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Miscellaneous Accounts (Fables)
Qinshu Daquan Folio 17 (V/374 - 387) 1

This section has 59 entries, mostly prose. Many are fables. Important English and Chinese language reference materials in this area are included on a separate page.
(December 2004: At present it has little more than my efforts to track down the sources of these articles.2)

  1. 洞仙傳 Dong Xian Zhuan: Biographies of Grotto-Transcendents (V/374)
    Anonymous, probably 6th C. CE (SW; 17777.24 洞仙歌)

  2. 神仙感遇傳 Shenxian Ganyu Zhuan: Encounters with Divine Transcendents (V/374)
    By 杜光庭 Du Guangting (850 - 933; see also #3)

  3. (杜光庭:墉城?)集仙錄 Yongcheng Jixian Lu: Collected Records of the Transcendents (at Yongcheng/the Fortified City) (V/374-5)
    By Du Guangting, about Daoist women transcendents and deities (compare #2). Yongcheng, also called 金城 Jincheng, was residence of 西王母 the Queen Mother of the West.

    Two selections:

    1. 弊衣負琴 In Tattered Clothing Carrying a Qin
      (Note that this story about Shanyang Pu does not specify gender; however, the stories in the source are focused on women.
      As for Shanyang, there were/are several places in China with this name. In particular, it is an old name for the 淮安 Huai'an district of what is now Jiangsu province. As for 淮南 Huainan, there is a place of that name in Anhui. Both are in the Huai River Basin.)

      山陽浦者,山陽人也。不知其姓名。家貧,以小舟運載為業。忽凌晨有一道士,弊衣負琴至, 要渡江時,天早塞甚,渡人甚希。浦猶豫間,道士忽投席帽於水,跳立其上,泛泛然越流而渡。 浦知其神人也,追悔既甚,操舟隨之。及岸,道士行甚運,而匍匐追之,終不能及,相去常百步許。至夜,失道士所在。 浦因不歸,於淮南市求之,終不復見。浦貧無他業,欲巡天下訪之,因伴狂踏歌,求乞自贍。周四方二十七年後,柠相州道中,見負琴行步限色如初見時,方得語。謂之曰:「子有元山玉骨合道之相,而不遇師匠,將沉淪宛生。余為下教二十四君所命,來度於子。子頗謂勤美矣。」袖中出一瓢,狀如青玉,其上微微有五色光,六七道,皆長三二尺。瓢中出神丹一粒,典之浦眼。 丹數月,猶伴狂踏歌不已。後於市中旋歌舞,凌空而去,墜其故依弊鞋,竦身昇天。其歌詞云:「山陽浦者,浪來有潮。」無人不知其姓名,因號為山陽浦。

      Shanyang Puzhe ("the person at Shangyang Riverbank") was a native of Shanyang, birth name unknown. Because her family was poor, she made a living transporting people in a small boat. Suddenly one early morning a Daoist adept arrived. In tattered clothing and carrying a qin as he arrived, wanting to cross the river. At that time, the sky was overcast, impeding crossing, and people were few. While Pu hesitated, the Daoist suddenly threw his straw hat onto the water, stepped onto it, and floated across the river as if gliding. Pu realized she had encountered a divine being and immediately regretted not having assisted him. She hurriedly rowed her boat to follow, but upon reaching the shore, the Daoist was already walking swiftly ahead. Pu crawled and struggled to catch up, yet no matter how hard she tried, she could never close the gap, which remained about a hundred paces. By nightfall, the Daoist had disappeared.

      From then on, Pu did not return home. She searched for the Daoist throughout the markets of Huainan but never saw him again. Having no other means of livelihood, she resolved to travel the world in search of the Daoist, sustaining herself by wandering, singing, and begging. After twenty-seven years of roaming the four corners of the land, she finally encountered the Daoist again along the road in Xiangzhou. The Daoist was still carrying a qin and looked exactly as he had when Pu first saw him. This time, Pu was able to speak to him. The Daoist said, "You have the qualities of Yuan Mountain and the jade-like bones of one destined for the Dao, yet you have not met the right teacher and are on the brink of falling into obscurity. I was sent by the Twenty-Four Lords of the Lower Teaching to guide you. You have indeed been diligent and admirable." With that, the Daoist took a jade-colored gourd from his sleeve. It emitted faint, multicolored rays, six or seven in total, each extending three or two feet. From the gourd, he took out a divine elixir and placed it in Pu's eye. For several months afterward, Pu continued her frenzied, ecstatic singing and dancing. Later, in the marketplace, she spun in song and dance, ascended into the air, and vanished into the heavens, leaving behind only her old, worn shoes. The lyrics of her song were:

      "At Shanyang Riverbank, when the waves rise, the tide follows."

      Now there is no one who doesn't know her name, and so she is known by the nickname Shanyang Pu (i.e., this became her name instead of her just being called "the person at Shanyang riverbank"?)

    2. 石室彈琴 In a stone room playing qin

      太真夫人者,王母之小女也,名婉羅,字勃遂,事(玄)都太真王。 有子為三天大上府司直,總糺天曹之遺。因遊逸(虛?)發事任,降主東嶽,退真王之編,司鬼神之師,五百年一代其職。 夫人因來視之,勉使勤政以補其過。道經臨淄,值縣小吏和君賢為賊刀所傷,將殂。夫人救治之而愈。君賢貧,無以為報,乃易姓名曰馬明生,隨夫人執役。 夫人入東嶽岱宗峭壁石室,上下懸絕,重岩崎嶮,去地千餘丈。(石)室中有金床玉几,珍物奇玩,(人跡所不能至,馬)明生初欲求金瘡方,既見仙家境界,神情澄正,更無邪念。 夫人或呼明生並坐引酌,常聞空中有琴瑟音。夫人亦時禪琴,琴有一弦,五音並奏,高傘響激,清和宛妙。珎禽皆集,徘徊飛翔。 明生奉待夫人,彌歷歲陰,益加精恪。夫人乃召安期,慶明生昇舉之道。暨夫人入女几山,乘雲龍而去。明生随安期,周游青城、廬潜,凡二十年,煉(元)金丹而生天也。

      Lady Taizhen was the youngest daughter of the Queen Mother. Her name was Wanluo, and her courtesy name was Bosui. She served the True King of Xuandu. She had a son who was a Supervisor of the Supreme Office of the Three Heavens, overseeing the unfinished matters of the Celestial Bureau. Because he indulged in leisure and neglected his duties, he was demoted to serve under the Lord of the Eastern Peak (commonly associated with Mount Tai in Shandong province), removed from the register of True Kings, and made a master of ghosts and spirits. His position was to be succeeded once every five hundred years.

      Lady Taizhen went to see him and urge him to be diligent in his work to make up for his past mistakes. While traveling through Linzi, she encountered a minor county official named He Junxian, who had been wounded by bandits and was near death. Lady Taizhen healed him, and he recovered. Since He Junxian was poor and had no way to repay her, he changed his name to Ma Mingsheng and followed Lady Taizhen, serving her. Lady Taizhen entered a stone chamber on the sheer cliffs of the Eastern Peak. The chamber was suspended between towering, rugged peaks, more than a thousand zhang above the ground. Inside, there was a golden bed and a jade table, filled with rare and marvelous treasures. (This was a place unreachable by human footsteps.) At first, Ma Mingsheng only wished to learn a remedy for wounds, but upon seeing the realm of the immortals, his mind became clear and pure, and he no longer had any stray thoughts. Lady Taizhen would sometimes call Mingsheng to sit with her and drink. Sounds of qin and se zithers were often heard in the air. Lady Taizhen also played the qin in meditation; though the instrument had only one string, it produced all five tones in harmonious resonance, its high and lingering notes clear, gentle, and exquisite. Rare birds gathered, circling and gliding in delight. Mingsheng served Lady Taizhen, and as the years passed, he became increasingly devoted and diligent. Finally, Lady Taizhen summoned Anqi and instructed him to guide Ma Mingsheng on the path to ascension. Then, she entered Mount Nüji, rode a cloud dragon, and departed. Ma Mingsheng followed Anqi, traveling through Qingcheng and Luqian for twenty years. Eventually, he refined the primal golden elixir and ascended to the heavens.

      This story is briefly mentioned in an appendage to an entry in Qin Shi about another one-string qin player, Zhou Taibin. And Taiyin Daquanji, Qin illustration 31, shows a one-string qin said to have been played by Ma Mingsheng himself.

  4. 文始內傳 Wenshi Neizhuan: Yin Xi's Inner Teachings (V/375)
    13766.307xxx; anonymous 6th century text, surviving only in fragments (Wenshi = 關尹子 Guan Yinzi = 尹喜 Yin Xi)

  5. 琴仙傳 Qin Xian Zhuan: Biographies of Qin Immortals (V/375)

  6. 洞冥記 Tong Ming Ji: Account of Knowing the Profound (V/375)
    17777.54: 4 folios, by 郭憲 Guo Xian of Latter Han

    • 拊落霞琴

      漢武帝嘗夕望東邊有青雲.... Han emperor Wudi sees two 神女 heavenly women dancing

  7. 化書 Hua Shu (V/375)
    2614.89 A book on magic by 南唐譚峭 Tan Qiao (10th c.; Giles)

      Two untitled selections, both concerning qin se

    1. 操琴瑟之音則翛然而閑奏鄭衛之音則....

    2. 觀其文章則知其人之貴賤焉。觀其書籇則知其人之情性焉。聞其琴瑟則知其人者道德焉....

  8. 幽明錄 You Ming Lu: Accounts of the Hidden and the Visible (V/375-6)
    9411.33xxx; (youming); by
    Liu Yiqing;

  9. 江湖紀文 Jianghu Jiwen (V/376)
    17496.316 etc have various 江湖 Jianghu titles, including books by 陳起 Chen Qi (12th c; Bio/1343) and 陳浩 Chen Hao (also Song), but no 江湖紀文 . See further under
    Lu Guimeng

  10. 山河例記 Shanhe Liji: Records from Mountains and Rivers (V/376)

  11. 樹萱錄 Shuxuan Lu Record of Amnesia Plants (V/376)
    15888.91 shuxuan: amnesia plant

    • 碧溪彈琴 Bixi Tan Qin

      番禺鄭僕射嘗遊湘中.... Zheng Puyi (40513.xxx; 1151.24 a rank) meets a woman by the Xiang river

  12. 祖台(之),志怪 Zhi Guai: Accounts of Anomalies (V/376)
    By 祖台之 Zu Taizhi (25209.28 晉,范陽人). For this and other zhiguai see
    Strange Writing.

  13. 北瑣夢言 Beisuo Mengyan (V/376)
    2615.336 is a 北夢瑣言 Beimeng Suoyan by 孫光憲 Sun Guangxian (d. 968; ICTCL)

  14. 武夷山記 Wuyi Shan Ji Record of Wuyi Mountain (V/376-7)
    武夷君 16623.83 Wuyi Jun, quotes several sources including Wuyi Shan Ji by 陸羽
    Lu Yu (733 - ca.804).3 The quote largely concerns the celestial music played at Wuyi Mountain, beginning as follows (translation below):


    Note that "...." above and underlining characters below have been added to help show its connection to versions elsewhere, which are somewhat different as well as more complete. See, for example, here:

    又云秦始皇二年八月十五日,武夷君置殽酒,會鄉人幔亭峰上。初,男女千餘人,齋戒如期而往,乃見虹梁跨溪,制度精巧,飛梯回級,傍設闌中,體輕心喜,不覺其倦。至山頂,有幔亭綵屋,玲瓏掩映,前後可數百間。夾幔亭立八綵幢八枚,銀龍(口銜)玉蘊幡,金鳳翠毛。其幔亭可坐千餘人,設東西地席,各有長座,如今之僧尼位。施綠油紅卷花,食卓,自北競南,無接續其幔亭。 北壁當中設一虛牀,謂之太極玉皇座;北壁西廈設一虛牀,謂之太姥魏真座;北壁東設一虛牀,謂之武夷君座,悉施紅雲茵、紫霞褥,各一銅盂貯花水。初,鄉人至幔亭峰衙門外,聞擊鼓聲,少頃空中有告云,悉呼鄉人為曾孫,乃曰:汝等男孫先入東序而進,女孫後入西序而進。既而聞讚告曰: 有太極玉皇大帝降臨山藪,曾孫可拜謝。又曰:太姥魏真人,曾孫可拜。又聞噓咳之聲,乃武夷君焉,高聲而言曰:汝等曾孫,若男若女,皆平安好,男孫東座,女孫西座。中亭有青綾帳幄,各設一牀,陳諸樂具,又聞讚告曰:命鼓師張安陵打引鼓,趙元竒拍副鼓,劉小禽坎鈴鼓,曾少重擺鼗鼓鼓,喬知滿振嘈鼓,高子春持短鼓,管師鮑公希吹橫笛板頭,何鳳兒撫等散,如此處東幄,奏停雲左仙之曲。命弦師董嬌娘彈箜篌,謝英妃撫長琴,呂荷香戛圓琵琶。管師其次姑噪,畢篥秀浹鳴洞簫,朱小娥運笙,金師羅妙容打銅鈸,如此處西幄,奏賓雲右仙之曲。見樂具空間橫豎,自響精妙。


    A translation of the first part of this gathering at Wuyi Mountain is as follows
    During (Mid-Autumn Moon of 220 BCE) the Lord of Wuyi....arranged on Manting Peak an Empty Altar Ritual (? 虛床祀 33515.xxx; 8/xxx)....dedicating it to the Supreme Ultimate Jade Emperor (太極玉皇).... The immortal Wei Zhenren (魏真人) commanded the drummers (as follows):
    • Zhang Anling (張安陵) to beat the leading drum (引鼓),
    • Zhao Yuanqi (趙元期) to strike the accompanying drum (副鼓),
    • Liu Xiaoqin (劉小禽) to play the Kan-ling drum (坎鈴鼓),
    • Zeng Shaozhong (曾少重) to shake the Tao drum (鼗鼓),
    • Qiao Zhiman (喬知滿) to sound the Cao drum (嘈鼓),
    • Gao Zichun (高子春) to hold the short drum (短鼓).
    The flute masters were also ordered to perform:
    • Bao Gongxi (鮑公希) played the transverse flute (橫笛),
    • He Feng’er (何鳳兒) tapped the rhythmic clappers (節板),
    Together, they performed the “Left Immortal’s Melody of Bin-Yun” (賓雲左仙之曲).
    Next, the string musicians took their turn:
    • Dong Xian-niang (董仙娘) plucked the Kan-hou (坎篌, an ancient harp),
    • Xie Yingfei (謝英妃) played the long qin (長琴),
    • Lü Hexiang (呂荷香) struck the round-bellied lute (圓腹).
    Among the wind and vocal musicians:
    • Huang Cigui (黃次姑) sang,
    • Beili Xiudan (悲篥秀淡) played the dongxiao (洞簫, vertical bamboo flute),
    • Zhu Xiao’e (朱小娥) performed the “Residence Nest” (運居巢),
    • Jin Shiluo Miaorong (金師羅妙容) swung the bronze cymbals (䤶銚).

    Together, they performed the “Right Immortal’s Melody of Bin-Yun” (賓雲右仙之曲). The instruments stood suspended in the air, and the music resounded with exquisite perfection.

  15. 鄭緝之,東陽記 Zheng Ji(zhi): Records of Dongyang (V/377)
    14827.496 name of many places; Zheng Ji(zhi) 40513.xxx, 28294.1xxx

    • 王質,聽琴 Wang Zhi Hears a Qin (not the poet who lived 1127-1189)

      晉中朝時有王質者入山伐木.... When Wang Zhi (Bio/106 #1: 西晉東陽人 a man of Dongyang, 4th c.) went to the mountains to cut wood, he saw four boys playing qin and singing; when he returned home decades had passed. (Elsewhere: centuries had passed; the boys also played chess.)

  16. 西京雜記 Xijing Zaji: Miscellaneous Records of the Eastern Capital4 (V/377)

  17. 王子年,拾遺(記) Wang Zinian, Shi Yi (Ji): Researching Lost Records (V/377)
    Compiled 6th c. by 蕭綺 Xiao Qi; two selections indicated, but written without a break

    1. 師延一絃

      師延者商之樂人也。設樂以....Shi Yan plays a one-string qin

    2. 奏迷魂遙魄曲


  18. 張華,博物志 Bowu Zhi: Treatise on Curiosities (V/377)
    By Zhang Hua (232 - 300); see SW; I don't know why this is not together with #42 below

  19. 語林 Yu Lin (Compare #47 below; V/377)
    36351.23 by 晉裴啟 Pei Qi of Jin (Bio/2457); source for 殷芸,小說 Xiao Shuo (Lesser Sayings) by Yin Yun

  20. 盧氏,雜說 Lu Shi, Zashuo: Fragmented Writings of Lushi
    23580.32 Chun Qiu period doctor; county in Henan (see also
    #23 below; V/377)

  21. 王琰,冥詳記 Wang Yan, Mingxiang Ji (V/377)
    Tang? (Bio/137 has three); 1621.xxx

    • 死還彈琴; concerns 史光 Shi Guang (Bio/xxx); mentions 阿母 A Mu (Bio/xxx)


  22. 炙轂子雜錄 Zhiguzi Zalu: Miscellaneous Records of Zhiguzi (V/378)
    By 王叡 Wang Rui, nickname Zhiguzi (434–481? Tang?; Bio/149)
    Elsewhere he comments on 招隱
    Zhao Yin

  23. 沈括,筆談 Shen Gua, Bitan (V/378)
    Shen Gua (1030 - 1093; see Wiki,
    Shen Kuo) was a polymath and statesman whose best known writings were in his Dream Pool Essays (夢溪筆談 Mengxi Bitan; 5935.105, Wiki and #45 below), Dream Pool (5935.104 夢溪:江蘇丹陽朱方門外) being the name of his estate in what is now the outskirts of Zhenjiang city in Jiangsu province. He apparently owned it for many years before he could go there: he had often dreamed of it, hence the name Mengxi, literally "Dream Brook". The present selections have 5 subtitles but only four sections: #4 and #5 are combined.

    1. 廣陵散辨 Guangling San Bian

      盧氏雜說漢皋謂嵇康庚琴曲.... Lu Shi, Zashuo (see #20 above); concerns Han Gao and Guangling San (see also #52 below).

    2. 吳音感莫 Wu Yin Gan Mo

      高郵人桑景舒性知音聽百物之聲.... Concerns 桑景疏 Sang Jingshu and the melody 虞美人操 Yumeiren Cao (see in qin setting)

    3. 趙公龜琴 Zhao Gong Gui Qin

      趙閱道為成都轉運使出行部唯攜一龜一琴坐.... Zhao Yuedao plays qin while looking at a turtle.

    4. 女善琴詩 Nü Shan Qin Shi

      毗陵郡士人家有一女姓李氏方年十六歲....A teenage woman poet surnamed 李 Li writes a poem 拾得破錢 Shi De destroys his money. Also mentions Wang Wei and Guangling San

    5. 廣陵散潑攦聲 Guangling San Poli Sheng


    He also wrote some essays on music.

  24. 外史檮杌 Waishi Taowu: Tales of a Blockhead (V/378-9)
    5879.44; 16076.1: fabulous beast; book from ancient Chu
    Three selections but one title: 文錫琴婚 Wenxi's Qin Marriage (for #2)

    1. 任如元字子沖樂安人也。心計籌策出於眾人事王建累.... Concerns Ren Ruyuan (Bio/xxx)

    2. 毛文錫字平珪唐太僕卿龜範之子.... Mao Wenxi (10th c; Bio/278; poet), fleeing disorder goes to Sichuan, where he meets a lady who also likes qin; he seduces her with the song Feng Qiu Huang and they marry

    3. 黃彬字溫其成都人。美風姿幼年嘗過麗春坊群妓投以龍.... Concerns Huang Bin (Bio/2069xxx)

  25. 大周正樂記 Account of the Correct Music of Zhou (V/379)

  26. 琴書遺編 Qin Writings, a Valued Tome (V/379)

  27. 揚雄,琴清英 Yang Xiong (53 BCE - 18 CE), Qin Qing Ying (V/379)
    Earliest book on qin, but it survives only in fragments; two selections

    1. 荀息琴悲 Xun Xi (Warring States period; 31659.27) plays qin (making 晉王 the King of Jin) sad

      晉王謂荀息曰,子鼓琴能察人悲乎?.... (an almost verbatim match to the story of 孫息 Sun Xi; see also the story of Yongmen Zhou).

    2. 吉甫子安之操 Yin Boqi's Zi An Lament (7072.114xxx; compare Lüshuang Cao).


  28. 都頡,琴盧跋尾 Du Jie, Qinlu Bawei (V/379)
    Du Jie (11th/12th c; Bio/1842)

  29. 杜陽,雜篇 Du Yang, Miscellaneous Essays (V/379-80)
    Du Yang (Bio/xxx)

    • 碧玉蠶絲 (24916.xxx; jasper silk fiber)

      Jasper silk fiber, in 765 CE, is what the East Sea Encompassing Country had to offer....

  30. 羯鼓錄 Jiegu Lu: Deerskin-Drum Record (V/380)
    29164.7 a book by 唐南卓 Nan Zhuo (Tang; Bio/1703);

    • 花奴鮮穢

      汝陽王璡 Prince Jin of Ruyang (i.e., Huanu) was the eldest son of 寧王 the Prince of Ning (Tang dynasty; 31461.74)....

  31. 耳目記 Ermu Ji: Records of Ear and Eye (V/380-1)
    29637.12xxx; two section titles are given, but they run together in one long article;
    both concern 李山甫 Li Shanfu (9th/10th c.; see poem at
    Folio 19B, #2)

    1. 玉亭供奉

      唐乾符中黃巢盜據兩京.... During 874 - 880, Huang Chao (rebel, d. 884) brought disorder....; 王欽 Wang Qin (Bio/xxx) of Chang'an, skilled at qin and chess....has a discussion with Li Shanfu

    2. 廣陵傳世

      Concerns transmission of Guangling San (also: 蕭(王+向 21450) Xiao Xiang?).

  32. 觀宋復古畫序 Preface to Looking at a Painting by Song Fugu (V/381)
    Fugu was the style name of 宋迪 Song Di, a painter from Luoyang (see

  33. 郡閣雅談 Jun'ge Yatan: Elegant Talk in a Prefectural Chamber (V/381)
    40284.xxx; 42903.160/2 mentions only a 秘閣雅談

    • 王元琴詩 Qin poem by Wang Yuan

      Wang Yuan (Bio/86xxx), style name Wenyuan, was from Guilin....

  34. 逸史 Yishi: Anecdote (V/381-2)
    39824.18 something outside the official history

  35. 異文錄 Yi Wen Lu: Record of Strange Things Written (V/382)
    22369.12 yiwen, no book title; compare 異聞記 Yiwen Ji, attrib. 陳寔 Chen Shi (104 - 187; see

  36. 熙寧雜編 Xining Zabian: Miscellaneous Accounts during 1068 - 78 (V/382)
    19672.50 Xining

  37. 鍾惟靜,雲軒集錄 Zhong Weijing, Yunxuan Jilu (V/382)
    Zhong Weijing (Bio/xxx; 11050.xxx); Yunxian (43170.267 Cloud Carriage)

  38. 縉紳挫說 Jinshen Cuoshuo (V/382)
    28365.3 Red Sashes (for officials); oppressive words (?)

    • 月夜女郎琴歌 Women's qin song on a moonlit evening

      Liu Feng (Bio/xxx) meets women who play qin with other instruments.

  39. 昭德樸齋錄 Zhaode Record of Puzhai (V/382-3)
    Perhaps part of 昭德文集 Zhaode Wenji by 晁公武 Zhao Gongwu;
    Mentions Su Dongpo; see

  40. 傳奇 Chuan Qi: Transmitted Marvels (V/383)
    Chuan Qi 1040.59

    • 蕭曠彈琴過神女賦詩

      During dahe (5960.629 pleasant times) Retired scholar 蕭曠 Xiao Kuang (Bio/xxx) traveled east from Luoyang.... Playing qin one night he met an immortal (woman).... they exchanged poems.

  41. 正一先生傳 Zhengyi Xiansheng Zhuan (V/383)
    Mr. Zheng Yi is
    Sima Chengzheng

  42. 博物志 Bowu Zhi: Record of Curiosities (V/383-4)
    By Zhang Hua (232 - 300); I don't know why this is not together with #18 above

  43. 葆光錄 Baoguang Lu (V/384)

    • 鼓琴去爪/瓜; concerns 求嬰處士 Retired Scholar Qiu Ying (Bio/xxx)
      Qiu Ying, a skilled qin player, got rid of his fingernails so the sound would be more 肉 fleshy. One gentleman didn't like this. Ying colored and said, If you enjoy that sound, why don't you use a mallet to play? The listeners laughed heartily.


  44. 金徽變化篇 Jinhui Bianhua Pian: Golden Studs Transformed (V/384)
    41049.1228 only
    jinhui. Here there are four short excerpts:

    1. 松風澗響 Wind in the pines and a melodious torrent

      Duan Youfu plays amidst the sounds of wind in the pines and flowing water

    2. 醉欲剖琴 Drunken desire to split open a qin

      Xi Kang takes qin and wine to the mountains to visit Shan Tao. Tao is drunk and wants to split open the qin....

    3. 松節支琴 Pines rhythmically hit a qin

      Shaofu (a rank) Bai hit a qin....

    4. 琴湧黑蛟 Qin flowing black dragons

      When it rained, Sun Deng's qin would sound like it was killing something (?)....

  45. 補筆談 Bu Bitan (V/384)
    Appendix to Bitan (
    Mengxi Bitan?)

  46. 南都新書 Nandu Xinshu (V/384)
    2798.518-9xxx; two short excerpts

    1. Untitled

      賈魏公善琴,皆妙絕一時。 Jia Weigong (37609.xxx) played the qin well; best of his day.

    2. 調絃異香降 Plucking the strings and a strange fragrance comes down

      Wei Cigong (?) played
      Huai Ling Cao. Every time he plucked a string a strange fragrance came down.

  47. 唐語林 Tang Yulin (Compare #19 above; V/384)
    3714.335, 8 folios, by 王讜 Wang Dang (11th/12th c.; Bio/142), in style of Shishuo Xinyu; two excerpts

    1. 鼓琴猿嘯 Play the qin and a gibbon howls (or "calls out")

      Dugu Ji, from Changzhou (sees 李汧公之子李基 [should be 李約 Li Yue]; gibbon story)

    2. 趙璧琴術 The qin art of Zhao Bi

      趙璧彈五絃琴。人問其術。璧曰,.... Zhao Bi explains his five-string qin.

  48. 真仙通鑑 Zhenxian Tongjian (V/384)
    23804.30 zhenxian a true transcendent

  49. 捫虱新語 Menshi Xinyu (V/384-5)
    12503.xxx, but .17 is 捫蝨新話 Menshi Xinhua, 15 folios, by 宋,陳善 Chen Shan (12th c; Bio/1351)

    • 魚聽琴聲 Fish listen to qin sounds

      陳丈壽嘗語,予人有鑿池以牧魚.... Chen Zhangshou (Bio/xxx; 16.xxx) once said, I have a sunken pond for raising fish. (Whene he played qin over the pond, the fish came up to listen.)

  50. 太平廣記 Taiping Guangji: Extended Gleanings of the Reign of Great Tranquility (V/385)
    5965.124 book in 500 folios by 李昉 Li Fang (925 - 996; ICTCL) et al; published 977 CE (see also
    Linru Hou)

  51. 山家清供 Shanjia Qinggong (V/385)
    8043.373 has shanjia only; this essay also in
    Qin Fu with the author identified as Lin Hong
    林洪 Lin Hong (c. 1340-c.1400; Bio/1441: from 泉州 Quanzhou, style name 龍發 Longfa, nickname 可山; ICTCL: style name 子羽 Ziyu (善部 Shanbu?), antiquarian poet who lived mostly in his native Fujian

  52. 春渚紀聞 Chunzhu Jiwen: News from the Water's Edge on a Spring Day (V/385)
    14146.440 Book in 10 folios by 何薳
    He Wei (1077 - 1145); includes sections on Dongpo, poetry, qin (see 雜書琴事一卷 Zashu Qin Shi?), etc.
    There are two stories here (a third title, 咸陽銅琴, is actually part of the first story).

  53. 高似孫,緯略 Gao Sisun Wei Lue: Weft Sketch (V/385)
    Wei Lue 28268.19, in 12 folios by 高似孫 Gao Sisun (d.1231; Bio/1996; not, as here, by 馬似孫 Ma Sisun)

  54. 山海經 Shanhai Jing (V/385-6)

    • 太子長琴 "Great Child Long Zither"

      Passage is translated in Anne Birrell, The Classic of Mountain and Seas, Penguin, p.174: 太子長琴 "Great Child Long Lute" (should be "Zither"), living on 搖山 Yao Shan ("Mount Shake") was 始作樂 "the first to compose musical airs".

  55. 神僊通鑑 Shenxian Tongjian: Lessons of Divine Transcendents (V/386)
    25211.347xxx; (seems to be a continuation of
    Shishuo Xinyu);

  56. 與彥正判官書 Yu Yan Zheng Pan'guan Shu: A Letter to Department Chief Yan Zheng (V/386)
    Yanzheng 10209.15xxx

  57. 聽賢師琴 Ting Xianshi Qin (V/386)
    A letter, or part of a letter, by
    (Su) Dongpo, dated 1089;

  58. 夷堅志 Yijian Zhi: Record of Yijian (夷堅支 must be a mistake; V/386-7)
    5977.80: Yijian, in Liezi, enquired about things;
    5977.81: a book in 50 (420!) folios by 洪邁 Hong Mai (1123 - 1202; Bio/1776; ICTCL)
    The story told here concerns Liu Guo (Bio/xxx) and Ma Gu (
    Wiki; she was sister of 王遠 Wang Yuan, 2nd C. CE; both were lengendary Daoist adepts; there is a qin song called Ma Gu). Versions of the story can be found online (Chinese only), but the text somewhat differs from here, especially after the opening given below (differences from one example are in bold).

  59. 琴諭 Qin Yu: Qin Proclamation (V/387)
    Preface and essay by ???

    • 古今寓言 Allegories Old and New


Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a
separate page)

1. Miscellaneous Accounts
There is further information in the Preface. (V/...) refers to page numbers in Vol. V of Qinqu Jicheng.

2. Content of the stories
Many stories such as those here concern women.

3. moved

4. 西京雜記 Xijing Zaji (Miscellaneous Records of the Western Capital)
Xijing Zaji (35587.198; 6 folios [130 sections?]; see ICTCL, p. 406) is a compilation attributed at various times to different people, e.g., Wu Jun of Liang, 劉歆 Liu Xin, 葛洪 Ge Hong and 蕭奔 Xiao Ben. It is a reference for a number of entries on this site, including,

  1. Qin Shihuang
  2. Liu Daoqing (also the Liu Daoqiang reference above)
  3. Wang Zhaojun
  4. Shuang Feng Li Luan.

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