Table of Contents for Guyin Zhengzong (1618)
Guyin Zhengzong Table of Contents
Orthodox School of Ancient Sounds
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Damage to Zhu Changfang's Preface

This handbook, compiled by
Zhu Changfang, was reprinted in
Qinqu Jicheng,
IX/245-386. Of its 50 listed melodies, at least
15 of them seem to be the earliest surviving published version.
目錄 Table of Contents
- - 朱常淓序 Zhu Changfang preface (see image at right; "?" usually means a missing character;2 IX/247):
- 昔嵇中散云:「衆器之中,琴德最
- 琴之形象 The physical appearance of the qin (as in
1589) (IX/248)
- 等論 related short essays (some of which elsewhere come with illustrations)
- - includes: 調絃入弄 (See Caoman Yin; IX/255)
- 彈琴須知 Necessary rules for playing qin (IX/257)
- 上古琴賦 Ancient poem on the qin ("依朱絃之雅器,含太古之遺美..." [as in
1589"]; IX/257)
- 上古琴論 Ancient essays about the qin (IX/259)
- 五音統論 Discussing the system of 5 sounds (IX/260)
- 禮樂序 Preface to ritual music (IX/262)
- 撫琴轉絃歌 Song (lyrics) for playing qin and changing strings ([7+7]x12; IX/263)
- 手勢圖 Hand playing positions (IX/263)
- 勾琴總字母 Index of finger playing techniques (IX/265)
- 琴式 Qin styles (45, ending with this
Luwang Qin; IX/266)
- 中和吟 Zhonghe Yin (IX/272)
gong mode; 7 Sections; lyrics ("盖自鴻濛判而淸濁分,元胎剖而形聲呈。五方..");
only here
- 宗雅操 Zongya Cao (IX/275)
20 Sections; lyrics ("嘗思雷出震于地中,爲樂之所自從。夫亦....";;
only here
- 高山 Gao Shan (IX/280)
6; from 1425
- 流水 Liu Shui (IX/282)
8; from 1425
- 廣寒遊 Guanghan You (IX/284)
9; also called 清都引 Qingdu Yin;
from 1425
- 陽春 Yang Chun (IX/286)
16; from 1425
- 梅花 Mei Hua (IX/289)
10; from 1425
- 鷗鷺忘機 Oulu Wang Ji (IX/291)
4; from 1620
- 冲和吟 Chong He Yin (IX/292)
3; from 1589
- 圯橋三進履 Yi Qiao San Jin Lü (IX/293)
7; from 1525
- 漁樵問答 Yu Qiao Wenda (IX/295)
shang mode; 6; also called 金門待漏 Jinmen Dai Lou;
from 1559
- 秋江夜泊 Qiujiang Yebo (IX/296)
4; from 1425/1614
- 風雷引 Feng Lei Yin (IX/297)
10; from 1525
- 清夜聞鐘 Qingye Wen Zhong (IX/299)
14; earliest: unrelated to earlier ones from 1559
- 扣角歌 Kou Jiao Ge (IX/302)
10; from 1559
- 風入松 Feng Ru Song (IX/304)
8; earliest; no lyrics, and unrelated to
other Feng Ru Song
- 亞聖操 Yasheng Cao (IX/306)
5; lyrics; from 1511; in front it says "趙氏遺珍"
- 懷古吟 Huai Gu Yin (IX/308)
4; from 1546 but see 1525
- 靜觀吟 Jing Guan Yin (IX/309)
3; from 1579
- 墨子悲歌 Mozi Bei Ge (IX/310)
11; from 1609; has preface ("墨子悲歌者墨子悲絲也。其意切而其情悲....")
- 釋談章 Shitan Zhang (IX/313)
1; lyrics; from 1592
- 陽關三疊 Yangguan Sandie (IX/317)
3; lyrics; from 1530
- 蘇武思君 Su Wu Si Jun (IX/318)
4; earliest: unrelated to
- 雁落平沙 Yan Luo Pingsha (IX/319)
"jue mode"
(no!?); 5;
earliest of over 50
- 列子御風行 Liezi Yu Feng Xing (IX/320)
10; from 1425
- 養生操 Yang Sheng Cao (IX/323)
5; mode like #24;
"only here" but seems related to Yang Sheng Zhu
- 碧天秋思 Bitian Qiu Si (IX/324)
9; Guide: "earliest of 13" but some later versions are different;
mode like
#24; unrelated to
Bitian Qiu or
Tianfeng Huan Pei
- 蒼梧引 Cangwu Yin (IX/326)
10; related to 1525 Cangwu Yuan
- 子猷訪戴 Ziyou Fang Dai (IX/329)
11; only here and
1525 (very different)
- 禹會塗山 Yu Hui Tushan (IX/331)
zhi mode; 14; also called 上國觀光 Shan Guo Guangguang;
from 1425
- 悲秋 Bei Qiu (Mourn Autumn; IX/335)
10; "also called Autumn Boudoir [秋閨 Qiu Gui]";
earliest of 8 (related to the
standard tuning Song Yu Bei Qiu)
- 樵歌 Qiao Ge (IX/338)
12; from 1425
- 關雎 Guan Ju (IX/340)
9; from >1505
- 山居吟 Shan Ju Yin (IX/342)
5; from 1425
- 雉朝飛 Zhi Zhao Fei (IX/343)
yu mode; 12; from 1425
- 滄海龍吟 Canghai Long Yin (IX/346)
7; also called 滄江夜雨 Cangjiang Yeyu;
from 1579
- 鸞鳳吟 Luan Feng Yin (IX/348)
3; earliest of two
- 漢宮秋 Han Gong Qiu (IX/349)
14; from 1589 (not 1525)
- 大雅 Da Ya (IX/351)
huangzhong mode; 10; from 1425
- 秋鴻 Qiu Hong (IX/354)
qingshang mode; 36; has copy of preface from
- 搗衣曲 Dao Yi Qu (IX/359)
guxian mode; 12; from
- 羽化登仙 Yuhua Deng Xian (Growing Feathers and Becoming an Immortal; IX/362)
Shangjue mode; 13;
earliest of 18 to
1914. Second version
(1689; XIV/309) has 30 sections; third
(1705; XIII/408) has 24; fourth
(1722; XIV/541) has 30 sections and the first attribution, to Wulingxianzi; #9 (ca. 1802), has 50 sections. These longer versions seem very different from each other as well as the earliest one. (See also the 1670 Shenhua Yin as well as the suggestion with the following Yueyang San Zui of a possible connection. A study of the differing versions of Yuhua and comparing these to Yueyang San Zui might could be quite instructive.)
- 岳陽三醉 Yueyang San Zui (Thrice Drunk at Yueyang; IX/365)
20; 商角調 shangjue mode.
Earliest of 8 from 1634 to 1946. Further details
- 莊周夢蝶 Zhuang Zhou Meng Die (IX/369)
12; from 1425
- 挾仙遊 Xie Xian You (IX/371)
mangong mode; 12 (see
tracing under Baji You)
- 獲麟 Huo Lin (IX/374)
6; from 1425
- 瀟湘水雲 Xiao Xiang Shui Yun (IX/376)
ruibin mode; 10; from 1425
- 大胡笳 Da Hujia (IX/378)
wuyi mode; 18; from 1425
- 廣陵真趣 Guangling Zhen Qu (IX/382)
manshang mode; 1; earliest: only here, Zha Guide mistakenly has this as an alternate title for Guangling San (see next)
- 廣陵散 Guangling San (IX/382)
manshang mode; 9; earliest (see
commentary here, and
tracing chart under the musically unrelated 1425 Guangling San)
朱常淓跋 Zhu Changfang afterword (IX/385-386)
Begins, "盖人者兩儀之播氣...."
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
Table of Contents
The handbook itself did not have a table of contents.
Damage on the pages in the above image
Jerome Kerlouegan has kindly sent me images of two of the three damaged pages. They had been sent to him from the Shanghai Library, but either they had not copied image 1a, or the their copy of the handbook was missing that page. The two they had are here:
DIR>1a (missing)
1b: view
2a: view
Thus if a character is missing from the transcription above it is probably because I could not read it.
Later short versions of GLS
The linked chart lists them, but they all seem based not on the version here but on the second one (≥1802)