Table of Contents for Chongxiu Zhenchuan Qinpu
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Chongxiu Zhenchuan Qinpu
Revised Qin Handbook in the Orthodox Tradition 1
Original 1585 Table of Contents                
Table of Contents 2

  1. 調絃入弄 Tiaoxian Runong: Beginning Melody (IV/303)
    Has commentary

  2. 泛音調弄 Fanyin Diaonong: Harmonics Melody (IV/303)
    Has commentary

  3. 五徽調弄 Wuhui Tiaonong Fifth Position Melody (IV/304)
    Has commentary; at end says "二卷終"

    Folio 3 (IV/304)

  4. Gong Yi (1; IV/304)
    Related to
    1425; lyrics "惠風膏雨沐花天,紫陌青門...."

  5. 遇仙吟 Yu Xian Yin (Meeting an Immortal; 5; IV/304)
    Only here and 1573; source of lyrics unclear

  6. Yang Chun (15; IV/306)
    Melodically related to
    1539 but lyrics (天氣下降,地氣上騰....) are completely different

  7. Meihua Sannong (12; IV/311)
    12th pu, from
    1425; lyrics (溪山晴朗了,滄浪寒月曉....) related to 1511

  8. 浩浩歌 Haohao Ge (Song of the Universe; 3; IV/316)
    Only 1573, here and 1618; lyrics attrib. 馬存字子才 Ma Cun; 11th c.

  9. 金陵弔古 Jinling Diao Gu (In Nanjing Mourning the Olden Days; 9; IV/317)
    Guide 25/212/386; only here; see further details
    Lyrics (始皇巡狩馭飛龍....) commemorate returning to Nanjing in 1579

  10. Gao Shan (4; IV/321)
    5th pu, from
    1425; only one with lyrics (懸崖削壁,天外雲間....); melodically very different and lyrics won't fit 1425
    (See #8 above for note on switched pages)

  11. Liu Shui (8; IV/324)
    5th pu, from
    1425; only one with lyrics (水東流,長江萬里悠悠....); melodically very different and lyrics won't fit 1425

  12. Zhao Yin (3; IV/328)
    3rd pu, from
    1425; lyrics (杖策荒塗,馳騁此身軀....) might fit, but the melody seems completely different

  13. Wang Ji (2; IV/329)
    5th pu, from
    1425; lyrics (止水湛寒波,敺鷗與那鷺友結和....) might fit 1425 but melody seems quite different
    Attributed to Liu Zhifang

  14. Yin De (3; IV/330)
    4th pu, from
    1425; lyrics (山陰溪曲,抱長才隱居林麓....) might fit 1425 but melody seems quite different
    Preface says revised by Mao Minzhong

    Folio 4

  15. Jiu Kuang (6; IV/331)
    4th pu, from
    1425, first with lyrics (世事奔忙,誰弱誰強....); closely related to 1589 version

  16. 前出師表 Qian Chu Shi Biao (First Memorial on Dispatching the Troops; 10; IV/333)
    1839.183 Zhuge Liang's advice before marching on 魏 Wei; Guide 26/213/390: only here
    Lyrics (先帝創業未半....) are all of Chu Shi Biao in Wen Xuan, Chapter 37 (pp. 1670 - 75)

  17. 後出師表 Hou Chu Shi Biao (Second Memorial on Dispatching the Troops; 10; IV/336)
    Guide 26/214/392; only here; lyrics (先帝慮深以....) not in Wen Xuan

  18. Jin Lü (Under the Bridge; 7; IV/339)
    Same story but longer melody than 1539's
    Yi Qiao Jin Lü; lyrics (日出圯橋東,碧暘長虹....) are completely different

  19. 陳情表 Chen Qing Biao (Memorial Expressing My Feelings; 5; IV/342)
    42618.735 (and Wen Xuan, I, p. 43);
    Guide 26/214/394; only here
    Lyrics 臣密言;臣以險釁.... by 李密 Li Mi (Wen Xuan 37, 陳情事表, pp. 1696 - 1700) express filial devotion

  20. 牡丹賦 Mudan Fu (Rhapsody on Peonies; 1; IV/344)
    Guide 26/214/396; only here (see further details)
    Lyrics (柏林陰陰飛香雨....) recall in spring 1575 friends going together to see the peonies at the (grounds of the) Censorate (都察院 Du Cha Yuan - by then Nanjing had only a skeletel version of the main censorate, which was in Beijing)

  21. Loushi Ming (1; IV/345)
    Same lyrics but much different music from

  22. 大學章句 Da Xue Zhang Ju (4; IV/345)
    First of five to
    1884; same text, but musically unrelated to Kongsheng Jing

  23. Guanghan You (9; IV/347)
    1425: melody quite diffent but the lyrics (晚免雲開,煙霞藹藹...) might fit 1425

  24. Xuan Mei (5; IV/350)
    6th pu, from
    1425; same preface, related music, lyrics (矧機諴,小天而小地....) could fit 1425

  25. Huo Lin (6; IV/352)
    4th pu, from
    1425; music quite different but lyrics (麟兮麟兮,合仁抱義....) might fit 1425

  26. 醒心集 Xing Xin Ji (5; IV/354)
    Sets to music five poems from a collection of Xing Xin (Awakened Mind) poems in a compendium of writings connected to the "林兆恩 三教合一 Three in One Religion of Lin Zhaoen (1517-1598)."

    Folio 5

  27. Shang Yi #1 (compare #2; 1; IV/357)
    Lyrics 秋風秋風清,鴻雁末賓.... and music are similar to those of Gu Qiu Feng of 1511

  28. Si Xian Cao (7; IV/357)
    Lyrics and music about Yan Hui; related to
    Ya Sheng Cao in 1511

  29. Kechuang Yehua (10; IV/361)
    Lyrics and music related to

  30. Qiu Jiang Wan Diao (8; IV/365)
    Lyrics and music related to

  31. Gui Qu Ci (6; IV/367)
    Lyrics and music related to
    1511, etc.

  32. Yu Qiao Wenda (9; IV/369)
    Music related to
    earlier versions; lyrics are in the form of a dialogue

  33. Qian Chibi Fu (8; IV/372)
    Lyrics are the same as in
    1511, but the music is different

  34. Hou Chibi Fu (6; IV/374)
    Lyrics are the same as in
    1511, but the music is different

  35. Yuan He Shuang Qing (12; IV/376)
    Music is related to
    1511 (Shuang Qing Zhuan), but the lyrics (露零零,秋動蓬瀛....) are completely different

  36. Chun Jiang Qu (1; IV/381)
    Lyrics and music are as same as in

  37. Feng Ru Song (1; IV/381)
    Lyrics are the same as in
    1511, but the music is rather different

  38. 相思曲 Xiang Si Qu (1; IV.382)
    Related to later versions, now usually called 古琴吟 Gu Qin Yin; lyrics 音音音,恁負心....

  39. Lü Shuang Cao (1; IV/383)
    Han Yu lyrics, the same as in
    1511; the music is similar

    Folio 6

  40. Shang Yi #2 (compare #1; 1; IV/383)
    Guide 1/6/7 , but seems unrelated to those; commentary is technical
    Lyrics: 霜落海門秋,今古思愁....

  41. 滕王閣序 Teng Wang Ge Xu (Preface to 'Pavilion of Prince Teng', in Nanchang; 14; IV/384)
    1585 #41; E152)
    Guide 26/216/408 : only here, 1611 and 1618 (VIII/198); the music differs, but all have the same lyrics by 王勃 Wang Bo (649-676). There is a translation by Victor Mair in Columbia Anthology, pp.547-555 (also one by E.C. Chang online). Lyrics for the first two sections are:

    1. 南昌故郡,洪都新府。星分翼軫,地接衡廬。襟三江而帶五湖,控蠻荊而引甌越。
    2. 物華天表,龍光射牛斗之墟,人傑地靈,徐孺下陈蕃之榻。雄州雾列,俊采星驰。

    The lyrics here refer to Nanchang and Hongdu, but the Columbia edition translation calls them 豫章 Yuzhang and 洪州 Hongzhou, which are more ancient names within the same environs. Perhaps there are differing editions. The attached commentary says that when first built the pavilion "was considered to be the tourist spot par excellence in the south."

  42. Xue Chuang (10; IV/388)
    6th of 7 versions from 1539, Xue Chuang Ye Hua (see

  43. Bai Xue (9; IV/392)
    10th pu, from
    1425, first with lyrics (): related music, but lyrics won't fit 1425

  44. 對月吟 Dui Yue Yin (12; IV/394)
    Guide 26/216/411 : only here
    Preface attributes this to Li Bai but the connection is unclear other than that Li Bai liked to intone under the moon. Lyrics of the first verse (遙贍斗柄) are:


  45. Yi Lan (11; IV/398)
    11th pu, from
    1425; melodically related but lyrics won't fit
    Section 1 (漪漪揚揚草其行國其香....) paraphrases the Han Yu lyrics

  46. Xiang Fei Yuan (4; IV/402)
    Lyrics are the same as in
    1511; the music is almost the same

  47. Boya Diao Ziqi (IV/403)
    Guide 14/149/256 groups various pieces of this title; the music seems very different here
    The lyrics are related to 1511, not 1525

  48. 聖德頌 Sheng De Song (8; Hymn of Holy Moral Virtue; IV/404)
    Guide 26/217/414: only here (but see list; not related to 盛德頌 Sheng De Song, Hymn of Grand Moral Virtue)
    Lyrics: 仁天開景運,際昇平.... (not the same as those in the fu poem by Yan Shigu)

  49. Qi Shan Cao (1; IV/407)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; quite different melody

  50. Wen Wang Cao (1; IV/408)
    YFSJ lyrics, same as in
    1511; different melody

  51. Ju You Cao (1; IV/408)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; somewhat similar melody

  52. Yueshang Cao (1; IV/408)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; similar melody

  53. Si Qin Cao (1; IV/409)
    The lyrics same as in
    1511; quite different melody

  54. Jiang Gui Cao (1; IV/409)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; quite different melody

  55. Gui Shan Cao (1; IV/409)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; similar melody

  56. Xing Tan Yin (1; IV/410; (1573 #40 has several notes different)
    The lyrics = Section 10 of Xing Tan (1525);
    Melody, different, is like second half of 1573 Shi Yin

  57. Ke Shang Cao (1; IV/410)
    The lyrics same as in
    1511; different melody fragment, here written out twice

  58. Ba Gong Cao (1; IV/410)
    The lyrics same as in
    1511; somewhat different melody

  59. Can Xing Cao (1; IV/410)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; somewhat different melody

  60. Si Gui Yin (1; IV/411)
    The lyrics same as in
    1511; similar melody

  61. Bie Gu (1; IV/411)
    Han Yu lyrics, same as in
    1511; somewhat similar melody

    Folio 7

  62. Jiao Yi (1; IV/412)
    10th (?) pu, from
    1425: melody different but lyrics seem to fit
    (also see  >1505 and comments)

  63. Liezi Yu Feng (9; IV/412)
    11th pu, from
    1425: melody quite different but lyrics will fit
    Lyrics are the same as what survives of the  >1505 version

  64. Lingxu Yin (3; IV/415)
    8th pu, from
    1425: melody different but lyrics will fit (see  >1505)

  65. Shenhua Yin (3; IV/416)
    7th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  66. Meng Die (Zhuangzhou Meng Die; 8; IV/416)
    12th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  67. Shangjiao Yi (1; IV/419)
    10th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  68. Chu Ge (12; IV/420)
    11th pu, from
    1425: lyrics are same as in 1511 but melody is quite different
    Seems to use standard tuning, as would be appropriate for this mode

  69. 慢角意 Manjiao Yi ("also called 碧玉意、無媒意 Biyu Yi and Wumei Yi"; 1; IV/423)
    This title only here, but compare
    Shenpin Biyu Yin in 1425 (lyrics might fit) and Huangzhong Yi in 1525
    Different tuning from the Huangzhong Yi here

  70. 蘇武思君 Su Wu Si Jun (9; IV/423)
    Related to
    Li Ling Si Han in 1525

  71. Dunshi Cao (10; IV/427)
    4th pu, from
    1425; melody seems different but the lyrics might fit

  72. Baji You (6; IV/430)
    1425: melody is quite different but the lyrics might fit (comment)

  73. Huaxu Yin (3; IV/432)
    4th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  74. Da Ya (9; IV/433)
    12th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as >1505
    Preface begins, "樂之歌也。其篇有大小之殊", then quotes SQMP preface

  75. Yi Zhen (4; IV/436)
    4th pu, from
    1425, but melody quite different; lyrics as  >1505; titles expanded from there
    1876 is same, but gets tuning wrong (?)

    Folio 8

  76. Zhi Yi (1; IV/438)
    12th pu, from
    1425, but melody quite different; lyrics same as  >1505

  77. Guan Ju (10; IV/438)
    14th pu from  
    >1505; melody quite different but lyrics are related

  78. Yu Hui Tushan (12; IV/441)
    11th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  79. Qiao Ge (11; IV/446)
    12th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  80. Nanxun Ge (2; IV/450)
    Related not to  
    >1505 but to 1511

  81. Shanju Yin (4; IV/450)
    9th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  82. Si Shun (9; IV/452)
    12th pu from  
    >1505; melody quite different but same lyrics

  83. Shi Xian (8; IV/455)
    2nd pu, after  
    >1505; melody quite different but same lyrics

  84. Tiantai Yin (11; IV/457)
    2nd pu, but the first (
    >1505) has only the first two sections and the start of the third
    For this section the lyrics here are almost the same, the music rather different

    Folio 9

  85. Yu Yi (1; IV/463)
    12th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  86. Zhi Zhao Fei (14; IV/463)
    12th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  87. Wu Ye Ti (9; IV/468)
    13th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  88. Feng Qiu Huang (1; IV/471)
    Lyrics almost same as 1539
    Wenjun Cao, but different melody

  89. Ruibin Yi (1; IV/471)
    10th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics (人生南北路...) same as  >1505

  90. Yuge Diao (1; IV/471)
    4th pu, from  
    >1505; melody quite different but same lyrics

  91. Yu Ge (18; IV/472)
    5th pu in this tuning, from  
    >1505; melody quite different but same lyrics

  92. Qiu Hong (36; Guxian!; IV/478)
    9th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics very similar to  >1505

    Folio 10

  93. Huangzhong Yi (1; IV/488)
    9th (?) pu, from
    1425 (Shenpin Wuyi Yi)
    Melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  94. Zhaojun Yuan (8; IV/489)
    11th pu, from
    1425 (Longshuo Cao): "also called 龍翔操 Longxiang Cao";
    Melody seems different, but it has lyrics same as  >1505

  95. Xiao Hujia (6; IV/492)
    4th pu, from
    1425; lyrics same as >1505;

  96. Huangyun Qiusai (3; IV/496)
    7th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different; lyrics somewhat different from  >1505

  97. Qiuyue Zhao Maoting (5; IV/498)
    4th pu, from
    1425; lyrics same as >1505

  98. Shanzhong Si Guren (3; IV/499)
    4th pu, from
    1425; lyrics same as >1505

  99. Qiliang Yi (1; IV/500)
    6th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  100. Qu Yuan Wen Du (8; IV/500)
    9th pu from  
    >1505, but melody quite different and lyrics are like 1530

  101. 秋江送別 Qiu Jiang Song Bie (9; Ruibin; IV/502)
    Guide 26/217/416: "only here", but lyrics and music are very similar to  >1505 (different refrain)
    This is the long version of Yangguan Sandie (12/124/222; compare short version, below)
    "Departure at the River in Autumn"; in 1573 the same melody is "Departure at the River in Spring"

  102. Yangguan Sandie (3; Ruibin!; IV/505)
    Second short version of Yang Guan: first is
    1530; opening phrase is different and words differ throughout, but melody is related

  103. Li Sao (18; IV/506)
    9th pu, from
    1425: melody seems quite different but lyrics same as  >1505
    (Not the original Qu Yuan text)

  104. Zepan Yin (4; IV/511)
    8th pu, from
    1425: melody seems different but lyrics same as  >1505

  105. 清江引 Qing Jiang Yin (1; IV/513)
    Only here (and 1573). Mode not indicated, but seems to use standard tuning.

    䟦 Afterwords (dated 萬曆乙酉 1585)
         by Chen Shuzhen (IV/513)
         by Yao Shiwei (IV/514)

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)

1. 1585 ToC
The 105 pu (tablatures) in this qinpu (qin handbook) include 45 of the 64 titles from 1425. Noticeably missing is the piece Intonation for Poetry (詩吟 Shi Yin) from 1573.

2. Content
"E" (as in "#18") is a reference to the respective page in the electronic version (here a pdf) of the 1573 edition.

Return to the Chongxiu Zhenchuan intro, to the annotated handbook list or to the Guqin ToC.