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Guqin Handbooks 1 琴譜
An Annotated List (see also Qin Fu) Qinqu Jicheng (QQJC) Vol. 12 
  (From the incomplete edition)  
Qin music is collected in qinpu (qin handbooks).3 The annotated Catalogue of Qin Books has many that no longer exist, but the ones listed here all do. A few, such as #4 Taigu Yiyin (see also Other Qin Books and Tablature) have only instructive articles, but most have qin melodies written out in the distinctive qin tablature. Almost none of this tablature gives direct indications of note values. For this one must look to modern recordings and transcriptions.4

In China in the 1950s Zha Fuxi led a project of locating existing qin players, instruments and handbooks. The search for players led to a number of important historical recordings. The search for handbooks led eventually to the handbook collection described here. First, though, data from this research was published in his "Guide" (1958). The Guide listed all the handbooks he had found, but it did not index them all: Zha commented on and indexed 109 through 1946, then listed separately but did not index 35 hand-copied tablature collections that were unavailable or seemed to include only tablature also published elsewhere.5 Since then more than 30 more handbooks have been discovered, most from the 19th and 20th centuries.6 As a result, the Surviving Qin Handbooks list below now has 150 through 1946.7

The 30-volume Collection of Qin Melodies (Qinqu Jicheng),8 finally published in 2010, could be considered the culmination and completion of Zha Fuxi's original project; it reprints most of the known surviving guqin handbooks. From the start there had been a plan to print all of these handbooks in a series of this title, but two earlier planned series were never finished.

"The "original Qinqu Jicheng series"" (1953)
What is here called "the original series" began and ended with only one volume, published in 1963. Publication ended after only one volume perhaps because of the Cultural Revolution.9

"Qinqu Jicheng new series"
After the Cultural Revolution the reissue of old handbooks resumed in China, but with the aim now being more clearly to include all the available qinpu of note. As a result between 1981 (Volume I) and 1991 (Volume 17, having skipped Volume 15) most of the surviving handbooks up to 1802 were re-published, several at a time. This new anthology was also called "Qinqu Jicheng".

In June 2010, after almost 20 years of further delays in continuing the project, it was announced that the complete Qinqu Jicheng series was now available as a 30-volume set. Here it should be noted that, in spite of its including many handbooks not mentioned in the 1958 Zha Guide, one can still find references to yet more handbooks that may or may not still exist; these include some early Zhucheng school handbooks.12

Two of the handbooks missing from the 30-volume Qinqu Jicheng were included in Qin Fu, published in Taiwan in 1971 by Tong Kin-Woon. Qin Fu altogether has 12 qin handbooks, plus other qin related writings, including some that were then available only in Taiwan.13 In addition, a number of individual handbooks have been published in facsimile editions.

The following annotated list includes basic information on the 139 qin handbooks included in the various editions of QQJC, plus 11 not included there.14 In addition there are links to further information about all of the handbooks surviving from prior to the beginning of the Qing dynasty (1644). The ones on which I have done the most work are also included on a separate list; the other linked volumes here have varying amounts of information, some of it done hastily while I was examining these later handbooks to compare the melodies with the versions in Shen Qi Mi Pu. None of this is a finished product.

Surviving Qin Handbooks (現存琴譜列表)15 (see also Handbooks Not Indexed) 古琴目錄                

  1. Jieshidiao Youlan (碣石調幽蘭; 6th c.?; 琴府 Qin Fu #1; 琴曲集成第一冊 Qinqu Jicheng I.1)
    Longhand tablature said to date from 6th c., discovered Japan 19th c., included in Qinxue Congshu (see 1911-31 below)
  2. Baishi Daoren Gequ Gu Yuan (白石道人歌曲古怨; 12th c.; QF #2; I.2.)
    Single qin song, with music and lyrics by Jiang Kui (姜夔); pub. between 1176-1197; Jiang Kui is also credited with 27 further songs using other notation
  3. Shilin Guangji (事林廣記; Comprehensive Record of Affairs; 文藝類,琴 Qin Section; 1269 CE; I.3.)
    Includes Prelude, Golden Oriole Intonation (開指黃鶯吟 Kaizhi Huangying Yin, with lyrics) and five short modal preludes (調意 diaoyi)
  4. Taigu Yiyin (太古遺音; QF #3 I.4)
    At least two editions of works originally attributed to 田芝翁 Tian Zhiweng of the Song dynasty survive with this title
    - One in QQJC (2 folios); second is missing, but its ToC shows similar content to 5 folio version, including the 5 diao yi)
    - One in Qin Fu (compare others); 5 folios; originally without 5 diaoyi: Qin Fu added them from TYDQJ Folio 6
  5. (Xinkan) Taiyin Daquanji (TYDQJ; [新刊]太音大全集; original series and I.5)
    Two editions; the first (partially translated), attrib. 袁均哲 Yuan Junzhe, has 5 folios; the second, attrib. 朱權 Zhu Quan, has 6 folios.
    They have similar contents and 5 modal preludes; an outline by Tong Kin-Woon discusses the various editions of #4 and #5.
  6. Qin Yuan Yao Lu (琴苑要錄; 13/14th c.; facsimile reprint; niml; niqqjc)
    A collection of essays by an anonymous editor, with no tablature
  7. Shen Qi Mi Pu (神奇秘譜; 1425 CE; QF #4; I.6); 64 melodies; compiler lived in Nanchang
    3rd edition; 2nd edition was reprinted in the original series
  8. Wusheng Qinpu (五聲琴譜; 1457; I.7.); five melodies; compiler/author unknown
  9. Zheyin Shizi Qinpu (浙音釋字琴譜; >1505; I.8); 42 melodies?, all with lyrics; compiler lived in Nanchang
  10. Xie Lin Taigu Yiyin (謝琳太古遺音; 1511 [not related to I.4]; I.9); 36 melodies, all with lyrics; compiler lived in She County, Anhui
  11. Huang Shida Taigu Yiyin (黃士達太古遺音; 1515 [not related to I.4]; I.10); two additional melodies, with lyrics; see previous
  12. Xilutang Qintong (西麓堂琴統; 1525 [1549?]; III.1; 170 melodies, 19 with lyrics; compiler was in She county, Anhui)
    Zha Fuxi dated this handbook 1549, apparently incorrectly
  13. Faming Qinpu (發明琴譜; 1530; I.11); 25 melodies, 9 with lyrics; compiler, from Iyang (Jiangxi), perhaps lived in Nanjing
  14. Fengxuan Xuanpin (風宣玄品; 1539; II.1); 101 melodies, 34 with lyrics; compiler was enfeoffed in Junzhou, Henan
  15. Wugang Qinpu (梧岡琴譜; 1546; I.12; niml; insl; 45 melodies, 1 with lyrics; compiled by 黃獻 Huang Xian, a palace eunuch)
  16. Qinpu Zhengchuan (琴譜正傳; 1547 / 1561; II.2; 71 melodies: the 45 in 1546 plus 26 more; 2 have lyrics [but see comment]; printed in Nanjing)
  17. Buxuxian Qinpu (步虛仙琴譜; 1556; III.2; not fully indexed in Zha Guide; compiler in Jiangnan area?).
    ToC has all 53 melodies from the complete edition in the National Libary in Taiwan (Qinqu Jicheng edition has only folios 5 and 6)
  18. Taiyin Chuanxi (太音傳習; 1552-61; niml; IV.1; 81 melodies; by 李仁 Li Ren; compiled in Nanjing?
  19. Taiyin Buyi (太音補遺; 1557; III.3); 73 melodies; also: Xingzhuang....; compiled in Nanjing?
  20. Taiyin Xupu (太音續譜; 1559; III.4); 38 melodies (32-1st); also: Xingzhuang....; compiled in Nanjing?
  21. Longhu Qinpu (龍湖琴譜; 1571; QF #5; niml; insl; niqqjc); 30 melodies, 23 with lyrics; from Hubei?
  22. Xinkan Zhengwen Duiyin Jieyao Qinpu Zhenchuan ( 新刊正文對音捷要琴譜正傳; 1573; niml; insl; niqqjc)
    6 folios, 65 melodies, all with lyrics; an earlier edition of #24 below, sometimes differing from it
  23. Wuyin Qinpu (五音琴譜; 1579; IV.2)
    36 melodies; compiled by 朱珵 Zhu Chengtan, a prince apparently in Shanxi
  24. Chongxiu Zhenchuan Qinpu (重修真傳琴譜; 1585; ZGSD facsimile reprint; IV.3)
    105 melodies in 10 folios, all with lyrics; by Yang Biaozheng; published Nanjing; 1573 and other titles
  25. Yuwu Qinpu (玉梧琴譜; 1589; VI.1)
    52 melodies, 3 with lyrics; compiled by the imperial eunuch 張進朝 Zhang Jinchao; all but one later in 1602
  26. Qinshu Daquan (琴書大全; 1590; V.)
    62 melodies, 8 with lyrics; large compendium of qin-related literature by Jiang Keqian of 金臺 Jintai (in Beijing?)
  27. Sanjiao Tongsheng (三教同聲; 1592; VI.2)
    1 F; 4 melodies, all 1st occurence, all with lyrics: Confucian (2), Buddhist, one Daoist; compiled by Zhang Dexin of Xin An
  28. Wenhuitang Qinpu (文會堂琴譜; 1596; VI.3)
    6F, 69 melodies, 10 with lyrics; 11 first occurence; compiled by 胡文煥 Hu Wenhuan of Qiantang (Hangzhou)
  29. Luqi Xinsheng (綠綺新聲; 1597; VII.1)
    3F; 13 melodies (5 diaoyi and 8 titled pieces, 3-1st), all with lyrics; melodies of 徐時琪 Xu Shiqi of 終南山 Zhongnanshan (Shaanxi?)
  30. Zangchunwu Qinpu (藏春塢琴譜; 1602; ZGSD facsimile reprint; VI.4)
    6F; 65 melodies, 3 with lyrics; 3-1st; compiled by 郝寧 Hao Ning and other eunuchs (compare 1589); Zangchunwu was a walled village near Nanjing
  31. Sancai Tuhui Xuji (三才圖會續集 Continuation of Sancai Tuhui; 1607; VI.5)
    Edited by 王洪洲、思義 Wang Hongzhou and Siyi (father and son); no location given; 5 diaoyi from 1585, w/lyrics
  32. Zhenchuan Zhengzong Qinpu (真傳正宗琴譜; 1589 and 1609; ZGSD facsimile reprint ["Qinpu Hebi"]; VII.2)
    楊掄 Yang Lun of Nanjing; its 73 melodies include 7 new pieces and at least 7 new melodies for earlier titles
    Two component volumes: 太古遺音 Taigu Yiyin (34 melodies, all w/lyrics) and 伯牙心法 Boya Xinfa (29 melodies, 7 w/lyrics)
    QQJC has both of these in two editions, 1589 and 1609 (the latter has only the added melodies)
  33. Yangchuntang Qin Jing (陽春堂琴經; 1609; VII.3)
    14 folios; essays, no melodies; compiled by 張大命 Zhang Daming of Fujian;
    QQJC has 1669 reprint by 沈國裕 Shen Guoyu; Zha list: 太古正音琴經 Taigu Zhengyin Qin Jing
  34. Yangchuntang Qinpu (陽春堂琴譜; 1611?; apx; VII.4)
    4 folios; 42 melodies, none with lyrics; reprinted 1669 as 太古正音琴譜 Taigu Zhengyin Qinpu; partial decimal system (first?)
    Attached at end: Qinpu Qimeng ( 琴譜啟蒙; VII/432-468): Initiation into Qin Tablature: 10 melodies (+1?), all with lyrics
    Both seem to be later additions appended by Zhang Daming of Fujian to his #33.
  35. Qin Shi (琴適; 1611; VIII.1)
    4 folios; 5 diaoyi and 8 melodies (all with lyrics: repeat of 1597); edited by Sun Pixian (孫丕顯) of Qimin (七閩; north Fujian);
    Part of Yanxian Sishi (燕閒四適; Four attainments of pleasure): qin, chess, books/calligraphy, painting (琴棋書畫)
  36. Songxianguan Qinpu (松絃館琴譜; 1614; ZGSD facsimile reprint; VIII.2)
    31 melodies/2-1st; by Yan Cheng (嚴澂); founded 虞山派 Yushan school (north of Suzhou; more in 1937);
    Discussed in VG, p.182, (& 226: Shin Etsu used it in Japan)
  37. Lixing Yuanya (理性元雅; 1618; VIII.3)
    4 folios; 72 melodies, all with lyrics; 31-1st; by 張廷玉 Zhang Tingyu (Zhejiang [Nanjing?]; Bio/xxx)
    13 use 5-string qin, 5 use 9-strings, 5 use 1-strings; 24 of the 49 using 7-strings have 20 non-standard tunings
  38. Sizhaitang Qinpu (思齊堂琴譜; 1620; IX.1)
    1 folio; 13 melodies (6 are earliest versions), 1 with lyrics; compiled by 崇昭王妃鍾氏 Ms. Zhong, concubine of Prince Zhao of Chong (Runing, Henan?);
    One melody is her own: Li Ku Zhong Yan, but she is not in the female players section of Qinshi Xu.
    This and Meihuaxianguan Qinpu seem to be the only handbooks in QQJC compiled by a woman
  39. Lexian Qinpu (樂仙琴譜; 1623; VIII.4)
    6 folios; 35 melodies; 2-1st; 12 with lyrics; compiled by 徽州汪善吾 Wang Shanwu (Wang Shanyu?) of Huizhou (Anhui)
  40. Taiyin Xisheng (太音希聲; 1625; niml; IX.2)
    5 folios; 36 melodies, all with lyrics; compiled by 陳大斌,號太希 Chen Dabin of 錢塘 Qiantang (Hangzhou)
    Chen studied from Li Shuinan (李水南) of the Zhe school, but traveled much & played over 50 years
  41. Guyin Zhengzong (古音正宗; 1634; IX.3)
    7 folios; 50 melodies, 5-lyrics; 14-1st, including 1st Yan Luo Pingsha and 1st short version of Guangling San;
    One of first to use decimal system for some finger positions
    Compiled by (Prince) "潞國敬一道人 The Honor One-ness Taoist of Lu", 朱常淓 Zhu Changfang, a noted qin-maker
  42. Zhongzhou Caotang Yiji (中洲草堂遺集; late Ming; niml; IX.4)
    Not published until 1821-51; it has one qin piece, 水東游 Shui Dong You, attributed to the Ming loyalist Chen Zi'ang of Guangzhou (陳子卬; compare 陳子昂)
  43. Yixuan Qinjing (義軒琴經; late Ming; IX.5)
    2 folios; 32 melodies, 1 w/lyrics, no titles new; initially compiled, by 濟南張一亨字羲軒 Zhang Iheng of Jinan (in Shandong), style name 義軒 Yixuan; he also wrote the only commentary, but it is undated.
  44. Taoshi Qinpu (陶氏琴譜; late Ming; IX.6)
    1 folio; 9 melodies, all w/lyrics, 1-1st; publ. & selected by Ji Min (季敏) of Yanjing (燕京; Beijing?)
    Has music of Tao Hongkui (陶鴻逵, grandson of Tao Yan (陶琰; 1457-1541)
  45. Huiyan Mizhi (徽言秘旨; 1647; X.1)
    10 folios; 60 melodies/0-1st (none w/lyrics); compiled by 尹曄 Yin Ye (尹爾韜 Yin Ertao)
    With Zhang Dai (張岱) etc. he studied qin from Wang Benwu (王本吾) in Shaoxing; traveled a lot
  46. Huiyan Mizhi Ding (徽言秘旨訂; 1692; ZGSD facsimile reprint; X.2)
    Re-published by a student of Yin Ertao's later years, 孫淦 Sun Gan; ZGSD reprint has 73 pieces
    ToC here has 76 entries: the 60 original pieces, plus 3 revised versions of these plus 13 new pieces by Yin himself (5 have lyrics)
  47. Youshengshe Qinpu (友聲社琴譜; early Qing; niml; XI.3)
    Handcopied; 2 folios; 37 melodies listed but 11 missing from 2nd Folio (XI/168); at least 4 new; 7 have lyrics; compare 1663 below
    Group effort of the Hangzhou "Friends of Music Society", esp. 鄭方 Zheng Fang (鄭正叔 Zheng Zhengshu)
  48. Kuian Qinpu (愧菴琴譜 Remorse-Hut Qin Handbook; 1660; XI.1)
    2 folios; 22 melodies/1-1st (Leng Yu Ci); 13 are illustrated
  49. Chenbentang Qinpu (臣卉堂琴譜; Absentee official's hall qin handbook; 1663/5; niml; XI.2)
    Handcopied; 26 melodies, some w/lyrics; group effort incl. Zheng Fang (鄭方; see above) of Hulin (虍林, near Hangzhou)
  50. Qinxue Xinsheng Xiepu (琴學心聲諧譜 Qin Studies Heartfelt Sounds Harmonious Tablature; 1664; XII.1)
    2 folios; 14 melodies/13-1st, including Wu Ye Wu Qiu Feng; 8 have lyrics;
    By Zhuang Zhenfeng (莊臻鳳) of Nanjing (金陵); teacher of Shin-Etsu; connection to Cheng Xiong (There is no handbook called 琴學新聲.)
  51. Qinyuan Xinchuan Quanbian (琴苑心傳全編; 1670; XI.4)
    20 folios; 85 melodies; /4-1st (78 melodies in main volume, then 23 more in an appendix, 16 of them repeats); attrib. 孔興誘 Kong Xingyou of Shandong, 66th gen. desc. from Confucius
  52. Dahuan'ge Qinpu (大還閣琴譜; Handbook from the Great Return Pavilion; 1673; ZGSD facsimile reprint; QF #6 is only Qin Kuang; X.3)
    6 folios; 32 melodies/2-1st; as played by Xu Hong (徐谼; Xu Qingshan 徐青山) of Taicang (near Suzhou)
  53. Hewen Zhu(yin) Qinpu (和文注音琴譜 ; <1676; XII.2)
    38 melodies (28-1st); all w/lyrics, hence title; most of these melodies are thought to be ones the monk 蔣興疇 Jiang Xingchou took from Hangzhou to Japan in 1676; there he became 東皋心越 Toko Shin-etsu and other names; see also Toko Kinpu below
  54. Songfengge Qinpu (松風閣琴譜 ; 1677/82; XII.3)
    By 程雄 Cheng Xiong of 休寧 Xiuning (near Huizhou in Anhui); 11 melodies, three 1st (3 w/lyrics);
  55. Shuhuai Cao (抒懷操 [carefree]; 1682; apx; XII.4)
    37 melodies (all-1st?), all short, w/lyrics first (not to be sung?), then melody; Zha lists it as an appendix to the previous
  56. Songsheng Cao (松聲操 ; 1687; XII.5)
    45 melodies (15-1st, others mostly as in Shuhuai Cao); also has lyrics written 1st, then melodies.
  57. Songfengge Qinsepu (松風閣琴瑟譜 ; 1677?; apx; XII.6)
    13 melodies (2-1st; 2,4,6,8,10,12 have lyrics); seven are same as Songfengge Qinpu melodies, others are modified; only #13 Da Ya has se tablature
  58. Xiangshantang Qinpu (響山堂琴譜 ; <1700?; niml; XIV.2)
    15 melodies; incomplete handcopy apparently compiled by 徐常遇 Xu Changyu, perhaps a founder of the 廣陵琴派 Guangling Qin School
    A famous Yangzhou qin player, he was father of Xu You 祐 , Xu Yi 翼 , and Xu Yi 禕 (see next)
  59. Chengjiantang Qinpu (澄鑒堂琴譜 [clear mirror hall]; 1689; XIV.3)
    37 old melodies compiled by Xu Yi 徐禕 or perhaps by his father (see previous item)
    -- Also Guangling School? Some maybe copied from as early as 1620?
  60. Deyintang Qinpu (德音堂琴譜 ; 1691; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XII.7)
    35 melodies (7-1st), 4 w/lyrics; popular; by Guo Yuzhai 郭裕齋 (字用英?) of 晉陽 (Anhui? Shanxi?);
    Cf. VG. p.66: Guo argues for instrumental music, cuts out lyrics
  61. Qinse Hebi (琴瑟合璧 [paired qin and se]; 1691; XIII.1)
    4 melodies (old; 2 w/lyrics), arr. by 瀋陽范承都 Fan Chengdou of Shenyang, 昆明萬和 Wan He of Kunming, and 曲阜孔歷洲 Kong Lizhou of Qufu (Shangdong); 1829 handcopy.
  62. Qinpu Xiwei (琴譜析微 [discern subtle meanings]; 1692; XIII.2)
    30 melodies; compiled by 紹興魯鼐 Lu Nai of Shaoxing,
    Well known in Yangzhou also as painter and poet.
  63. Liaohuaitang Qinpu (蓼懷堂琴譜 [luxuriant emotions]; 1702; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XIII.3)
    33 melodies (2 new; "32 old"?); 1 w/lyrics (Shitan Zhang 釋談章]); by 文昌雲志高 Yun Zhigao of Wenchang (Guangdong, but went north); see also Jin Tao
  64. Chengyitang Qinpu (誠一堂琴譜 ; 1705; XIII.4)
    36 melodies (no lyrics; 3 new); compiled by 新安程允基
    Cheng Yunji of Xin'an;
    Studied in 虞山派 Yushan school then went home; later studied w/Yun Zhigao (1702), etc.
    Its appendix 誠一堂琴談 Chengyitang Qintan (XIII/435-79; also printed separately?) quotes various qin writings and historical materials.
  65. Yifengyuan Qinpu (一峰園琴譜 ; 1709; niml; XIII.5)
    20 melodies, 10 w/ lyrics; compiled by 氾水禹祥年 Yu Xiangnian of Fanshui (in Henan);
    Lyrics from 金陵二楊 the two Yangs of Nanjing? (cf. 1585, 1609)
  66. Toko Kinpu (東皋琴譜; Japan ; 1710; see XII.2 but also details in this separate entry)
    VG. "Toko Kimpu": pieces Shin-etsu (Toko Zenji) taught beginners but the list here suggests more;
    Zha Fuxi mentions numerous editions, but said the earliest were not available (and hence not in QQJC or the Guide) so he appended two of the many later editions to <1676:
  67. Qinxue Zhengsheng (琴學正聲 ; 1715; XIV.1)
    Compiled by Shen Guan 沈琯字秋田號古農 of 江寧 Jiangning (a district of Nanjing?); articles;
    Qinqu Pulu; lyrics from Qin Cao; 12 melodies in two sets: 1st (XIV/47-52) is a set of 7 new melody names that seem to be subtitles of diaoyi; the other (XIV/54-5) is five old diaoyi. All twelve pair note names (宮商角徵羽 gong shang jiao zhi yu) as well as lyrics
  68. Wuzhizhai Qinpu (五知齋琴譜; 1722; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XIV.4)
    33 melodies, perhaps 2 new; 8 folios; music collected before 1667 by 徐祺 Xu Qi of Yangzhou, but then edited for publication and printed after his death by 徐俊 Xu Jun (his son) and 周魯封 Zhou Lufeng.
  69. Woyunlou Qinpu (臥雲樓琴譜 ; 1722; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XV.1 [only 2010])
    32 melodies, 8 folios; by 馬兆辰 Ma Zhaochen, a student of Lu Nai of Shaoxing;
    30 are from Ma's Qinpu Xiwei (1692) plus two more of Ma's, 秋鴻 and 羽化登仙
  70. Dongyuan Qinpu (東園琴譜 ; niml; XV.2 [only 2010])
    9 melodies; handcopy compiled by 朱d仕佐 Zhu Shizuo of 東園 Dongyuan (in Beijing?)
  71. Cungutang Qinpu (存古堂琴譜 ; 1726; XV.3 [only 2010])
    20 melodies, 8 folios, compiled by 吳文煥 Wu Wenhuan of 天都 Tiandu (Hangzhou area?)
  72. Guangyutang Qinpu (光裕堂琴譜 ; ~1726; niml; XV.3 [only 2010])
    15 melodies (but Folios 1-2 are missing); also compiled by 吳文煥 Wu Wenhuan: published together with Cungutang Qinpu?
  73. Lixuezhai Qinpu (立雪齋琴譜 ; 1730; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XVIII.1 [only 2010])
    2 folios, 16 melodies with lyrics, compiled by Confucianist 汪紱 Wang Fu of 婺源 Wuyuan (Jiangxi), originally under the title 樂府外集輯錄琴譜. The title was changed when printed in 1895. Wang Fu himself apparently created the 7 pieces in 卷下 the latter folio.
  74. Qinshu Qiangu (琴書千古 ; 1738; XV.5 [only 2010])
    4 folios, 24 melodies; not 琴譜千古 Qinpu Qiangu; compiler unclear (QSCM, #318) but Zha says "中州派 Zhongzhou School"
  75. (Zhixinzhai) Qinxue Lianyao ([治心齋]琴學練要 ; 1739; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XVIII.2 [only 2010])
    Compiled by 長安王善 Wang Shan of Chang An (Xi'an);
    5 folios; 30 melodies (5 with lyrics) divided by 均 jun (tuning) and 音 yin (mode); (first to do this? See also 1744.)
  76. Chuncaotang Qinpu (春草堂琴譜 ; 1744; QF #7; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XVIII.3 [only 2010])
    Also titled Qin Handbook of New Sounds (琴譜新聲 Qinpu Xinsheng); by 曹尚絅 Cao Shangjiong (Hangzhou);
    6 folios; 28 melodies divided by 均 jun (tuning) and 音 yin (mode); compare 1739;
    Van Gulik, Lore, p.186: "well-known tunes in comparatively simple versions...editing very carefully done...much recommended".
  77. Dayue Yuanyin (大樂元音 ; 1745; XVI.3)
    7 folios, by 潘士權 Pan Shiquan from 湖南黔陽 Qianyang in Hunan; music adapted from Zhu Xi's Fengya scores for 12 Shi Jing poems
    • Folio 5 includes (XVI/369-376) 大樂合音琴譜 and 孤琴音調譜, with no tablature but the names of notes for 6 melodies:
      Four Shi Jing poems (鹿鳴 Lu Ming, 關雎 Guan Ju, 四牡 Si Mu and 鵲巢 Que Chao) plus 南風歌 Nan Feng Ge and 越裳操 Yueshang Cao; all are very short
    • Folio 6 (XVI/384-98) has 瑟譜 se tablature for the 12 Shi Jing poems
  78. Qin Jian Hepu ([敏亭]琴劍合譜 [Minting] Handbook of Qin and Sword; 1749; XVIII.4 [only 2010])
    Earliest book of the 中州派 Zhongzhou School (or 中州正派 Zhongzhou Orthodox School) of Henan
    Not divided into folios; ToC XVIII/299: stops in zhi pieces, so missing 12 of original 23 melodies; 索敏亭撰 by Suo Minting; 尼瑪禪那霜雨蒼序 preface by Nyima Dhyana....; has an Essay on Qin Rhythm (琴節奏論), but is missing a folio called Sword Instructions (劍譜 Jian Pu). For more on "qin and sword" see further.
  79. Yingyang Qinpu (潁陽琴譜 ; 1751; XVI.1)
    4 folios, 12 melodies; by 李郊 Li Jiao of 溵州 Yinzhou (in Henan, near 穎州 Yingzhou);
    Zhongzhou School of Henan?Each phrase of every melody begins on a separate line, and at the beginning of each section there is a statement of how many phrases and how many 點 dian it has. Dian seem to correspond to the points on old tablature at which lyrics could be paired.
  80. Lantianguan Qinpu (蘭田館琴譜 ; 1755; XVI.2)
    9 folios, 44 melodies; hand-copied; by 李光塽 Li Guangshuang of 福建安溪 Anxi in Fujian; this edition is missing the last 8 pieces
  81. Qinxiangtang Qinpu (琴香堂琴譜 ; 1760; XVII.1)
    Not divided into folios, 38 melodies; Guangling school handbook by 馬任、馬倩 Ma Ren & Ma Qian of Yangzhou
  82. Yanlulou Qinpu (研露樓琴譜 ; 1766; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XVI.4)
    4 folios, 20 melodies; 中州派 Zhongzhou School; by 崔應階 Cui Yingjie, a student of 王受白 Wang Shoubai (王封采 Wang Fengcai)
  83. Longyin'ge Miben Qinpu (龍吟閣秘本琴譜 ; mid-18th c.; niml; XVIII.5 [only 2010])
    1 folio, 3 pieces (Da Ya, Pingsha Luoyan, Shitan Zhang); numerous essays; hand copy;
    中州派 Zhongzhou School, esp. 王封采 Wang Fengcai; no connection to Longyinguan Qinpu (Shandong).
    Longyinguan Qinpu (龍吟館琴譜 ; 1799 ? ca. 1921?; niml)
    2 folios, 8 pieces; circulating photocopies: Zhucheng; date invarified (more on separate page)
  84. Tongyuan Caotang Yangguan Sandie (桐園草堂陽關三疊; no date; niml; XVIII.6 [only 2010])
    1 piece: Yang Guan Cao; compiled by 俞宗 Yu Zong (style name 青萼 Qing'e) of 歙縣 She County, Anhui
  85. Hanguzhai Qinpu (酣古齋琴譜 ; 1785; niml; XVIII.7; [only 2010])
    22 pieces; handcopy by 裴奉儉 Pei Fengjian; nothing further seems to be known about him
  86. Ziyuantang Qinpu (自遠堂琴譜 ; 1802; QF #8; XVII.2)
    By Wu Hong (吳灴; 1719 - >1802); 12 folios; 93 melodies; Guangling Qin School
    Van Gulik, Lore, p. 186: typical Qing: no philosophy, but musical theory
  87. Taihe Zhengyin Qinpu (太和正音琴譜 ; 1812; niml; XIX.1 [only 2010])
    1 folio, 12 pieces; preface by 呂成京 Lü Chengjing at his 靜遠齋 Jingyuan Studio (origin unknown; discovered Hangzhou, 1957)
  88. Yiluxuan Qinpu (裛露軒琴譜 Pavilion for collecting dew...; ≥1802 (1802 or later); XIX.2 [only 2010])
    1 folio, 8 册 ce; 88 melodies; compiler uncertain; hand-copy; four have lyrics (邊情密賺, 琴中琴, 釋談章, 普庵咒 (first two not pairing one stroke per word)
    Almost every melody identifies source; handbooks named include 1573 (! not 1585), 1589 (TGYY), 1618, 1647, 1664, 1689, 1702, 1705, 1715, 1722 and 1766. Other sources mentioned include 雍門譜, 中聲手訂 (秋山木落鳳凰來儀 and a short 廣陵散), 德耕堂譜, 光裕堂譜, 吳官心譜 and a few more, including the 1425 廣陵散
  89. Xiangxue Shanfang Qinpu (響雪山房琴譜 ; niml; XIX.3 [only 2010])
    15 melodies incl. Kai Ge; handcopy of unclear origin (see next and #126); preserved in Nanjing library
  90. Xiaolili Qinshuo (蕭立禮琴說 ; 1807; XX.1 [only 2010])
    Zha Guide lists only one melody, Pingsha Luo Yan, by 蕭用和 Xiao Yonghe (= Xiao Lili),
    but perhaps should include what is listed below as Xiangxuezhai Qinpu of 1876
  91. Xiaolan Qinpu (小蘭琴譜 ; 1812; XIX.4 [only 2010])
    1 folio, 13 melodies; compiled by 葉布纂 Ye Buzuan
  92. Yushan Lishi Qinpu (虞山李氏琴譜 ; undated; niml; insl; XX.2 [only 2010])
    10 pieces; further details under Qinshu Cunmu
  93. Qinpu Xiesheng (琴譜諧聲 [Qin Handbook Harmonizing Sound]; 1820; XX.3 [only 2010])
    Four folios, 26 melodies, some in multiple forms (e.g., there are 10 Ping Sha); edited by 周顯祖 Zhou Xianzu;
    XX/107-132 is "琴簫合譜 Tablature for Qin and Xiao", 114-132 has five pieces with xiao part indicated by note names in a gongche system (sample page)
  94. Zhifa Huican Quejie (指法匯參確解 ; 1821; XX.4 [only 2010])
    Not divided into folios, 11 melodies; 稿本 draft copy by 王仲舒 Wang Zhongshu; fingering diagrams;
    pp.256-261 discusses playing with 管 wind instruments, esp. 洞簫 dongxiao tablature (pp.275-297) adds some symbols, mainly triangles (?) as well as circles: punctuation?
  95. Fengbaolou Qinpu (峰抱樓琴譜 ; 1825; XX.5 [only 2010])
    Not divided into folios, 16 melodies; compiled by 沈浩 Shen Hao
  96. Qinxue Canbian (琴學參變 ; 1827?; niml; XX.6 [only 2010])
    Melodies from 3 operas?, all with lyrics and apparent kunqu connections; not paired in standard way: fewer characters! Copied by 錢一桂 Qian Yigui at the age of 74?
  97. Qinxue Renduan (琴學軔端 ; 1828; XX.7 [only 2010])
    3 volumes, 34 melodies; edited by 鑑湖鑑湖逸士石卿 "Retired Scholar of Mirror Lake" Shi Qing
  98. Linhezhai Qinpu (鄰鶴齋琴譜 [pavilion near cranes]; 1830; XXI.1 [only 2010])
    Not divided into folios, 16 melodies; edited by 陳幼慈 Chen Youci (essay in QSCB p. 168 [中文])
      Should "1876" be placed here? Its preface is dated "丁亥": 1827!)
  99. Er Xiang Qinpu (二香琴譜 [Handbook of the Two Xiangs]; 1833; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXIII.3 [only 2010])
    10 folios, 30 melodies; compiled by 將文勳 Jiang Wenxun; full title: 梅華庵二香琴譜 Meihua An Er Xiang Qinpu
    N.B. Here the character 華 hua is actually written 䔢 hua, which 32578 identifies as an archaic form of 華. Neverthess some references write 梅花庵, presumably because of the popularity of 梅花. 1876 refers to this handbook as 梅華庵 Meihua An.
  100. Lü Hua (律話 ; 1833; XXI/257-499 [only 2010])
    3 folios, 11 melodies (pp.386-498), one (Gu Yuan) with lyrics; all have note names (huangzhong etc. as well as gong shang etc) paired with tablature and extensive afterwords 釋 discussing details of the notes
    Compiled by 戴長庚 Dai Changgeng (, whose commentary on Saishang Hong (pp.448-453) compares it to Kunqu. First handbook to arrange melodies by 均 jun? (Zha Guide 154[196] seems mistaken in suggesting two of the titles add new compositions)
  101. Meihuaxianguan Qinpu (梅花仙館琴譜 ; undated; niml; insl; XXII.1 [only 2010])
    Compiled by 師妙孁 Shi Miaoling; see Qinshu Cunmu
    6+1 pieces; this and Sizhaitang Qinpu seem to be the only handbooks in QQJC compiled by a woman
  102. Lüyin Huikao (律音彙攷 ; 1835; XXII.3 [only 2010])
    8 folios, 12 melodies in multiple versions, including qin and se; by 邱之稑 Qiu Zhilu (details)
    All are apparently based on the 12 reportedly Tang dynasty melodies as transcribed by 朱熹 Zhu Xi into lülü notation (further details)
  103. Wuxue Shanfang Qinpu (悟雪山房琴譜 ; 1836; XXII.4 [only 2010])
    6 folios, 50+ melodies; edited by 黃景星 Huang Jingxing (? - 1842; aka 黃煟南 Huang Weinan, he called himself 悟雪山人 Mountain Man Aware of Snow; from 廣東新會會城人 Huicheng in Xinhui county, Guangdong province). A few melodies in the handbook say they are from a Ming handbook called 古岡遺譜 Gugang Yipu.
  104. Leshantang Qinpu (樂山堂琴譜 ; 1833; niml; insl; XXIII.1 [only 2010])
    山西陳梅鼎 Chen Meiding of Shanxi revised notation of 陳鈺 Chen Yu
  105. Qinpu Zhenglü (琴譜正律; ~1839; niml; XXIII.2 [only 2010])
    Early Zhucheng; see further details
  106. Huaiyin Shuwu Qinpu (槐蔭書屋琴譜 ; 1840; XXIII.6 [only 2010])
    Not divided into folios, 8 melodies; hand-copy compiled by 王藩 Wang Fan (further comment and ToC)
  107. Xingyouhengtang Lucun Qinpu (行有恒堂錄存琴譜 [Qin Handbook with Surviving Records of (Prince) Xingyouhengtang]; 1840; XXIII.4 [only 2010])
    1 volume, 8 melodies; preface by the Xingyouhengtang Master; afterword dated 1908 (!) by 葉詩夢 Ye Shimeng: see 1914 below
    Xingyouhengtang was son or grandson of 清宗室綿恩 Qing Prince Mian-en (1748-1822), who named the collection
  108. Zhang Jutian Qinpu (張鞠田琴譜 ; 1844; XXIII.5 [only 2010])
    Not divided into folios, 26 melodies (adds note names); draft copy of Zhang's tradition; see QSCB, p. 172.
    Contains 1 practise melody, 14 traditional qin melodies, 11 melodies adapted from Kunqu (and narrative songs, folk songs or folk melodies?) and then 15 traditional qin melodies.
  109. Yijinglu Qinxue (一經廬琴學 ; 1845; XXII.2 [only 2010])
    Two folios, 15 melodies, compiled by 姚配中 Yao Peizhong (Columbia U has a copy)
  110. Zhiyun Qinpu (稚雲琴譜 ; 1849; XXIII.7 [only 2010])
    Also 穉雲; not divided into folios, 19 melodies; draft handbook of 曹錡 Cao Qi (曹稚雲 or 曹穉雲 Cao Zhiyun)
  111. Shi Bai Shanfang Qinpu (師白山房琴譜; after 1821 & before 1862; niml; XXIV.1 [only 2010])
    13 titles, all with lyric; compiler unknown
  112. Dihuiguan Qinpu (荻灰館琴譜 ; 1853; niml; XXIV.2 [only 2010])
    14 melodies; compiled by 歐陽書唐 Ouyang Shutang, a disciple of 張空山 Zhang Kongshan
    Sichuan school; compare the Liu Shui (荻灰 31826.11: ash roasted from di reeds; on internet it has also been written 狄灰館琴譜)
  113. Yuguzhai Qinpu (與古齋琴譜 ; 1855; niml; niqqjc)
    Four folios, no tablature; by 祝鳳喈 Zhu Fengjie; essays, qin construction, qin accoutrement, fingering)
    Not included in the 2010 edition; partly copied in 1864 (translation; download original [4+1 pdf files])
  114. Qian Shouzhan Qinpu Shicao (錢壽佔琴譜十操; niml; XXIV.3; no date [only 2010])
    Also called Qianshi Shicao? This collection of 10 melodies as played by the 19th century Sichuan master Qian Shouzhan was apparently compiled only in 1958; it does not include Dao Yi.
  115. Qiushuizhai Qinpu (秋水齋琴譜; niml; XXIV.4; 1859 [only 2010])
    5 melodies with a paragraph in front saying they were copied by 黃伯平 Huang Boping
  116. Qiantang Zhushi Qinpu (錢塘諸氏琴譜; niml; XXIV.5; 1863 [only 2010])
    4 melodies connected to 諸可寶(遲菊)Zhu Kebao (Chiju) of Hangzhou
  117. Qinxue Zunwen (琴學尊聞 ; 1864; XXIV.6 [only 2010])
    2 volumes, 13 melodies; of the first four, three are each followed by a "本音 Ben Yin" (; 4/711xxx; Japanese: "honne", "real intention, underlying motive") and one is followed by two: see XXIV/223 & 224; 227; 232; 238. These all seem to be new compositions. Perhaps they express reactions to the melodies they follow, but all but the first use a different tuning than the melody they follow. Handbook compiled by 郭柏心 Guo Boxin.
  118. Qinxue Rumen (琴學入門 ; 1864; QF #9; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXIV.7 [only 2010])
    2 folios, 20 melodies; compiled by 張鶴 Zhang He, a student of Zhu Fengjie: Folio 1 largely copies Zhu's Yuguzhai Qinpu Folios 3 and 4 (partial translation); the melodies in Folio 2 presumably also come from the Zhu family. See Van Gulik, Lore, p.187
  119. Qingxiangzhai Qinpu (青箱齋琴譜; niml; XXIV.8; 1866 [only 2010])
    29 titles; by 浙江王鵬高 Wang Penggao of Zhejiang; some of its material is included below
  120. Baihandanxiangguan Qinpu (白菡萏香館琴譜; niml; insl; XXIV.9; 1871 [only 2010])
    30 pieces including 10 modal preludes (also some beginning instructions in longhand pu); compiled by 茂苑周燦 Zhou Can of Maoyuan
  121. Jiaoan Qinpu (蕉庵琴譜 ; 1868; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXVI.1 [only 2010])
    Four folios, 34 melodies; compiled by 秦維翰 Qin Weihan; Guangling School
    Van Gulik, Lore, p.34, fn.17, says this copies 1722 note for note but from my observation this is not always true. Sometimes perhaps it is mainly ornaments that are different but also my survey show they have only 19 titles in common.
  122. Qinse Hepu (琴瑟合譜 ; 1870; QF #10 and XXVI.2 [only 2010])
    Two folios, 8 melodies; by 慶瑞 Qing Rui (Qin Fu pp. 655-725; QSCM; see Van Gulik, Lore, p.9, fn.37). This is the third qin handbook to include se melodies (see also 1677 and 1691).
  123. Yi Liu Zheng Wu zhi Zhai Qinxue Mishu (以六正五之齋琴學秘書 ; 1875; XXVI.3 [only 2010])
    21 melodies. The front page says it was "長安市上彈無絃琴者晉齋孫寶草創 a rough copy by Sun Bao, nicknamed Sun Jinzhai, player of a stringless qin in Chang'an Town". Sun, born in 1819, is said to have been a student of Qing Rui and his teacher Li Chengyu.
  124. Tianwenge Qinpu (天聞閣琴譜 ; 1876; XXV. [only 2010])
    16 folios, 145 melodies; edited by 唐彝銘 Tang Yiming
  125. Tianlaige Xuanpu (天籟閣琴譜 ; 1876; XXI.2 [only 2010])
    Also "天籟閣選琴譜 Tianlaige Qinpu"! Handcopy, not divided into folios, 30 melodies identified either as from "天籟閣琴譜" or "友琴堂選譜"
    The author of the preface, dated "丁亥" (1827 !), identifies himself as 覺菴 Jue An, a Mongolian, so it is not clear why the Guide says 1876 (XXI.1 is 1830)
  126. Xiangxuezhai Qinpu (響雪齋琴譜 ; 1876; 2010? niqqjc)
    Two folios, 15 melodies; hand copy, unknown author. Compare #89, which may originally have been part of Xiao Lili Qinshuo of 1807 (included in the 2010 edition).
  127. Xishaoge Qinpu (希韶閣琴譜 ; 1878; XXVI.4 [only 2010])
    4 folios, 44 melodies; aka 琴學津梁 Qinxue Jinliang; prepared by 黃曉珊 Huang Xiaoshan (see also 1890 below)
    In QQJC XXVI called 希韶閣琴譜集成 Xishaoge Qinpu Jicheng;
    The ToC at XXVI/275-6 lists 24 melodies in Vol 1 then 20 in Vol. 2, but QQJC does not have the latter, giving no explanation
  128. Chenjingzuo Shishanfang Zachao (枕經葄史山房雜抄; after 1881; niml; XXVII.1 [only 2010])
    27 melodies include a Liu Shui attributed to Zhang Kongshan but has fewer gunfu
  129. Shuangqin Shuwu Qinpu Jicheng (雙琴書屋琴譜集成; 1884; XXVII.2 [only 2010])
    6 folios, 39 melodies; copied or compiled by 倪和宣 Ni Hexuan of Kunming (earlier attribution was to a 清谼子 Qing Hongzi)
  130. Yangxingtang Qinpu (養性堂琴譜; niml; XXVII.3 [only 2010])
    6 melodies; like the previous it is attributed to Mr. Ni of Kunming
  131. Luqi Qingyun (綠綺清韻 ; 1884; XXVII.4 [only 2010])
    One folio, 10 melodies; compiled by 徐臚先 Xu Luxian
  132. Youshishanfang Qinpu (友石山房琴譜; 1887; niml; XXVII.5 [only 2010])
    by 溫州馬元熙 Ma Yuanxi of Wenzhou, father of Ma Shouluo; 11 pieces
  133. Qinzhi Shen Qiu (琴旨申邱 ; 1889; niqqjc)
    One folio, two melodies compiled by 劉人熙 Liu Renxi, connected to the settings previously made by 邱之陸 Qiu Zhilu in Lüyin Huikao
  134. Xishaoge Qinse Hepu (希韶閣琴瑟合譜; 1890 [originally 1878, as above?]; XXVI.5 [only 2010])
    4 folios (two each for qin and se), 16 melodies; edited by 黃曉珊 Huang Xiaoshan
  135. Kumu Chan Qinpu (枯木禪琴譜; 1893; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXVIII.1 [only 2010])
    8 folios, 32 melodies; by 釋空塵 Shi Kongchen (Buddhist Priest Empty of World), nicknamed Kumu Chan
    Withered Timber Zen (Monk's) Qin Handbook; has several melodies with Buddhist themes
  136. Qinxue Chujin (琴學初津 ; 1894; XXVIII.3 [only 2010])
    10 folios, 50 melodies; handcopy; compiled by 陳世驥 Chen Shiji
  137. E Gong Ci Shuo Qin (鄂公祠說琴; 1898; XXVIII.2 [only 2010])
    One folio draft, two melodies (p.168 a revision of Gu Yuan & p.169 代徽招); collected by 朱啟連 Zhu Qilian (1853-99)
  138. Mingshengge Qinpu (鳴盛閣琴譜; 1899; niqqjc)
    One folio?, 12 old melodies revised and edited by 林薰 Lin Xun: "of great research value"
  139. Shiyixianguan Qinpu (十一絃館琴譜; 1907; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXIX.1 [only 2010])
    One folio, 8 melodies; Julian Joseph has done research on the handbook (q.v.). The handbook was compiled by the writer/official and archaeologist 劉鶚字鐵雲 Liu E, style name Li Tieyun (1857-1909; Wiki: Liu E), most famous for his book 老殘遊記 The Travels of Lao Can; the book includes a story connected to guqin..
  140. Qinxue Congshu (琴學叢書; 1911-1931; QF #11; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXX. [only 2010])
    14 volumes (books), 32 melodies (some with note names); compiled and edited by 楊宗稷 Yang Zongji (楊時百 Yang Shibai)
    Qin Fu pp. 728-1148; see Van Gulik, Lore, p.180
  141. Qinxue Zhaiyao (琴學摘要; 1920-21; niml; XXIX.2 [only 2010])
    28 melodies; resulted from a program at Peking University? Full title 玉鶴軒琴學摘要 Yuhexuan Qinxue Zhaiyao (see further)? The Zha Fuxi preface XXIX/一 mentions Yuhexuan Qinpu.
  142. Qinxue Guanjian (琴學管見; 1930?; niml; XXIX.4 [only 2010])
    石印本 a lithograph imprint by 李崇德 Li Chongde but original might be earlier (2+19 pieces: see further)
  143. Qinxue Yizhi (琴學易知; 1934; niml; XXIX.5 [only 2010])
    3 short songs (2 of Gu Yuan; 1 Luo Hua Yuan); by 宋彥成 Sun Yancheng
  144. Qinxue Mijue (琴學秘訣; 1898; niml; XXIX.6 [only 2010])
    4 short songs; by 漢卿 Han Qing
  145. Yazhai Qinpu Zongji (雅齋琴譜叢集; end of Qing; niqqjc)
    21 册 volumes (incomplete), 30 melodies; by 李光烈 Li Guanglie; Zha Guide [239]197 outlines but does not index it;
    Collected from earlier pu: 青箱齋、松筠館、復古齋、益州譜、硯田山房、中州譜、祝鳳喈本....
  146. Shimengzhai Qinpu (詩夢齋琴譜; 1914; niqqjc)
    Handcopy, 10 folios, 20 melodies; collected by 葉潛 Ye Qian
    Handbook of Ye Shimeng (1863-1937), teacher of R. H. Van Gulik (see 1840)
  147. Shanxi Yucaiguan Yayue Jiangyi (山西育才館雅樂講義; 1922; niqqjc)
    Five volumes; 6 樂章 yuezhang (short 雅樂 yayue songs set for qin), then 6 qin songs;
    By the 長沙愔愔琴舍 Changsha Yinyin Qin Society, especially 彭慶壽 Peng Qingshou and 顧燾 Gu Dao
  148. Meian Qinpu (梅盦琴譜、梅庵琴譜; 1931; ZGSD facsimile reprint; XXIX.3 [only 2010])
    2 folios, 14 or 15 melodies. The 1931 edition seems to have been written the former way ("梅盦") but the more common latter version ("梅庵") can apply to it as well as to the later editions of 1959, 1971 and ca. 1979. Eight of its melodies are said to have been included in a Longyinguan Qinpu tentatively dated to 1799, so Meian Qinpu is discussed there along with other handbooks said to document music of the 諸城派 Zhucheng School (concerning which see also below).
  149. Jinyu Qinkan (今虞琴刊; 1937; QF #12 [pp.1149-1511]; niqqjc)
    One volume; compiled by the Jinyu Qin Society; has much material on Yan Cheng (see 1614)
    Five melodies (p.1367ff): two (Yi Guren and Qi Yan Hui) are in tablature plus gongche notation;
    three are in number notation only: Oulu Wangji, Qiujiang Yebo and Jing Guan Yin
  150. Shayan Qinbian (沙堰琴編; 1946; XXIX/315-390 [only 2010])
    One folio, 13 melodies, no new titles; 裴鐵俠 Pei Tiexia (see further; no apparent connection to the Tablature of Pei Jieqing).
    This is the last handbook indexed in Zha's Guide; new melodies in handbooks below are not in this site's melody index
    - -
  151. Xia Yifeng Chuanpu (夏一峰傳譜; 1957)
    One volume, 17 melodies with staff notation of performances by
    Xia Yifeng (1883-1963);
    same as 古琴曲彙編 Guqinqu Huibian, published in Beijing; included in 琴府 Qin Fu
  152. Yan Yi Xi Qin Zhai Qinpu (研易習琴齋琴譜; 1961)
    3 folios, 30 melodies; the repertoire of 章志蓀 Zhang Zhisun, teacher of 孫毓芹 Sun Yuqin
  153. Chunyu Caotang Qinpu (春雨草堂琴譜; 1969)
    10 compositions by 盧家炳 Lo Ka-Ping (see also the recording); in 琴府 Qin Fu, p.1934.
  154. Wumen Qinpu (吳門琴譜; The Qin Handbook of the Wu Tradition, Gu Wu Xuan Chubanshe, Suzhou, 1998)
    15 melodies as played by 吳兆基 Wu Zhaoji, adding note names in number notation
  155. Yinyinshi Qinpu (愔愔室琴譜; Hong Kong, 2000)
    4 folios, 33 melodies; commentary and repertoire of 蔡德允 Cai Deyun
  156. Yushan Wushi Qinpu (虞山吳氏琴譜; The Qin Music Repertoire of the Wu Family, Beijing, Dongfang Publishing, 2001)
    repertoire of Wu Jinglue (吳景略) and his son Wu Wenguang (吳文光)
    51 melodies have tablature and staff notation
    50 qin songs have the lyrics and tablature as well as note names in number notation
    Appended is a list of fingering explanations in Chinese and English

See also Zha Fuxi's List of Handbooks Not Indexed.

Footnotes (Shorthand references are explained on a separate page)

1. Guqin handbooks (琴譜 qinpu)
琴譜 21570.191 gives a modern description with example. The earliest reference is 唐書,藝文志 Tang History, Art annals: 劉氏周氏琴譜四卷 Handbook in four Folios of the Liu Family and Zhou Family. The other references are to the Song history and a comment by Pi Rixiu.

For information on commercial aspects of these handbooks, see "The Reward for Qin-Playing" in Wu Zeyuan, Playing Antiquity: Qin Musiking and Literati Culture in Late Imperial Chinapp, p. 69ff.

2. Image
Compare with image of Volume I from the 2010 edition below.

3. Guqin handbooks
Starting from around the 10th century Chinese books were published in stitched binding that looks like this; some tablature in this form has surviving from the Song dynasty but the earliest known complete handbook in this form is the Shen Qi Mi Pu originally published in 1425 but actually survivng only in later copies. Before stitched binding, books were often in the form of long scrolls; the only surviving qin tablature in that form is Jieshi Diao You Lan, dated to be from the 6th-7th century (see detail).

4. Note values: modern transcriptions
An attempt was made in Qinxue Congshu (1911; q.v.) to devise a method to indicate note values with traditional tablature. However, this system is little understood and in general for rhythmic values one must look to modern transcriptions into either staff notation (五線譜 wuxianpu) or number notation (簡譜 jianpu). Collections of these include (in staff notation unless otherwise indicated):

This list is very much incomplete. It also does not include the trannscriptions that can be found on the present website (linked, e.g., bia My repertoire

5. Handbooks "insl": in secondary list of Zha's 1958 Guide (these were not indexed by Zha)
This secondary list (see Zha Fuxi's Guide Part 4) has the names of 35 handbooks that he mentions but did not index. Some were not available to him at that time, particularly those in Taiwan; others were available to him but were hand-copies with material already published elsewhere. Five handbooks from this secondary list have subsequently been included in QQJC. These are:

  1. Wugang Qinpu (1546; see above)
  2. Yushan Lishi Qinpu (n.d.; see above)
  3. Meihuaxianguan Qinpu (n.d.; see above)
  4. Leshantang Qinpu (n.d.; see above)
  5. Baihandanxiangguan Qinpu (n.d.; see above)

These five plus the following two (for reasons noted) have been added to my list above:

  1. Longhu Qinpu (1571; see above: published in QF)
  2. Xinkan Zhengwen Duiyin Jieyao Qinpu Zhenchuan (1573; see above: I have seen photocopies)

All seven are marked above as "insl".

6. Handbooks uncovered after Zha's project in the 1950s
A search for "niml" (see next footnote) will show that 9 additional handbooks were discovered in time to be included in the 16 Qinqu Jicheng volumes published between 1981 and 1991, while 26 additions have been included in the rest, i.e., vols. 15 and 18-30 of the 2010 30 volume limited edition.

From time to time other pre-1911 handbooks are either discovered on reconstructed. Some examples are,

  1. Gugang Yipu
    Said to reconstruct a collection of melodies brought to Guangdong at the send of the Song dynasty
  2. 酉山琴谱 Lu Shan Qinpu (陽暠延 Yang Gaoyan; 8 folios)
    Said to be a Fujian handbook contemporary with and related to Qinxue Rumen. It had 109 pieces but 15 are missing. 18 pieces are from Qinxue Rumen. Regarding Lushan, 40650.酉山 40650.1 has this only as a nickname.

More research needs to be done on these.

7. Handbooks listed above but "niml": not in main list of Zha's 1958 Guide (hence not indexed by Zha)
Zha Fuxi's Guide to Existing Guqin Pieces in Tablature (1958) indexed 109 handbooks through 1946; three entries have appendices ("apx") which in my list are separate items, making 112 in all. Subsequently 28 more handbooks were found in time to print them in the 30-volume collection, and a further 10 are known to exist. The list above thus has altogether 150 titles through 1946, a total addition of 38. These 38 unindexed handbooks can be found by searching this page for "niml". Of the 38, three of the first five are not in QQJC ("niqqjc"), while seven were in the Guide's listed but not indexed section ("insl").

8. 30-Volume Edition of 2010 (Contents list, in Chinese) 2010 edition, Vol. 1 (1981)  
- General editor: 查阜西 Zha Fuxi
- Later editor: 吳釗 Wu Zhao
A comparison of this virtually complete collection of old handbooks with the small number of handbooks published in the Siku Quanshu reminds one that, in general, most of the traditional large book collections in China did not include books of qin tablature, or at least did not index them if they were included. I do not know that what extent this might also have been true of other books with music, such as books with regional music in gongche or another traditional notation (i.e., giving note names rather than tablature). In any case, the earlier exclusion alone shows the significance of the publication of this 30-volume edition: it provides potential access (through dapu) to a rich store of written music, much of it previously very difficult to find.

Some details of this edition of Qinqu Jicheng are as of this writing available on the 中華書局 China Book Company website (q.v., in particular this page). It became available for 預訂 ordering in June 2010; I acquired a copy in May 2011. My preliminary examination indicates that in completing this publication project, which had begun with the earlier QQJC, no further handbooks were discovered.

Pagination used in the 30-volume edition will, unfortunately, cause me some problems incorporating its details into my website, as well as causing problems for future readers in general who may encounter references based on the previous edition: the new system has immediately put the old references (such as on this website) off by several pages. Basically what they have done in reprinting the earlier volumes is print the materials exactly as they had been done previously: every volume has anywhere from one to twelve handbooks, each handbook separated by a sheet with the title on one side and blank on the other. In the earlier publications these two sheets were not numbered; in the new edition they are. This means that, for example, by the end of Volume 1, which includes twelve handbooks, the last page number (465) is 24 higher than the last page of the earlier edition (441).

In my listing List of Surviving Qin Handbooks above I have indicated in bold the location of all the handbooks in all 30 volumes. As I write this I have not yet examined volumes 15 and 18 - 30, so there may be mistakes. A preliminary examination suggests that the 30-volume edition has included at least 20 handbooks that were not mentioned in Zha's Guide, but it also omits some (see list).

Here are the differences I have so far observed between the 30-volume edition and the previous ones:

  1. Pagination, as noted above
  2. Color of the book covers: now green, no slipcover; formerly dark and light grey with green slipcover
  3. Paper quality: the paper size is virtually identical, but in the new edition the paper is thinner and better quality
  4. The modern prefaces at the front of each edition have been put in standard characters; earlier editions used simplified characters. The resetting has changed the number of characters per column.
  5. Although the text in these modern prefaces is not changed, whereas the earlier edition generally says that Wu Zhao revised Zha Fuxi's original comments, here only Zha Fuxi seems to be credited.
  6. The modern tables of contents are also in traditional characters

The other significant difference I have so far noted is that the 30-Volume edition begins with a one page anonymous preface, dated April 2, 2010, from the 中國藝術研究院音樂研究所 Research Institute of Music of the Chinese Academy of Arts. This is followed by the complete table of contents, as listed below, for the entire 30-volume set.

The first paragraph of the preface states that the publication project began in 1981 but for serious reasons publication ended after 16 volumes. Now, due to its importance, the China Book Company has decided to go ahead and publish the entire set. There is then mention of some works not included, adding that they may be published in future as additional volumes.

The second paragraph points out that Zha Fuxi had written prefaces for the later volumes and that these were published in 1995 in his Collected Writings about the Qin (comments for 42 handbooks are on pp.575-600, then for 98 more on pp.601-693). It says that these are what is used as the modern prefaces in the present edition, with some revisions.

The final paragraph gives vague thanks to people and organizations for help.

As for the rôle of Wu Zhao in editing these volumes, the newly written handbook prefaces at the front of some of the 16 volumes of the Qinqu Jicheng New Series, published between 1981 and 1991, indicate that 查阜西 Zha Fuxi was the editor but that 吳釗 Wu Zhao did subsequent editing. However, the complete 30 volume Qinqu Jicheng of 2010 removed mention of Wu Zhao.

吳釗 Wu Zhao (1935 - )
Second editor of Qinqu Jicheng. See
further details.

9. 琴曲集成 Qinqu Jicheng (Collection of Qin Melodies), Original Series
The original series, also published by Zhonghua Shuju, was published in 1963. Apparently two volumes were being prepared, but the second volume was never published. It was then superceded by the new series.

11. 琴曲集成 Qinqu Jicheng (Collection of Qin Melodies) (QQJC)
New series, 中華書局出版發行 Zhonghua Shuju Chuban Faxing, Beijing (Vol. 1 - 8) and Shanghai (Vols 9 - 17, except 15)
Replaced original Qinqu Jicheng
Superceded by 30 volume Qinqu Jicheng
(With the publication of the complete series in 2010, the information in this footnote is largely relevant as an explanation of the lack certain types of detail on the portions of this website written prior to 2010.) Apparently this series was originally planned to reprint all known surviving handbooks in 24 volumes.

This Qinqu Jicheng series begun in 1981 (originally planned as 24 or 30 volumes) stopped after Volume XVII, but with Volume XV also never published. As a result, it includes most surviving printed qin handbooks through 1802, none later. Although long out of print, Qinqu Jicheng volumes from this series can be found in libraries. Its page numbers are slightly different from those of the complete 30-volume set because the latter numbers pages between the reprints while the former did not.

It is not clear why publication of this series stopped after Vol. XVII was printed in 1991, with Vol XV never completed. What this meant, though, was that until the 2010 "complete" edition the series included all but seven of the known qin handbooks published through 1802 but none later. As for before 1802, if one also includes the handbooks published in Tong Kin-Woon's Qin Fu and in the Zhongguo Shudian facsimile editions, discussed below, then the only significant handbooks through 1802 still unavailable in reprint were as follows:

  1. Cungutang Qinpu (存古堂琴譜; 1726)
  2. Qinshu Qiangu (琴書千古; 1738)
  3. Qin Jian Hepu (琴劍合譜; 1749)
  4. Longyinguan Qinpu (1799 ?; photocopies were in circulation after 2000)

In addition, Buxuxian Qinpu (1556) was available only in a truncated version (photocopies of the full edition have circulated).

Zha's Guide seems to suggest all of these were in the 中央音樂學院 Central Academy of Music.

12. Early 諸城派 Zhucheng School handbooks (Proto-Meian or Mei An)
These are discussed further in a footnote to the page on Longyinguan Qinpu (ToC), which is said to be a predecessor of Meian Qinpu (ToC). Zha Guide classifies Meian school players as Zhucheng (see chart of traditional qin schools). Of those listed below only one (1839) is included in the 2010 new series.

  1. Longyinguan Qinpu (龍吟館琴譜 ; 1799? or ca. 1921?)
    2 folios, 8 pieces
  2. Qinpu Zhenglü (琴譜正律 ; 1839?; see above)
    1 folio, 14 pieces (only its Changmen Yuan and Pingsha Luo Yan are in Meian Qinpu; Zha Fuxi: first Shandong handbook since 1670); handcopy
  3. Tongyin Shan Guan Qinpu (桐蔭山館琴譜; ca. 1880?)
    ? folios, ? pieces; by Wang Xinyuan 王心源, a son of Wang Fuchang,
  4. Yuhexuan Qinpu (玉鶴軒琴譜; apparently short for 玉鶴軒琴學摘要 Yuhexuan Qinxue Zhaiyao)
    Not sure if these exist as separate titles for the same music (hear recording of its Ping Sha Luo Yan)

13. 琴府 Qin Fu, compiled by Tong Kin-Woon, Taiwan, 1971
See Table of Contents; also listed in bibliography.

14. Handbooks listed here but "niqqjc": not published in Qinqu Jicheng
At present these include the following (marked "niqqjc" above):
    (See 2010 contents and note combined handbooks in Vol.7 and Vol.12)

  1. Qin Yuan Yao Lu
  2. Longhu Qinpu
  3. Xinkan Zhengwen Duiyin Jieyao Qinpu Zhenchuan
  4. Yuguzhai Qinpu
  5. Xiangxuezhai Qinpu
  6. Qinzhi Shen Qiu
  7. Mingshengge Qinpu
  8. Yazhai Qinpu Zongji
  9. Shimengzhai Qinpu
  10. Shanxi Yucaiguan Yayue Jiangyi
  11. Jinyu Qinkan

Also not in Qinqu Jicheng are the handbooks published after 1946.

15. Surviving qin handbooks: availability
As of 2018 the 30-volume edition published in 2010 of 琴曲集成 Qinqu Jicheng could be ordered online in China for about ¥8,000. Chinese websites with .pdf copies of these volumes have come and gone, but as of 2019 the complete 30 volume set could be downloaded from Google drive, here:

Qinqu Jicheng

The site used to have copied out text versions along with the original. However, the site no longer functions, having been moved to an app called 爱古琴(iguchin), which seems subsequently to have been discontinued.

The original was in many ways like an online version of Zha Fuxi's Cunjian Guqin Qupu Jilan (CJGQCKJL), though without the index. The new version seems to need a subscription.

Many of these old handbooks have been reprinted in facsimile editions.

Further regarding my list above, volumes included in Qinqu Jicheng or Tong Kin-Woon's Qin Fu are indicated by number. Thus for Qinqu Jicheng I.2 means this listed handbook is the second one reprinted in Volume I. The list has been adjusted to take into account the 30-volume set published in 2010, but there certainly remain inconsistencies, particularly with regard to the page numbers.

References to Facsimile Editions
A number of qin handbooks are available in facsimile reprint. Most of these are being published by Zhongguo Shudian.

中國書店 Zhongguo Shudian (ZGSD)
Zhongguo Shudian (China Bookstore) has had a shop in Liuli Chang, an area of Beijing that sells books and curios. The address: 北京市宣武區琉璃廠東街一一五號 #115 East Street, Liulichang, Xuanwu District, Beijing (entrance on 南新華路 South Xinhua Street). Some of their facsimile reprints include new commentary on the handbooks. They list currently available facsimile reprints of qin handbooks on their website, Most of them can be found by searching under 书名 book name for 琴谱 (simplified characters). However, this search does not find volumes (e.g. Qinxue Rumen) which do not include "qinpu" in their title.

Table of Contents for the 30-volume edition of 2010

This collection has 139 pu through 1946 instead of the 150 above: see comment

第 1冊     (12 譜)

第 2冊     (2 譜)

第 3冊     (4 譜)

第 4冊     (3 譜)

第 5冊     (1 譜)

第 6冊     (5 譜)

第 7冊     (4 譜)

第 8冊     (4 譜)

第 9冊     (6 譜)

第10冊     (3 譜)

第11冊     (4 譜)

第12冊     (8 譜)

第13冊     (5 譜)

第14冊     (4 譜)

第15冊     (5 譜)

第16冊     (4 譜)

第17冊     (2 譜)

第18冊     (7 譜)

第19冊     (4 譜)

第20冊     (7 譜)

第21冊     (3 譜)

第22冊     (4 譜)

第23冊     (7 譜)

第24冊     (9 譜)

第25冊     (1 譜)

第26冊     (5 譜)

第27冊     (5 譜)

第28冊     (3 譜)

第29冊     (7 譜)

第30冊     (1 譜)

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