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Miscellaneous Accounts (Fables)
Qinshu Daquan Folio 17 (V/374 - 387) 1 |
琴書大全十七卷 |
This section has 59 entries, mostly prose. Many are fables. Important English and Chinese language reference materials in this area are included on a separate page.
(December 2004: At present it has little more than my efforts to track down the sources of these articles.2)
丈廣通者櫬溪縣勝村人。武陵記云... (Zhang Guangtong 16.xxx; Guangtong 9693.170xxx)
山陽浦者,山陽人也。不知其姓名。家貧,以小舟運載為業。忽凌晨有一道士.... The "Shanyang riverbank person" was from Shanyang, but her proper names were not known. Her family was poor and she was making a living rowing a small boat when she met a Daoist (He was in ragged clothing and carried a qin)....
太真夫人者王母之小女也.... Concerns Taizhen Furen, name 婉羅 Wanluo, style name 勃遂 Bosui, a daughter of the Queen Mother; she apparently played a one string qin.
Xie Juanzi of Lu developed a three string qin; at the waist it had a half-moon shape.
Also, Hu Yan of Zhao and Zhang Dao of Han made them; they all had the sound of seven strings.
漢武帝嘗夕望東邊有青雲.... Han emperor Wudi sees two 神女 heavenly women dancing
In 1060 CE in Zhengzhou....(mentions Qin Qi Shu Hua and women singing)
晉世王恭伯字子升會稽人美姿容善鼓琴.... Jin (14210.95xxx) Shiwang (Prince of Shi? 33.xxx) Gongbo (10838.22xxx), style name Zisheng (7072.58xxx), of Kuaiji, had a beautiful appearance and was skilled at qin.... (Woman appears as he is playing.)
番禺鄭僕射嘗遊湘中.... Zheng Puyi (40513.xxx; 1151.24 a rank) meets a woman by the Xiang river
建康小吏曹著見廬山夫人.... Cao Zhu meets 女婉 the woman Wan, who plays a qin
溫庭筠善彈琴.... Wen Tingyun plays qin and flute
Note that .... above and bold lettering below have been added to help show its connection to versions elsewhere, which are somewhat different as well as more complete. See, for example, here:
A translation begins:
During Mid-Autumn Moon of 220 BCE the Gentleman of Wuyi, arranged on Manting Peak an Empty Bed Rite (? 虛床祀 33515.xxx; 8/xxx) at which a number of people played qin and flutes
晉中朝時有王質者入山伐木.... When Wang Zhi (Bio/106 #1: 西晉東陽人 a man of Dongyang, 4th c.) went to the mountains to cut wood, he saw four boys playing qin and singing; when he returned home decades had passed. (Elsewhere: centuries had passed; the boys also played chess.)
齊人劉道強嘗彈琴.... Liu Daoqiang of Qi was skilled at playing qin. He could create the melody Dan Gu Gua Fu. Listeners were all so sad they could not help themselves
師延者商之樂人也。設樂以....Shi Yan plays a one-string qin
嵇康字叔夜有邁俗之志.... Xi Kang sees eight ghosts at the home of 王伯通 Wang Botong. They teach (?) Guangling San.
盧氏雜說漢皋謂嵇康庚琴曲.... Lu Shi, Zashuo (see #20 above); concerns Han Gao and Guangling San (see also #52 below).
高郵人桑景舒性知音聽百物之聲.... Concerns 桑景疏 Sang Jingshu and the melody 虞美人操 Yumeiren Cao (see in qin setting)
趙閱道為成都轉運使出行部唯攜一龜一琴坐.... Zhao Yuedao plays qin while looking at a turtle.
毗陵郡士人家有一女姓李氏方年十六歲....A teenage woman poet surnamed 李 Li writes a poem 拾得破錢 Shi De destroys his money. Also mentions Wang Wei and Guangling San
He also wrote some essays on music.
晉王謂荀息曰,子鼓琴能察人悲乎?.... (an almost verbatim match to the story of 孫息 Sun Xi; see also the story of Yongmen Zhou).
....用羯鼓解穢 (use a nomad drum to explain the ugliness [?]) 建中辛已八月庚子題.
Jasper silk fiber, in 765 CE, is what the East Sea Encompassing Country had to offer....
汝陽王璡 Prince Jin of Ruyang (i.e., Huanu) was the eldest son of 寧王 the Prince of Ning (Tang dynasty; 31461.74)....
唐乾符中黃巢盜據兩京.... During 874 - 880, Huang Chao (rebel, d. 884) brought disorder....; 王欽 Wang Qin (Bio/xxx) of Chang'an, skilled at qin and chess....has a discussion with Li Shanfu
Concerns transmission of Guangling San (also: 蕭(王+向 21450) Xiao Xiang?).
Wang Yuan (Bio/86xxx), style name Wenyuan, was from Guilin....
(Xiao Fu: 732 - 88; Bio/2098; Xiao Sheng: Yuan; fuqin xxx; qindi xxx)
Liu Feng (Bio/xxx) meets women who play qin with other instruments.
During dahe (5960.629 pleasant times) Retired scholar 蕭曠 Xiao Kuang (Bio/xxx) traveled east from Luoyang.... Playing qin one night he met an immortal (woman).... they exchanged poems.
Duan Youfu plays amidst the sounds of wind in the pines and flowing water
Xi Kang takes qin and wine to the mountains to visit Shan Tao. Tao is drunk and wants to split open the qin....
Shaofu (a rank) Bai hit a qin....
When it rained, Sun Deng's qin would sound like it was killing something (?)....
賈魏公善琴,皆妙絕一時。 Jia Weigong (37609.xxx) played the qin well; best of his day.
Wei Cigong (?) played
Huai Ling Cao. Every time he plucked a string a strange fragrance came down.
Zhou Dabin studied the Dao with 姜叔茂 Jiang Shumao.... He had two students, Mei Chengsheng and Sun Guangtian.
陳丈壽嘗語,予人有鑿池以牧魚.... Chen Zhangshou (Bio/xxx; 16.xxx) once said, I have a sunken pond for raising fish. (Whene he played qin over the pond, the fish came up to listen.)
Chen Zi'ang was living in the capital someone wanted to sell a hu qin for 100,000....)
Zhang Yuezhai, "in the spirit of the hoe", enjoyed inviting in guests from the countryside. One day he had a mid-day feast. After a few cups he ordered someone nearby to make a "silver thread presentation". He also cautioned him, saying, "Blend well; also, it must have good flavor." All the guests said this would have to be tasty. Some time later he brought out a qin and invited a qin master to play the melody Li Sao. Only then did everyone realize that by silver thread he meant (not food but) qin strings, and by "blend well" he meant "tune the strings". Also, he wanted it to "have true flavor", by which he was referring to the idea of the qin writings of Tao Yuanming having true flavor. (張、中興勳家也,而能知此真味,賢矣哉 Zhang was a Meritorious Revival Officer (76.748 中興 2507.20 勳家=勳閥), so he would have realized this true flavor: a true worthy!)
Regarding: 三丹田 sandantian (1/185: abode of 精 jing,氣 qi and 神 shen)
The Huangting Jing says, Living quietly at Ruizhu (palace) for 19 years, qinxin sandie, dance (become) a crane. Liang Qiuzi explains, sandie qinxin is san dan tian.
The Huangting Jing also says, qinxin....(explanations welcome!)
Passage is translated in Anne Birrell, The Classic of Mountain and Seas, Penguin, p.174: 太子長琴 "Great Child Long Lute" (should be "Zither"), living on 搖山 Yao Shan ("Mount Shake") was 始作樂 "the first to compose musical airs".
Liu Guo , style name Gaizhi, was from Xiangyang. Although he was a scholar, he also had enough money for support. He attained a wife, and loved her very much.... (29 lines)
Miscellaneous Accounts
There is further information in the Preface. (V/...) refers to page numbers in Vol. V of Qinqu Jicheng.
Content of the stories
Many stories such as those here concern
西京雜記 Xijing Zaji (Miscellaneous Records of the Western Capital)
Xijing Zaji (35587.198; 6 folios [130 sections?]; see ICTCL, p. 406) is a compilation attributed at various times to different people, e.g., Wu Jun of Liang, 劉歆 Liu Xin, 葛洪 Ge Hong and 蕭奔 Xiao Ben. It is a reference for a number of entries on this site, including,
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