongguo Shudian based on 古吳李嘉遇梓 a woodblock printed by Old Wu's Li Jiayu, with no date given other than "during 萬歷 Wanli" (1573 - 1620). The two editions of Zhenchuan Zhengzong Qinpu included in QQJC VII are dated 1589 and 1609 respectively. QQJC re-prints the first in its entirety; for the second it includes only those melodies that were not already in the first edition (1589). None of the editions seems to have a Table of Contents. Nevertheless, by comparing the contents of Qinpu Hebi with that of the two editions in QQJC it can be seen that the Taigu Yiyin part of 1609 adds only a few small items apparently omitted from the 1589 edition, while the 1609 Boya Xinfa part adds 22 melodies. When looking at the Table of Contents below for the 1609 edition, one can assume that unless otherwise indicated the melodies were also included in the 1589 edition; page numbers are also given for the QQJC VII copies of the melodies.)
Table of Contents (with reference to Qinpu Hebi)
The Table of Contents here focuses on the 63 melodies in all known editions.
Yang Lun Taigu Yiyin
(34 melodies; all have lyrics and were in 1589;
compare Boya Xinfa, below)
Folio 1 (The QQJC editions are not divided into folios; the division here comes from Qinpu Hebi [comment on pagination].)
(VII/67 [bottom] says: "金陵琴士鶴浦楊掄校 Revised by Jinling qin master Hepu Yang Lun" [not in the 1609 edition])
Folio 2
Folio 3
(Begins with the last folio page of #23 Yu Hui Tushan)
琴跋 Qin Conclusion, by 呂蘭谷 Lu Langu (VII/156)
Boya Xinfa (29 melodies; seven were in the 1589 edition, seven others have lyrics, both as indicated)
(Compare the 1589 edition in QQJC):
Folio 4
伯牙心法序 Preface to Boya Xinfa
(QQJC adds this at VII/179, after its Boya Xinfa title page
(QQJC places here four melodies that in 1609 are included later:
#44 Jishan Qiuyue [VII/161];
#57 Shenhua Yin [VII/164];
#58 Zhuangzhou Mengdie [VII1/167] and
#50 Saishang Hong [VII1/169-172])
(QQJC then has a title page for Taigu Yiyin, then two pages of essays, as follows:
上古琴論 (this is near the beginning of Qinpu Hebi facsimile, just before 上古琴賦 (q.v.)
楊掄象 Yang Lun image
左右手指諱號圖 Left and right hand finger technique diagrams
宮意考 Gong Yi Kao
(Here QQJC has its title page for Boya Xinfa) (VII/177)
Folio 5
伯牙心法序 Boya Xinfa Preface; begins,「琴古雅之道也。于靜宜,而躁者學之,可以習定。于幽憂孤僻宜...」
"淛東龍遊祝繼洲傳 Transmitted by Zhu Jizhou of Longyou (49812.464 in Zhejiang) in Zhedong (淛 18107: 浙江)" (comment)
First of 32 (Guide 29/228/--; not in 1589; see
further details)
Only 1625 has lyrics (not available at the time Zha Fuxi did his Guide)
"建業琴友高(龍)伯校 Revised by qin friend
Gao Longbo of Jianye"
From 1511
From 1592
Zhe Guide has it as only here, but its music is related to that of 1511 Kechuang Yehua
Third of 35 from 1579
24 sections; jue mode;
Guide 29/230/441 says first of 17 but see chart: musically related to
28/224/-- 谿山秋月 Xi Shan Qiu Yue, with 9 additional entries starting 1602, which attributes it to
Shen Yin.
Preface begins, "按是曲,乃我明金陵處士周桐菴,擬巢由之高潔而校...."
(compare 1589 (also
here) and see
Related to Cangwu Yuan: first version after 1525
Only here (Guide 29/232/442), but see
Fenghuang Taishang Yi Chui Xiao
Lyrics by Li Qingzhao (1084 - ca. 1151), slightly altered here, plus
a coda with lyrics from an unidentified source
(though see this comment)
"秣陵水雲逸史鄭道光譜 Tablature of the unofficial historian of water and clouds Zheng Daoguang of Moling" (comment)
Lyrics 山不在高,有仙則名, but different melody from 1539
From 1559 (also Binfeng Ge)
From 1539
First of 33 to 1914 (Guide 29/232/--; also
Bei and
"金陵鄭養居校傳 Revised by Zheng Yangju of Jinling (Nanjing) and transmitted"(1589; 1609 adds "from Korea"; comment)
From >1505
"新安琴友何近雲校 Revised by Xin'an qin friend He Jinyun"
From 1525
Zha Guide 26/218/419 lists this as the
5th of 11 to 1751 (first version with lyrics), but see table, where it is shown together with the closely related Canghai Longyin included below as a separate melody (see comments).
From 1525; version with lyrics above
This is another version of the same melody as Shuilong Yin
(above; see table), though Zha Guide 30/234/-- lists this separately as the first of 23, saying only that it is also called 滄江夜雨 or 蒼江夜雨 Cangjiang Yeyu (see comments)
First of four (Guide 30/233/--); different from Shenhua Yin
"新安琴友汪善吾校 Revised by qin friend Wang Shanwu of Xin'an" (near Huangshan in Anhui;
Eighth publication from 1425; see also Gu Shenhua Yin
14th publication from 1425
First of the mangong mode melodies now called
Xie Xian You;
"關中琴友王龍泉校 revised by qin friend Wang Longquan of Guanzhong"
"古杭琴友唐少軒校 revised by qin friend Tang Shaoxuan of old Hangzhou"
(comment; above this in small characters is: "住國學 living at the Imperial College" - see also next)
10th publication from 1425
"白下琴友繆六字校 revised by qin friend Miao (?) Liuzi"
(comment; as with previous, above this in small characters is: "住國學 living at the Imperial College")
12th publication from 1425
A 琴歌 qin song with lyrics
appropriate to both the 1539 Dao Yi Qu and the 1589 Dao Yi
12th publication from 1425; lyrics (天道推遷多反復....) different from only other version with lyrics,
1. 琴譜合壁 Qinpu Hebi: Qin Handbook Matched Well: does "Matched well" refer to the pairing of lyrics and music?
In 1802 this handbook was re-published in 1802 together with a translation into Manchurian by 和素 He Su; there is a modern reprint in a book published in 1991. The original of this edition was finely printed; in addition some of the images were changed. In this regard it is particularly interesting to compare the image above with its version from 1802: it is reversed, as can be seen by the lower image in this double copy.
Table of Contents for essays from Zhenchuan Zhengzong Qinpu
The melody content is listed above
Yang Lun Taigu Yiyin
(34 melodies; all have lyrics and were in 1589;
compare Boya Xinfa, below)
(As in Qinpu Hebi, for the edition in QQJC VII the first three folios are part of a section called Taigu Yiyin [compare earlier Taigu Yiyin such as the supposedly Song dynasty collection of essays with a few modal preludes, also called Taiyin Daquanji; and the 1511 Taigu Yiyin attributed to Xie Lin, for which all the melodies also had lyrics]. Although the versions in this 1609 edition seem to have the same music and lyrics as those in the 1589 edition, they are somewhat re-ordered. For example, all the diaoyi kao are at the beginning. (All were probably in the original copy of the 1589 Yang Lun Taigu Yi Yin, but the edition in QQJC VII is missing three of them; it added one of these, Gong Yi Kao, from the 1609 edition). There are also more illustrations, in particular a few hand gestures and some qin shapes.)
Folio 1 (The QQJC editions are not divided into folios; the division here comes from Qinpu Hebi [comment on pagination].)
- Most entries have not been studied carefully. Much is found elsewhere. Chinese is given without translation in large part to simplify online searching for further detail.
At VII/53-bottom right: | 楊鶴浦 Yang Hepu (楊掄 Yang Lun) |
After this QQJC goes directly to the tablature (actually Yang Chun at VII/60, since it seems to have rearranged the order of melodies). However, but Qinpu Hebi on folio 1 pages 14-28 added a series of images and text not in the QQJC editions, as follows:
Note that QQJC VII/67 (bottom) says: "金陵琴士鶴浦楊掄校 Revised by Jinling qin master Hepu Yang Lun". This isnot in the 1609 edition.
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