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FXXP / Preface / Commentary | 首頁 |
Fengxuan Xuanpin Mulu 1 | 風宣玄品目錄 |
Table of Contents for Profound Airs Spread Like the Wind (1539) |
Qin top, burning incense, playing qin (q.v.) |
Folio 1
---. Pointing the way / Differentiating fingering / Finger techniques / Rules (II/10)
Images begin here (links below go
these versions, with translations):
---. Two images: Structure and design of the qin
top and
inside (II/20b)
---. Methods for making a qin (II/11)
---. Methods for making qin strings (II/12)
---. Discussion of hui (harmonic nodes; II/13)
---. Discussion of strings (II/14)
---. Injunctions concerning playing the qin (untitled essay; II/15)
---. Qin pavilion: explanation of of 10 qin parts (II/15)
---. System (II/15)
---. Instructive essay on playing the qin (II/15)
---. Five of 24 sections from Taiyin Daquanji Folio 6, beginning with
---. 14 appropriate times to play qin
(translation; same 14 later in 1585; II/16)
---. 14 inappropriate times to play qin
(translation; some differences later in 1585, etc.; II/16)
---. Right hand finger techniques (28 are included; II/17)
---. Left hand finger techniques (36 listed, then general symbols; II/18)
---. Tuning (how to get standard, then 28 non-standard, tunings; II/19)
---. Two images: Structure and design of the
qin back and lighting incense
(FXXP image top right; II/21a)
---. One image: (Zhu Houjiao's?) posture for playing qin; (facing it) Essay on playing qin (translation; II/21b)
---. One image: Posture for putting on strings and to its right Essay on putting on strings
(translation below);
---. One image: Modern posture for carrying a qin
(compare), then description of how to carry a qin; II/22)
---. Three images: Antique posture for carrying a qin, plus
Method of putting on a string, and
method of plucking a string (ToC II/i: 彈琴家數; II/23a)
---. Three images: Top right a phoenix soaring
Lower right: a right hand emulating that image
Left: A hand coming from a cloud, each finger with descriptive text (II/23b)
---. 38 double images of famous "historical" qins paired to famous players (II/24) | Qins associated with Fu Xi and Shen Nong 1 |
Folio 2:
Folio 3:
Folio 4:
Folio 5:
Folio 6:
Folio 7:
Folio 8:
Folio 9:
Folio 10:
Huangzhong Diao (just separate heading, no modal preface)
風宣玄品 Fengxuan Xuanpin Table of Contents
"Historical" qin images
Return to the annotated handbook list
or to the Guqin ToC.
also: Jin Lü, Yi Qiao San Jin Lü, Yi Qiao Shou Shu, Yishang Jin Lü)
but diff. lyrics and music from the Feng Qiu Huang found only in
1525 (also attrib. Sima Xiangru)
Zha Guide mistakenly says it is here called 南風操 Nanfeng Cao
no rel to QSDQ/1590 rendition; Qinshi Xu says by Fan Xianzhi (?)
Manjiao Diao (No modal prelude; tuning: 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 )
Has instructions at end to play Huangzhong (mode) ending, but does not have 1425’s Kai Zhi
Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)
The book's own table of contents (QQJC II/5-7) includes only the song titles; there is no mention of the essays from Folio I.
Previous versions of "historical" qin images, such as those
here, did not include images of the associated people.